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Joined: 3 Nov 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 17 Aug 2022
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 639 / In This Archive: 518
From: East Coast, USA
Speaks Polish?: tak

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5 Dec 2011
Language / Wołu & bawołu? [8]

Are wołu and bawołu the only two exmaples of a -u ending in the genetive and accusative singular of an animate masculine noun?

"Oczko mu sie odlepilo, temu misu" :)
4 Dec 2011
Language / Word for 'deadline'? [14]

What is the significance of the ' (apostrophe) in deadline'm?

Looks like some nonsense to me. The translator applied the Polish miejscownik ending to the English word.

I would just say "zdążyć przed terminem".
27 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Do Pol/Ams celebrate Black Friday and other American festivals? [18]

Did you attend the last Black Friday festival in US? It looks like big fun, warm, family holiday.

That's the one day in the year, when Americans get the taste of how was it like to live in communistic Poland. You get up in the middle of the night, get into the line, but you have no idea what you will get buy at the end, and most of all, there will not be enough for everyone.

PS. Do Americans go to work on the day?

No, most people have off, except of course for the retail.
24 Nov 2011
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

Is it a "good luck" or a genuine good luck Jonny?

I think the lady got a pretty good deal provided both males are hetero-, or bisexual.
23 Nov 2011
Life / Pregnant - do Polish parents want to know the sex of the baby in advance? [17]

it is the one true surprise left. we didn't find out but most of our polish friends did. i am not polish.

Exactly. We found out the sex with my first born. With the second one I knew what's coming, so we didn't find out to get at least one surprise.

However, many of dreams come true, and I was dreaming at least once a week about getting a blond boy and there he was a couple of months later. So I sort of knew the second time around as well.
16 Nov 2011
Po polsku / Światopogląd polskiej młodzieży? [14]

Szczerze, to ja też szczerze wątpię, że jaram.

Hi, hi, powszednia kalabala z tym Havokiem. Jak mu sie nie przytaknie, to on zaraz, ze sie go nie rozumie, albo, ze sie mu zazdrosci.

A jesli chodzi o Polska mlodziez, to na przykladzie latorosli z mojej rodziny musze powiedziec, ze nic sie nie zmienilo porownujac moje czasy, czyli w skrocie: trzeba cos z tym zyciem zrobic, zeby dobrze zyc, ale czy Maciek na pewno mnie kocha?
4 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

The whole hero buzz around him is probably awkward for him, but there nothing wrong for people to admire his professionalism and ability to keep cold head in a critical situation.
7 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]


Placki ziemniaczane, various types of pierogi, Polish salads, many different soups, pyzy,/kopytka/kluski Śląskie, a wide range of cakes/doughnuts/pancakes... there's lots of non-meat/fish dishes/foods in Polish cooking.

It's just carbs, no protein. The protein usually comes from meat. Polish cuisine doesn't utilize beans in too creative way.
7 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

I've been trying to introduce my friends to Polish food. Last month they found my stuffed cabbage too bland. Last night I made it again, this time with green chile sauce. They must have liked it, because at the end of the night it was all gone. Is that fussion?

The best ever recipe for stuffed cabbage I got from "Joy of cooking", the 1997 edition. I usually make them for all pot-locks and people can't get enough. The sauce calls for a carrots, onions, celery, tomatoes, stock, white wine and it's spectacular. My mother would usually mix some tomato paste with water and pour it over the stuffed cabbage, and that was bland.

So the key is to explore and get it out of your head that your mom's way was the best.
5 Sep 2011
Food / "Modern" Polish cooking (funny video clip) [21]

=catsoldier]More "modern" polish cooking

lol, I thought the Spanish in the background was a nice touch...

didn't make up for the filthy kitchen however...
1 Sep 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

When the guests yell "Gorzko, gorzko" (bitter, bitter) that means you have to kiss the bride.

Here are the catholic church vows:

Ja, (name here) biorę sobie ciebe (name here) za męża / żonę
(I, _____ take you ___as a husband/wife)

i obiecuję ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską, oraz że cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci.
(and I promise you love, faithfulness and marital honesty, and that I shall not leave you until death)

Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boze Wszechmogący, w Trójcy jedyny i wszyscy Święci.
So help me God Almighty, one in Trinity and all Saints
19 Aug 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

Loved your Anka story, Rybnik. I had a friend in a relationship with a controlling woman like that. This poor guy married her. I'm wondering if they are happy. I've lost touch with them. He was a doctor too.
19 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o "Dekalog"? [9]

a wczesny Zamachowski? ;)

No kwintesencja lovelasa!

Tak mi się własnie przypomniało; kiedy bylam na studiach chodziłam na jakiś festiwal polskich filmow, i zazwyczaj po filmie aktor, który grał głowna rolę wychodził na scenę i odpowiadał na pytania publiczności. Jeden z tych filmow był z Zamachowskim. Nie pamiętam tytułu, ale coś takiego o rodzinie, gdzie matkę przejechał samochód, dostala sie do jakiegos koszmarnego nieba i bardzo chciala wrocic do męża (Zamachowskiego), ale musiala wrocic w innym ciele. Bardzo fajny film, ale jakos nie zrobil furrory w Polsce.

