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Posts by patrick  

Joined: 3 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 May 2012
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 113 / In This Archive: 95
From: Poznan
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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8 Jan 2012
Study / Age for Med School in Poland [16]

Right, but is an 18-year-old ready to make such a decision? Becoming a doctor is a long serious process. American students percolate for four years doing an undergraduate degree and then decide if that's what they really want to do.
8 Jan 2012
Study / Age for Med School in Poland [16]

Please, let's keep the mudslinging down to a minimum between the Americans and everybody else.

If I understand it correctly, Poles go into med school basically at age 18, while Americans go and do a Bachelor's degree first and then are able start med school at age 22 or 23.

Pros and cons of each?
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Do they really spend their entire time in closed communities, never encountering someone who only speaks Arabic?

There is no need. It has nothing to do with being arrogant. You'd probably do the same.
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Polish is even easier. And medical students can hardly claim they aren't any good at learning things...

Bull!!! Our Polish friends here are wonderful people, but they don't learn Arabic because there is NO need.
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

I'm friends with a few of the Asians, great chaps - and they ridicule the Americans for being morons who don't even bother to learn some of the language.

Why is it that NONE of my Polish friends here in Saudi Arabia, after being here for years, don't speak ANY Arabic? Why?!? Because they are morons? No, because they don't need to.

This was a rant of mine while living in Europe; the insinuation that not learning a language is a sign of laziness.
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Again, totally normal in much of Europe. Anyway, if you arrive at Dworzec Glowny or Dworzec PKS - there are plenty of places to buy tickets. Actually - on a Sunday, you can buy tickets pretty much everywhere. It's not our fault if you ask for a ticket after being here for months.

Del I can support you on all your rebuttals, but sorry pal this is a justified rant.
5 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Lost Polish Passport--How To Obtain In The US? [8]

I'm just saying that when dealing with embassies, you need to be careful. What one consular officer says one day may not jibe with another on the next day.
5 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Are they saying this based on your appearance? I would guess if you're of Polish ancestry you look white.

This is the point exactly.

A Polish friend of mine got in a very hairy situation in San Francisco in which she thought she was going to be shot by a black man. However, she told him that although she had white skin, Poles have a black heart and therefore she was this guys 'sister'. It worked! He let her go. This is a true story.
5 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Lost Polish Passport--How To Obtain In The US? [8]

Speaking from experience in dealing with embassies and especially Polish ones, you need to get rock-solid information about what it is you need before you take any trips to any embassies. If you talk to anyone, get names, phone numbers, and document all contact that you have with them. Polish government offices are notorious for giving misinformation or that the information is simply open to the interpretation of the person you are dealing with on that particular day. You can also expect some ridiculous requirements. We are about to renew our five-year-old daughter's Polish passport in Saudi Arabia and I'm expecting nothing short of a hair-pulling-out experience. Good luck
2 Jan 2012
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

You may want to try buying coffee in bulk from one of those bulk-food stores like Selgros. In the States such places sell, for example, whole bean coffee from Starbucks but at a reduced price since you have to buy at least a kilo or two. I don't know if they sell decent coffee in bulk at Selgros, but it's worth a shot.
22 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

My favorite story about kids and cold temperatures comes from my non-Polish friend. He was in the kitchen with his Polish mother-in-law who was holding his son. As he was opening the door to the fridge, his mother-in-law said she was going to take the baby out of the kitchen on account of the fridge being open.
22 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

After living in Poland for eight years, it's back to the States with my Polish wife and little kids. It's tough in the States and it's tough in Poland, but I just think that in the big picture there will be more opportunities in life for us and the kids in the States. No I don't hate Poland and don't want to say anything nasty. No I don't want to play the "you ABCs are so XYZ" game. Yes Europe has a greater population and GDP than the States, but the chances of my kids finding work in Spain or Denmark while only speaking Polish and English are pretty slim. No nastiness or petty remarks, it just comes down to math.
19 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

Did you heed the warning? It is quite all right for you to crawl from under the rock or out of the hole you’ve been hiding all this time, the day is over now.

