6 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]
Aha, that explains a lot... and I just thought my Czech was rubbish, lol. What always also gets me is the randomness with which Czech/Slovak words are similar to Polish (or not).
Like breakfast is śniadanie in Polish, snídaně in Czech, but raňajky in Slovak (though you can work out that it's something to do with the morning if you know Polish). But then cellar is piwnica in Polish, pivnica in Slovak, but is sklep in Czech (which in turn is "shop" in Polish, but shop in Czech is obchod, lolz: ) ).
You've got to love false friends! :)
Slovak comes across as a sloppy form of Czech with lots of slang. Not sure how it evolved, but that's probably one of the reasons that Slovaks usually don't have a problem understanding Czechs, but quite a few Czechs have serious problems understanding Slovak.
Aha, that explains a lot... and I just thought my Czech was rubbish, lol. What always also gets me is the randomness with which Czech/Slovak words are similar to Polish (or not).
Like breakfast is śniadanie in Polish, snídaně in Czech, but raňajky in Slovak (though you can work out that it's something to do with the morning if you know Polish). But then cellar is piwnica in Polish, pivnica in Slovak, but is sklep in Czech (which in turn is "shop" in Polish, but shop in Czech is obchod, lolz: ) ).
You've got to love false friends! :)