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Posts by EdWilczynski  

Joined: 6 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 98 / In This Archive: 88
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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1 Sep 2011
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

There shouldn't be Mosque in Krakow.


Saudi Arabia allows Roman Catholics and Christians of other denominations to enter the country as foreign workers for temporary work, but does not allow them to practise their faith openly, and as a result Roman Catholics and Christians of other denominations generally only worship in secret within private homes. Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited. These include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols, and others.

The Saudi Arabian Mutaween (Arabic: مطوعين), or Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (i.e., the religious police) prohibits the practice of any religion other than Islam.

Now you tell me why it is okay to have a Mosque in Krakow?

Yes there should be, if people who live there want one. The only people who should get out of Poland are racist bigots who besmirch the good name of Poland.

So Saudi Arabia is a country full of racist bigots?
28 Aug 2011
Work / Any (Solely) Anglophones that work in any other field other than teaching English? [3]

My curiosity is killing me.........

I mean this board is strewn with English (practicing and prospective) teachers.

Are there actually any Anglophones that don't speak Polish and have careers in Poland in anything else but teaching English?

How difficult is it for you? What are your experiences? Is there any animosity towards you because you don't speak Polish?
26 Aug 2011
Law / How long is the waiting period after applying for Polish citizenship via marriage? [29]

I can't believe how many Polish girls there are that are gullible enough to marry people from countries like Nigeria, Pakistan and India and don't actually realise what (in many cases, not all) the motivation is.

I mean......this one is a classic:


This character is looking to come to Poland solely to marry a Polish girl and and obtain citizenship. It doesn't take the brains of an archbishop to work out where his next port of call would be armed with his newly obtained Polish passport.
17 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Family stabbed to death in St Helier. [40]

these things happen eveywhere. the wife spends all the money and her husband went mad .(that it)

You disrespectful knob!!

Since when did the death of women and children become a source of such twisted humour?
17 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / I need help!! (problems with my Polish coworkers) [41]

But, as a woman, can`t you bang them anyway?

It has another meaning in English.

To "bang" someone is like saying "punch" someone

Example....."I banged him out!!"
12 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish girlfriend is trying to claim working tax credit [12]

Well then, charge her for the room and that makes everything legal. Don't forget to give her a receipt so she can show it if need be. Make sure she pays you by check for purposes of record keeping.

Don't forget to declare it to the tax man.
9 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Best Mortgage Lender in Poland? [25]

I am paid in Swiss Francs and at the moment it makes sense for me to take a mortgage in CFH.

Are there any lenders who will lend in CFH right now?
8 Aug 2011
Work / Polish Salary and Tax [43]

Its an IT job in Wroclaw.

Do you mind me asking you what quals and years of experience you have.
7 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]


Immigrant free for all??

How many Indian, Pakistani, Black Afro-Carribean Poles do you know of??

How many Poles were holed up in camps at Calais do you know of?

Why the hell am I even debating this with you?

Post edited
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Having worked with enough Indians and having lived and travelled with enough Asian/Arab men to formulate a reasoned and balanced opinion the girl has a point. They do exude a certain odour which can be rather strong at times.

But back to your question......

Why is hoping to educate somebody arrogant?

Aside the fact that you think you are above those you define as Poland B and you imply they lack sufficient intellect, knowledge, experience, exposure, decorum for your liking you are also too stupid to be able to express yourself without resorting to profanities and expletives.

Good Night.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

racism has throughout history largely been a white on black thing.

I do believe you are confusing racism with race subjugation....No!?

I'm inclined to lean towards the opinion once a race is subdued then racism manifests itself. That is irrefutable. Let's be honest, Britain didn't decide to set sail around the world supressing the natives of those lands simply because of the colour of their skin. It was about furthering their self interests. It was about plundering the riches available. To be able to do this they had to crush any resistance and with that came the enslavement of the native/indiginous peoples. Of course only possible because in most cases we were more advanced than the nations we were conquering. Military ordnance against spears has only one outcome.

I also believe racism now is different to racism of yesteryear. The chai wallah then, was a member of a conquered people and would have been derided by his colonial master differently to how an Indian would be racially abused now for example. The Indian, the African are no longer subjugated or sold into slavery. Now, I think racism is more violent and hateful, whichever side of the divide.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

Poland is no different to any other country.

Poland is quite different.

Another tolerant paradise, different to Poland.

You need to read my responses in their entirety.

I made similar counter arguments when the OP suggested his country was virtually faultless and such events would never happen.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

nor do I say that Poland is racist based on one racist incident.

You may well not say this but the original poster did.

Nor even have I said that Egypt is a 'tolerant paradise'.

You may well not have said this either but again the original goes on to imtimate that in his country this incident would never have happened and yet we all know for a fact it has, it does and it will happen.

The fact remains, and I stand by my original point that he can't come on here saying he was wrong in his original preception that Poland was a racially tolerant, open minded country and after an unsavoury incident that its entire population were now actually one in the same as those that beat him.

It is sheer idiocy to claim that the entire population of 38 million plus Poles are racist.

What is worse is the fact that some fool then comes on here to defend his stance and goes on to state that Poland B are stupid and in need of education. Thereby, demonstrating the very same intolerance that saw the original poster racially assaulted (Assuming it was racist attack. It may be that they were just looking to beat someone for sport. We only have the original posters word that it was racially motivated).