Tak wiec po filmie Zamachowski wyszedł na scenę, usiadl po turecku, i od razu kazał na siebie mówić Zbyszek. Pamietam, że miał na sobie T-shirt, jeansy i cielaki (pamietacie cielaki?). Był taki słodki i tak fajnie odpowiadal na te pytania że pozniej przez kilka dni chodzilam w nim zadurzona. A filmem z nim nigdy nie pogardzę do tej pory.
16 Aug 2011
Real Estate / How bad was it? '' a 'luxury' apartment with electricity and heating" [21]

That textbook was published in 1983 and can still be bought new on Amazon for $35.

I've taken some Swedish classes in the 90ties. We've used a book that was reprinted in the early 90ties as well. We've learned that Mr. Angstrom has a black-and-white TV set, and Mrs. Svenson has a color TV set. So my point is, it's always good to look at the original publishing date. I can image US doesn't have a big market for Polish learners so the textbooks might be just old, and the selection might not be that great.
14 Aug 2011
Love / Should I bring gifts? - help with a Polish wedding [46]

I've seen wedding invitations where obscene amounts of money have been demanded - in one case, 500PLN!

I've never seen in my life. Did they put a price tag on the invitation? If people do that it is indeed tasteless.

(thankfully, I got plenty of presents at my own reception and very little money)

Funny how you say "I got" and "my own reception". Did you get married to yourself?
Either way, congratulations. Seems like a new development :)
14 Aug 2011
Love / Should I bring gifts? - help with a Polish wedding [46]

Not really. We have been to a wedding two weeks ago. The couple was not registered anywhere, and everyone brought an envelope. They've been living together for two years, so they most likely have the toasters, spoons and what not. I think giving money is just simple and practical.
13 Aug 2011
Life / "Jan Serce" - TV Serial [11]

Merged: Jan Serce - the last Polish romantic

For those who aren't familiar with Janek, Jan Serce is a TV series from the early eighties about a guy who is searching for his soul mate. He is in my opinion the last truly romantic character churned out by Polish TV. The series also gives you a fairly good idea of the life in Poland in the late 70ties, before the miracle bubble popped.

The whole series is on youtube, this is the first part. I'm half way through the series, and I have to say I like it even more than last time I've watched it.


5 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

I have a question to Americans: when kids in the USA learn on math lessons adding/subtraction/multiplication/division of fractions?

Here is what I gathered from my son's education so far:
They are supposed to count up to 100 by the end of Kindergarten (0 Grade). They are also familiarized the concept of addition and subtraction, but there is no pressure on knowing anything particular.

By the end of first grade they have to know all addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and are familiarized with adding and subtracting higher numbers.

By the end of second grade they are supposed to know how to add and subtract any number and are familiarized with fractions, multiplication, and division concepts.

So I'm guessing they will focus on fractions, multiplication and division in the third grade.
5 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

it's the general level of educaion. Which in Poland is extremely poor.

I don't think Polish education is extremely poor. It's just different than American. I would say the American students acquire more skills and when it comes to knowledge it's just general concepts, the Polish students learn more knowledge and it's more in-depth. The college classes 101for example biology, chemistry, physics, etc. in America is just high school material in Poland.
5 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

No, I've never traded any financial instruments excluding the black hole that my money seems to fall into. And I'm so hopeless with money because I was never taught how to handle it. Most of the kids from the school will not become stock traders anyway. But they will understand how the stock market works and how to invest in case they decide to use something like eTrade.
5 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

Here is an example from the high school that I know very well. It is a public high school, which ranked in the top 100 in the state. The school obtained a software that could simulate stock trading. The students operated with real data but invested fake money. Then in the classes they discussed with the teacher what influenced their high or low scores.

Also, they did a lot of interdisciplinary projects, like for example in the art class they designed a logo for their company, they wrote a text for their company's brochure in the language art class, made some simple business plan in some other classes. Also they had a wide array of classes that taught them a particular practical skill, like public speaking, home economics, cooking, etc.
5 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

When it comes to acquiring knowledge that will be useful later in life, American education is superior. It's based on problem solving, it includes very little memorizing, the kids learn how to research very early and do a lot of projects simulating later professional life.
3 Aug 2011
Love / Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive: [162]

foreigner: if you look anything remotely close to any of those women in the video then you have major issues with your diet.

Who said I look like them? But even though I excercise and watch my diet, I'm not super skinny. It's just not as simple for some people.

I said the girls in the video look decent and they aren't big. They just look normal.

The best part is that our taxes already go into the heavy subsidized crops, which are used to produce the crappy food. And as you mentioned, we will pay jet again for the next stage of the process.
3 Aug 2011
Love / Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive: [162]

Seriously, if you find all of those those women big, you'd better revise your healthy cooking advice. It should be "steam some kale and have it for dinner".