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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
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wielki pan   
8 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

The vast majority of Poles abroad seem to be staying where the are,so would this not point to real estate prices remaining high. There was talk and speculation that they were returning home,but this seems to be untrue in reality.

Milky, If you were to believe reports from the UK that their economy is not looking good, I think many, many poles will be returning home..unfortunately in Poland, like other countries in the EU, they will experience a future shock in lay terms a king hit as Europe falls into recession. Its not looking good....the golden rule now applies don't fall into debt..
wielki pan   
1 Dec 2011
Work / Chemistry degree - what are my chances of finding work in Poland? [29]

Pam on a positive note, its not that expensive to live in Poland if you have little expectations and want to enjoy the Polish way of life....a lot of comments on this topic are from people who think that you need to earn 10000zl a month to survive, this is utter rubbish, a lot of people earn 1500zl a month and get on with life.. Poland is full of surprises especially if you have a pleasant nature.. Good Luck and give it a go...
wielki pan   
29 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

I welcome all suggestions, what to do with $100,000 today (investing in any currency).

Don't think I would want to invest in the zlote or euro....seems that currency investment is the way to go at the moment..
wielki pan   
29 Nov 2011
Work / Expected salary for an engineer in Poland? [24]

absolutely, dream on as they say in the movies... but understand this person may have earned 5 times as much where he comes from and to earn 3000zl is a bit below the belt..A lot of people cannot understand low income for professional occupations, but you have to understand everyone in Poland has a degree in some form or other...
wielki pan   
29 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

really, what about this!


I am 36 yrs of age and have just quit my good, secure job in Sydney because I decided the time is right to move to Poland and explore business opportunities. The immediate plan is to find a job teaching English and/or working for a company who may need people to service their English speaking clients but I will keep an open mind and consider any job to support myself. This should give me a pretty good idea to see how things work there and to familiarize myself on the local customs. I can speak basic Polish which is of course very advantageous but I am keen to improve and I am confidant it will. I also have family there so I won't be totally alone.

My ultimate goal is to setup a little cafe somewhere and build from there. I am also interested in the idea of setting up an import/export company but I will think about this more once I have established myself.
wielki pan   
29 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

I was so ignorant that I went cross-country skiing and trekking in the mountains instead!

Great stuff, ok when your young and fit, the point I was trying to make is that the climate the gentleman has in Australia is more user friendly than that in Poland... Winter is nice in its own way in Poland but this young turk has better things to do than gallivanting around the countryside, the dollar is on his mind and making a bucket full in Poland represents a challenge.
wielki pan   
28 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]


Really truly! you must be the only person who would enjoy a outdoor barbecue or a dip in the ocean in the freezing cold.

Whats your fav brand of Vodka W.P

Not a great fan of Vodka or rather not yet, my life has not yet reached a need to drown my sorrows...
wielki pan   
28 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

I must apply for citizenship before I can get a Polish passport is that correct?

Now Zac, you need to hasten to the scene slowly, firstly you don't want to live in a 40 sq unit in Poland, spending your lifetime picking your nose and sipping from a bottle of vodka asking yourself wtf am I doing here, with neighbors on either side/ up and down and drunks causing trouble in the stairwells...If you can't make it happen in Australia you will fail in Poland, You assume you need little capital to start a business in Poland, true but you will get little in return...In regard to Real Estate best to visit and form your own opinion about the property market, a lot of desperate property owners have bombarded this forum spreading nonsense about a property boom in Poland, this is not true...finally with regard to Polish citizenship, you can have both Polish and Australian... start by getting a Polish passport, you will need your parents birth certificate, (proof of birth in Poland) your birth certificate (certified in the form of a apostles) you will then get a pesel and then apply for a passport (process may take up to 6 months) and then apply for a NIP (this is a Tax file no) Good Luck.. Remember you will be living indoors for 8 months of the year due to weather conditions
wielki pan   
26 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

A family of 4 requires 10,000 PLN per month to live without school fees, car/mortgage and private health care.

hmmm, 10000zl plus is over the top,people earn 4000zl a month and are not starving, Wendle your giving young Zac a wrong perception of Poland, I don't personally believe Poland is a country for a young person to take up a career, cafe shops come and go with little profit and massive headaches and red tape...Stay in the land down under and just pay Poland a visit..listen to your mother for a change.
wielki pan   
24 Nov 2011
News / Greed rules the world; Czempinski (Poland's former Intelligence chief) arrested [21]

[quote=pip]and why do people get so agro when the Kaczynski's wanted to deal with all the corruption?

This is the tip of the iceberg...Look at all major Polish companies and note what person are involved....I get so angry and then people tell me to invest in Poland...don't think so...
wielki pan   
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

Sell the apartment since I can only see the situation worsening in regards to the building

What kind of advice is this, CZYNSZ is paid in all common apartments and our friend grubas has correctly explained the other options... czynsz covers maintenence, repair to outside of the building, and in some instances heating... it doesn't matter if you live in the apartment or not you are liable for czynsz....
wielki pan   
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

The dream of owning a home is possible- but buying beyond ones means is stupid and dangerous

Not in Poland, I agree though its horses for courses, those flats in real terms should be worth only 120,000 zl, because in other countries it takes somebody on low income to purchase this type of accommodation..Homes/apartments will not fall to such levels in Poland, meaning a fair percentage will never be able to own there own..This seems to be the situated now in many countries where real estate has gone thru the roof...If there is a economic downturn in Poland a taste what might happen may be indicated in countries such as Ireland, Spain, Italy and Greece.
wielki pan   
16 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Why should somebody who works minimum wage at Biedronka buy a 80 m2 apartment?

