In America we have our own set of left, and right, wing conspiracy nuts.
I would say so, most of them in government and media who allege others have weapons of mass destruction, the rest simply believers willing to start war on that premise alone. So what is a preemptive war if not pure aggression with a lame ass excuse concocted by the conspiracy nuts? Care to explain? That alone makes everyone more or less a conspiracy nut in the US.
So, if the Polish people do think so badly of America, and it's people, why compain about needing a visa?
Ah the age old delusion of grandeur. Do you have a reading comprehension problem or are you simply full of it? Most comments about US visa are made in the context of fair play. US should not have a special privilege when traveling to Poland, visa should be implemented in a reciprocal fashion for the US citizens when traveling to Poland, now **** off.
I must admit I found one complaint about Americans being overweight as funny.
You yourself complain about the fatties as it was pointed out by another poster here and want to charge them double for taking more space, we simply point out the obvious.
I find it disgusting that any Pole would still blame all the problems in the world on the Jews.
Are you insinuating something here? Perhaps refreshing your history lesson is in order? Likewise Gitmo is in Cuba but it doesn’t mean that what happens there is the fault of Cuban people or their idea.
OK, now I will put up my defense shield and wait for the first round of missles to land.
Ironic, isn’t it? As you have already fired the first shot, that must be that preemptive strike doctrine in you, something you Yanks are good at yet blame others for retaliation. Oh you poor Yanks.