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Posts by Meathead  

Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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13 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / British people more intelligent than the Poles? [53]

Most other IQ surveys show that Poland is generally far below most of central and western Europe.

Germany has much more representation in the sciences because they've been politically much more stable than Poland. Poland has been occupied for about a quadzillion years which doesn't encourage research. Poles are intelligent, but it doesn't mean that they're right or they make the right decisions. They've had a difficult time governing themselves over the centuries. But that is no indicator of the populations' intelligence.
13 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / British people more intelligent than the Poles? [53]

Having travelled between Poland and English world, I noticed the crossword puzzles in countries outside UK to be fairly low level.

The English are highly literate but I don't know if that's an accurate measure of intelligence. Are they bright?
27 Dec 2013
News / British teacher stabbed in Poland [116]

Sadly people get stabbed at house parties all the time all over the world.

Funnily enough, I've never been to a house party where anyone got stabbed.

" after the unprovoked attack.

He was one of four colleagues who were knifed during a flat party when several men burst in shortly after neighbours had complained about the noise. "

call me picky, but "unprovoked", "burst in" and "after neighbours had complained about the noise" seem ... extra. I guess once they're taken out there isn't too much to say.

Get a grip everyone, no one deserves to die because they're at a loud party. Frickin ridiculous posts.
19 Dec 2013
News / The EU's plans for Poland. [10]

Poland has coal and could be self sufficient using it, but will be told not to to benefit the planet (world leaders), meanwhile always trying to catch up with the latest fad and never getting ahead. Like people who spend to have the latest.

Just cause you use coal doesn't mean you have to pollute. Coal can be liquified or gasified and the carbon dioxide captured. But instead of using its resources Poland chases nuclear energy (go figure).
18 Dec 2013
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

And that obviously has nothing to do with Poland boardering with Germany :-)

Yes, Poland bordering Germany and the fact that there is such a disparity in wealth between Germany and Poland. Women are attracted to large check books.
15 Dec 2013
USA, Canada / If you moved from US to Poland, could you please share your experience? [16]

I've made the move the other way not that long ago after several years in Poland and the UK, and based on my own experiences I would argue just the opposite. I too often find customer service here focused purely on going through the motions, rude, half-assed and just plain incompetent. Poland fairs better in my opinion (UK would top the list).

You're in New York.
12 Dec 2013
Language / I need advice - how long does it take to learn Polish? [70]

Yes, the English are more discriminating. It reflects their culture. How Americans perceive the world reflects their cultural outlook (a lot of people from everywhere living together and because you don't know how your neighbor is going to react you play nice, stay optimistic and ignore the bad stuff. Kinda like Homer Simpson).

Can all posters please keep to the thread topic
11 Dec 2013
Language / I need advice - how long does it take to learn Polish? [70]

I think most Europeans see the "American way" as a manipulation of psychology in order to gain a profit: Americans are insincerely nice, just so they can make money. And I can see why they would despise this.

If people are stupid or if they act stupid they are stupid. If people are nice or pretend to be nice they are nice.

Do foreigners really get annoyed at this kind of thing, when someone says it to them? Or is it just about having to learn what exactly to say that frustrates foreigners?

Foreigners think that if you are trying to be nice you're insincere. Americans aren't insincere, they're just trying to get along.
10 Dec 2013
Language / I need advice - how long does it take to learn Polish? [70]

True, customer service is an American thingy. Poles, they are abrupt. It's not good or bad, it's in their DNA. If a Pole has a hard time assimilating into American Culture that's the main reason.

Even Delph's replys accentuate the differences between American English and British English. The Brits are much more literal (I think that's the way to describe it) Americans are more conversational, so the Polish abruptness doesn't bother the British as much. American conversational mannerisms bother a lot of foreigners.
9 Dec 2013
Law / Married to a man from Poland, moved abroad - Polish citizenship? [14]


Just curious but it appears you dislike living in Switzerland. What don't you like about living in Switzerland? I mean Switzerland has to be one of the wealthiest European countries and Poland is one of the poorest.
5 Dec 2013
Food / Are eggs in Poland refrigerated/not refrigerated? [33]

Since salmonella is easily killed with high temperature, we are inundated with warnings about undercooked food.