I was living in Brussels up to a few months ago and was attacked by 4 moroccans on a tram. I dispatched of them easily and one now sports a nice scar that will remind him for the rest of his life of his stupidity. Do I now automatically label all moroccans as racist, intolerant and narrow minded???? Of course not. These 4 individuals were not representative of an entire nation no more than those that beat the original poster were representative of the average Pole.

It is the original poster who demonstrates a lack of understanding and open-mindedness.

Poland is no different to any other country. Racist attacks happen all over the world. They are a fact of life and occurs on both sides of the divide. Black/White, Muslim/Christian, Wallonian/Flemish, Hutu/Tutsi.........etc etc etc.
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

actually I would like to educate them all.

You differentiate between "Polska A i B" ....!?

Isn't that the very same kind of prejudice and intolerance you claim to have exploded over??

Educate them all?? How arrogant is that!!

By your logic ....All those defined as Polish B are stupid and need education.

Perhaps if the girl had said.....All Arabs smell so i'd like to wash them it would have been more palatable for you???
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

[quote=woodgey]Oh ha ha ha are you serious? Try typing 'Egypt' into google instead for a more reasonable test[/qoute]

No you're right.

Lets do it this way then....

Enter Polish burn christian in google then enter egyptian burn christian and compare the results.

That's a fairer comparison, no?

As I say, easy to come onto a public forum and conclude that Poland is not........ "a modern country with open brains (sic) and and great culture and open minded for other cultures around the world" when his own country has a history of terrible crimes against its own people and visitors to its country.....Luxor as an example.

The truth is the vast majority of Pole's wouldn't give two shites about him and would barely afford him the brain space to formulate an opinion of him.

One incident and the whole of Poland is labelled. He's an idiot!!
31 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

- ell

Great.....lots of video's showing crimes against muslims.

If I could be bothered i'd return in kind, but I can't be bothered.

How many Polish people are in Al-Qaeda??

How many Egyptians are in Al-Qaeda??


You come on here pointing the finger and deriding the Polish and yet your country is guilty of worse.

To quote you.....


30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Classic Englishman spurned by a Polish girl.

Poles can't take a hint. They were not invited and they are not welcome. The only English they need to know is England means Land of the English.

30 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

I am assuming that you are white. You have no idea what racism feels like- so unless you are a person of colour, you can't verify his story

So racism is a phenomena experienced by non whites only????

What a load of bollox!!

I'm milk bottle white and I am telling you now, I have been racially abused by non whites and whites. Unfortunately for them I am not a turn the other cheek type of guy.
30 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

am an egyptian guy living in poland and married to polish , there is something am facing here making our life not ok

Head over to google.

Type the following: egyptian burn christian

I think you will find that there is plenty of racism exercised by your Egyptian brothers and on a regular basis, with fire being the weapon of choice.

One horrific story describes the burning of 25-year-old Sabri Shihata and the subsequent stabbing of his father.

Yet you come on here and say "i thought poland is a modern country with open brains and and great culture and open minded for other cultures around the world , seems to me i was wrong"

Oh and do you remember a small place called Luxor?

Well back at ya buddy!!
14 Jul 2011
Language / How do Poles feel about foreigners learning their language? [105]

Are they like the French, who feel affronted when a foreigner confronts them in French, even though the foreigner's French pronunciation is wonderful and magnificent?

What a load of old nonsense!!!

I speak French, I learnt in Belgium, I speak it with an English accent and a degree of the Liege region accent.....and never ever ever have I faced any francophone that is anything but delighted to speak with me.

I also hear this:

An even bigger load of old nonsense!!!
13 Jul 2011
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

Truth is bitter. East europeans cannot digest that truth. You guys have problems with Chinese, Japs , Koreans too.
Better late than never. Otherwise you be poor and beg from us.

I'd like to meet you......i'd teach you some truths.....and it wouldn't require any dialogue.

Not many bavarians left these days are there? Being outbred by your Turkish colleagues arent you?
13 Jul 2011
Law / Maintenance & Rights: Polish mother & child in Poland, Irish father in the UK [57]

frustrated.....I am sorry to be so blunt....but.....without the irrevocable proof by means of a DNA paternity test stating you are the father.....what in the blue blazes are you doing???

Is there something you are not telling us? I mean, you are acting like a lamb to the slaughter.

If the little girl is yours then yes.....you do the right thing...of course you do.


You have to have it proven beyond all doubt that you are the father and should have been your first course of action.

You say it was a one night stand (at least that's what you intimate in your initial post) and that you wore protection.....well hello....the odds of her getting pregnant first time are quite low and if you wore protection then the odds are even lower.

Studies show that condoms can be as much as 97% effective at preventing pregnancy when they are used properly. Improper use or failure lowers that to around 86%. I am not a betting man but i'd definitely have a punt on you not being the father.

On picking up that phone the very first time....the first thing I'd have responded with would have been....PROVE IT!!!

I am a stand up guy and would NEVER dream of shirking my responsibilities but if things are as they say you are then you are need to wake up.

It's sad that the girl may potentially grow up without a father BUT if it turns out you are not the father then that is the position her mother put her in not you and you should not feel any guilt as a result.