Also PISA scores are reliable to assess national intelligence :
the latest 2012 PISA scores :
China cheats PISA authorities by submitting dates from some cities not a whole country , that`s why you have to disregard chinese cities or regions , if Poland gave away scores from Warsaw . Krakow or PoznaĆ our country might be the first .
China is Cheating the World Student Rankings System
Enough is enough: Beijing must supply national data to assessors and not simply the results of a small minority of elite students
Read more: World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | kings-system/#ixzz2qDQ6GUTi
In the latest PISA ranking ( disregarding scores from cities or regions of racial groups , Poland ranks 9-th with 1 point below Canada . Having in mind that countries like Lichtenstain are like cities ( 36 000) , Estonia (1.3 mln) Polish school students scored incredibly well for a nation of 38 mln. Countries with similar population scored far , far behind including UK , Germany , France , Spain .
The scores of large populated countries are like that :
1 South Korea 2 Japan 3 Poland ( 38 millions and 4 Canada 34 millions)
Poland and Canada scored the same but more Polish children were taking tests so I value higher Poland as more populated country and this factor impedes final performance of highly populated coutries like US for example .