I even bake my dog's food before I serve it to him (to avoid salmonella of course!).
29 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Meathead when was the last time you went to church?

I avoid attending Church as much as possible. I can't say how long it's been, 5 years? ten? maybe more.

I try to lead a Christian life.
26 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

You make it sound like the UK has a plague of mentally ill people roaming the streets like zombies. How do you know that these people are all mentally ill, and not

...being typically English!

Here WielkiPolak, let me try to explain what people are trying to tell you..."Intolerance is a sin."
17 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Former minister admits UK messed up on immigration [78]

Actually I am sick of it - British people are not 'lazy'

The British working class are not lazy. What they are,,,is uncooperative due to the Class system. It's all they have left, it's a sign of independence. The upper classes didn't bring in the immigrants just because they wanted lower wages, they did it to stick the Working class. It's that constant tit for tat that goes on between the classes.

When I'm in England or watching an english show of some sort it always amazes me the quality of people living in the Council Estates. If they were in the States they'd be managing a department store or something. In England they're just a wasted Human resource. So you have a problem with the "Lazy English"? Bring 'em to the States, at least they have a sense of humor, unlike the Mexicans.
15 Nov 2013
News / Emigration from Poland (2.1m Poles are living abroad, most within Europe) [37]

It's annual event. Says nothing about the government.

What's the social conditions for the rioting? Which is what the comments in the article were saying. I'm not arguing here or trying to make a point but I was surprised at the rioting, I thought Poland was socially stable.
12 Nov 2013
News / Emigration from Poland (2.1m Poles are living abroad, most within Europe) [37]

Yes. If you look at the - for instance - gazeta.pl forums, you'll find that emigrants have a habit of painting Poland as some sort of terrible place.

The violence in Warsaw verifies the complaints in the comments section. Poland has a difficult time governing itself. There appears to be a lack of civic responsibility.
30 Oct 2013
USA, Canada / Only one county in the USA has more Polish-Americans than any other group! [38]

According to data from the US Census Bureau, in those counties there are either more African Americans or more German-Americans than Polish-Americans.

Many Poles who immigrated had German citizenship due to the partition and therefore are counted as German.
15 Oct 2013
Real Estate / How the Poland property market became a HUGE bubble [35]

Not a single country has made any attempt to leave the Euro and one country has joined after the crisis.

The European elite like the idea but have the people voted?

That's why the Swiss had to spend a considerable amount of money pegging the Franc to the Euro because their exports were being destroyed by the strength of the Franc, wasn't it?

Your question makes my point. The Swiss have pegged their franc to the Euro so that it won't appreciate and affect their exports and imports. They're doing it to protect their economy. Greece, Spain and Italy do not have the same luxury as they are tied to the Euro, thus 50% youth unemployment.
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

I think there is something wrong with a system when almost 94% of the 27% of the capitol city that voted, want her out, but because the others don't give enough of a **** to vote, she stays.

In a democracy it's assumed that if you don't vote than your vote is in the majority, not the other way around. 25% or whatever is certainly enough to gage the mood of the electorate. It appears that the powers-that-be came up with a shyster idea to keep her in office. And btw I don't have a dog in this fight as I don't know who is who, but saying that a vote is invalid because not enough people went to the polling place stinks to high heaven. Poles need to learn how to govern and part of that is giving up power when one loses an election.
14 Oct 2013
Real Estate / How the Poland property market became a HUGE bubble [35]

So far I believe it is better for us E.U. members to be together than not to be.

Oh yeah? Norway and the Swiss are thriving. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Greece are suffering greatly due to being handcuffed by the strong Euro. England would be better off nurturing it's common market. Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Poland have yet to accept the Euro. Not much evidence for your assertion.
6 Oct 2013
Love / Do Polish guys tend to take things slow with regards to sex? [44]

Polish guys do not tend to take things too slow ;-)

I think Polish guys are highly sexed, and very out there with it.

I thought my comment would get a "rise" from a few of you.

they will absolutely wait for the signal (they are proud that way).

Yeah a signal like you can ask him, "what do Scottish men wear under their kilts?"