A bit of a nasty comment, why shouldn't he, 80 m2 is not luxury living, are you telling me people on low income will never own a house...lets be honest a 40m2 plus apartment (unrenovated) for under 300,000zl is pretty expensive..lets say renovations could cost up to 50,000zl...If a persons takes home pay is 3000zl a month minus living expenses it leaves little to think about buying a property...
wielki pan   
15 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

This is what a first home in Warsaw should look like if you are younger or around the age of 30.

you seem easy to please, those flats are very small and in need of renovations and in fact are pretty expensive for average wages, by the time a person pays off the loan it will be time for retirement...
wielki pan   
7 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

a) You know nothing about Poland and things Polish. Have you even been here?b) The original poster said nothing at all about her tastes, expensive or otherwise. Clearly you are jealous that some people make money which you can only dream of

Q1, Yes

Q2, Yes
wielki pan   
6 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

want to avoid estimation mistakes before we decide about relocation.

you may be very sorry for coming to Poland on this sort of money....think twice...people who have expensive tastes do not last long in Poland...
wielki pan   
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

The pilot is certainly a skilled professional and definitely a hero.

Absolutely skilled and a professional, but not a hero. He was doing his job, which he did very well...The next question to be asked is how good is aircraft maintenance at LOT??? hmmm I hope not another example of cost savings and shortcuts!
wielki pan   
26 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

"TIME TO BUY" Wayyyy..if you have funds.. but

Money is king in times of recession, I suppose those who are forced to sell will loose, the others will hold till the good times reappear, at any rate just look what happened to real estate in Ireland and Spain.
wielki pan   
25 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Polish hospitals don't starve anyone. sometimes the food is ok.i've never heard of or seen anyone using their own bedding.

Sure, one of my relatives was in hospital (small town) we had to change her sheets and bring additional food not a nice place to be in but nothing wrong with the hospital staff..
wielki pan   
25 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

wielki pan: you couldn't have chosen a more ironic nickname for yourself

Good example that the pen is mightier than the sword!! Sorry to have stretched the friendship Foreigner4 I have have not attacked you personally, just stating a point of view.. Malpractice in the medical system occurs in every country, theres probally more claims in a country like the United States. I hold my ground in what I have said, like in any other country people who can afford it should take out private cover, everyone knows that Hospitals in Poland are no 5 star hotels, no toilet paper, have to buy your own medications, if fact a lot of people have their meal and bed sheets brought in by family or friends... we all know that... it has always been the case. I don't like hearing people having a one eye opinion of the Hospital system as I don't like people saying Poland has the worst drivers including having ones cars damaged only occurs in that country.
wielki pan   
25 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

what a shame, I was counting my winnings already... 50% I don't know, certainly not across the board...One thing is for certain is the current economic crisis in the EU is not good and could be a wild card in what happens with the real estate market... I don't think banks will be lending money to people on moderate income in poland to purchase apartments at 600,000zl. If a recession new hits Europe, Poland will not be buffered from it... one can only expect the worse.
wielki pan   
25 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

Cannot wait till you give us a sermon about polish drivers like you did about doctors ...is there anything good about Poland.
wielki pan   
25 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

prices from 6,758 to 15,500 brutto zl/sq meter

Lets just see how fast these properties sell Mr Moderator...will they still be for sale in 2years time? you wouldn't like to put a little wager on it?
wielki pan   
24 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

It suggests a person's right to say what they think changes depending on if they are "from" a place or not.

lol... when you came to Poland you must have done your homework and worked out what the medical system was like, options
1. Accept it... 2... take out private cover.3... shake the dust off your shoes and leave.. There are many people who love Poland and or would love to live there. You are pathetic... what right have you being a quest of a country to have such a attitude...
wielki pan   
24 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Sorry, it was actually aimed at wielka pan.

Thanks, understand that Poland compares pretty well to medical systems of other countries, keeping in mind that Poland is not as rich as those countries, I'm sure a person living in the Ukraine would view the health system in Poland as excellent, people like you magpie have strange expectations, which I find very annoying. Horror stories in the hosptial system occur everywhere. If you want something better well its only a question of digging a bit deeper in your pocket and forking out. I just find it disgusting that a foreigner would be critical of the public health system, If a pole was critical of the public health system in GB etc he would be told to go back where he came from.
wielki pan   
23 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Or does that serve her right for not paying bribes in advance...just in case? Pigsarse.

why pay a bribe if people don't know what there doing...suggest you take out private insurance, by all accounts its types like you who can afford it...in most systems there's always a few flaws but generally speaking its a good system...let those who are critical have a hard look how bad the health system is where they come from... silence is deafening!

for a stubborn spouse you living in a land freaking you dont like...GTF out of poland and live in your canadian shithole.You think the canadian system is better>?why do you guys die to come to USA and live there,get jobs there so you can get paid well?

I take your point but no need for the bad language, it ceases to amaze me the nerve of those people who come to Poland and spend all day complaining about the system, if you don't like it get out The reason why he is staying because he knows hand on heart that life in Poland is good and beats the place he has come from.
wielki pan   
23 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

"It is expected that this summer (or even by late autumn), the government will pass a new act granting families financial support for buying a house."

I wonder how much? The governments has been promising a lot, I suppose this will be funded by the EU...