Wow I see the ol' anti-American sentiment is alive and strong in Poland. I'm not surprised; I had many more problems in the eight years I lived in Poland than in the five I have been in Saudi Arabia.
19 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

My basement was robbed (1000 euro worth wine)

If you've got a wine cellar and just use this place as some kind of holiday house, then you've got the cash to cover this. I understand that you feel scammed, but I think you're stuck. I am also a foreigner not living in Poland in the flat I own, and just got spanked for 2500 zlotys for an increase in the czynsz which I didn't know about. Suck it up and smile.

As far as selling the flat to get around paying it, good luck. Maybe if you sell the place without an agent to somebody who doesn't know that they have a right to proof that all bills are paid.
10 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

I received a warning from the American embassy in Warsaw that I need to avoid tomorrow's demonstrations since the groups involved are violent. I usually get this kind of bulletin warning of pending Al-Qaida attacks on the Arabian Peninsula. What's going down?
23 Oct 2011
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

simo007 I myself applied for Polish citizenship, but in the end chose not to take it. I just didn't see any advantage to having it. I have the staly pobyt already and it gives me everything I need. I also bought two flats in Poland even with czasowy pobyt, so I don't think that having citizenship really does much for you in that area unless things have changed. I wasn't judging anybody or insinuating that people go to Poland just to leech off of the EU, I just don't see the advantage of having a Polish passport. If you want it, go right ahead. No, prosze bardzo.
22 Oct 2011
Language / Naming / Nicknames for Aleksandra or Alexandra? [24]

Amathyst, for as many times as I've read your response, I can't make sense of it.

If a kid/person constantly has to say "no it's aleksandra, not alexandra" they may get sick of it.

It's my two cents.
22 Oct 2011
Language / Naming / Nicknames for Aleksandra or Alexandra? [24]

We named our son Aleksander when he was born in Poland, and now outside Poland he is one of those kids that always has to correct his name when people spell it wrong. Decide where he's going to grow up and choose that one.
22 Oct 2011
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

Why would you want to become Polish? This is not to say that there is anything wrong with being Polish, but why not just get the Staly Pobyt and be done with the paperwork for 10 years. What's the advantage to being Polish other than the benefits it would give you in the EU?
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

When I started teaching at a Polish university in 1999, I was shocked at how much the students tried to cheat. The whole ramming-the-information-down-the-students'-throats thing has always turned me off to Polish education. My students were very smart, but were practically forced to cheat. Tell me, what is the advantage of knowing the capital city of every country in the world?
15 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Most of you who are not Polish - why do you post here if you hate Poland so much .

There's definitely an edge to a lot of the comments on this forum, mine included. I lived and worked in Poland for eight years, and was often times frustrated there. Sometimes I have to remind myself of all the nice things that I experienced there.
15 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Consider this.

When I worked at a Polish university, I saw professors working in one or two other places besides their original place and earning lots of money. What do you think life is like in Poland for lecturers? THEY work two or three jobs just to keep the family fed and the lights on. Don't look to me for sympathy for those poor Polish professors.
6 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

The inside of the building is post-WW2, really. The outside is alright, but the place needs a lot of serious work. They just replaced all the water and gas pipes. There's also the roof to do and the stairwell. It seems to be a bit only when I take into consideration how much people earn in Poland.

inkrakow, you don't need to dig up old bills. Thanks though.
5 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

The place is 76m2. What you haven't included in your list is trash and scieki (as my wife calls it). There's also 300+ for the fundusz. I am not worried about the management company cheating me, because we get all those statements when we do make it back to Poland (we live in another country). It seems like 670 is pretty steep considering that a school teacher takes home about twice that a month. I'm just always blown away at how much stuff costs in Poland in comparison to what people earn.
5 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

Yes Teri we have all of those things, but is 670 a month a lot? And is it possible that the fundusz will someday stop? The reason I seem out of the loop on all this is that we live in a different country and manage the place from there. We're not always up on the current goings-on in the building.