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Joined: 27 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Feb 2010
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8 Jul 2008
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

ere there is a visa exemption (but Russia is - weird eh)

No, not really because when there was Communism in Eastern Europe, Russia was not one of those eastern European countries that made everybody pay for a visa and then screw the tourists for daily official currency exchanges. Have you forgotten those good old days of the Polish PEWEX shop where everybody had to queue up for decent coffee and tea? It always seems beyond me that the poles are the first to complain about paying for visas yet they were always the first to introduce them themselves when it was to their own advantage. A really funny lot the Poles if you ask me!
2 Jul 2008

'To bless' plus the genitive case or 'to give one's blessing to someone or something' plus the dative case.
11 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / Posting from UK to Poland....not good! [53]

It is well known that the Polish Post office is full of thieves. Lots of things go missing. I have heard that it is safer to have things sent to firm's addresses as it has a higher chance of arriving but to private homes? No way, Jose!!
22 Apr 2008
Study / The reputation of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. [52]

Two week residential at Krakow summer school is approx $650 + travel/food.

Actually, that is still cheaper than I thought it would be. Do you know by any chance how much the longer courses are, that is, if they are still running? In the 1980's a six week course including three meals a day was about £600.
21 Apr 2008
Study / The reputation of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. [52]

I'm a 34 yr old warehouse worker looking for a two week intensive Polish language course.

I far as I am aware, the courses in Kraków are now very expensive indeed and are not worth the money. You can buy a good course and study at home for far less. However, on these courses you can meet some interesting people, many from the United States of America either of polish extraction or other people simply interested in language and culture. To pay well over a thousand pounds (and I think these courses now cost over a thousand pounds) for a month in Kraków is simply insane. You will learn in a month almost nothing anyway.
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

Yes, her simplified transliteration is acceptable but, like Arabic and Japanese, there is no official transliteration so you must either learn the official alphabet or not try at all.
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

No. The Russian word is перестройка.

Had you read what I had wrote then you would have seen that I had written in Latin script the exact same thing. It is pjerjestroika-that is how it is written.
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

very reasonable post for a change. It is nice to read a comment of somebody with brains.

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In actual fact, very few Poles died in active service in World War 2. A few died from 'friendly fire' as the Russians had to fight their way westwards through Warsaw towards Berlin but the truth is, most died from natural causes in the labour camps from dysentery and other common diseases.
25 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

There is the Polish word jakiś that is used for this purpose in both spoken and written Polish.
20 Mar 2008
Language / A good place to start learning Polish? [29]

o you have any suggestions about good places to start learning? I was thinking of Rosetta Stone. What do you think

I have never seen this course but it is a complete no-no and very expensive too. It is a waste of money learning Polish just for Christmas. Try your local library-there might be a colloquial Polish course or a copy of Teach Yourself, both excellent beginners courses and free too when taken from the library!
26 Feb 2008
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

on't you think that its a kind of discrimination against foreigners?

The Polish Nation is very nationalistic and will only employ similar people. Mind you, there are a lot of nasty Poles in England now. You only have to watch programmes like Crimes Watch U.K. to see the number of murderers and child abusers who are being caught by their D.N.A. and are being brought back to England and given life sentences.
19 Feb 2008
Work / International House - Kracow school - any chances of being offered a job there [59]

If you check on availability on the internet you could book a place and do it overseas in Barcelona in Spain or even in Prague in the Czech Republic. You may find it a little cheaper that way too and have the bonus of experiencing life overseas at the same time. Who knows, you may even get offered a job by the course provider after the course ends.
18 Feb 2008
Work / International House - Kracow school - any chances of being offered a job there [59]

International House does run teacher training courses but those

They certainly used to because once, a long time ago, I even went to London, to International House in London's Piccadilly for an interview. In those days they ran the Preparatory certificate, as it was called in those days of the Royal society of Arts. I think it has since amalgamated and is now called CELTA. I am certain that in my time International House ran TESOL courses and that if you got a grade B then you were classified as immediately employable by International House around the World.
16 Feb 2008
Work / International House - Kracow school - any chances of being offered a job there [59]

Is there anyone here who has studied or taught there?

International House is a total con and you should steer well clear of this organization. International House makes a lot of money by running English Language classes all taught by student teachers. This brings in lots of money for International House as students of English pay money for the privilege of these so called lessons and the English Language Student Teachers are also paying for the privilege. It is not good and I would not recommend either International House or a TESOL job in the first place. You can get a job teaching the English Language without any sort of training whatsoever. If you want to live in Poland and live on a hundred pounds a month so well be it but I think its just exploitation. Members of the Polish youth can be very rude in class too.
1 Feb 2008
Love / I fancy a polish girl from my school! [139]

Love is blind and you can end up being very hurt indeed. if you are very wise you can see over the top of this as I always do now. I will be nice to a Polish girl but I always stay in control of my own feelings. Fall in love with a Polish girl? Who, me? Not on your life!!
1 Feb 2008
Love / I fancy a polish girl from my school! [139]

Sadly, I have never gone out with a Polish guy, I have never been invited out! However, but I know polish women well from my old Moscow days. They can be very nice on their own but when they get together you see how two faced they are and my God, how klicky too!
1 Feb 2008
Love / I fancy a polish girl from my school! [139]

Yes she is in my school and my year. We went on this walk together and she kept smiling at me and laughing at the things I said but she couldn'tnreally understand me too much. I was just wondering if you have any translations of things like do you want to go out at the weekend, you are beautiful and anything like that. Thx for rplying.!

Sometimes a lack of understanding can bring people together as well as keep them apart. I know this from personal experience. Sadly as the expression goes, as that glitters is not gold' and there will be serious issues of difference of culture. I would never suggest to anyone that it is a good idea to get too close to a Polish girl and that goes for members of my own family too.
30 Jan 2008
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

Every time i watch any movie on television, its really hard for me to understand, as both languages are being used simultaneously :(
are there any other persons like me who hate such thing?

Years ago on Polish television whenever they showed foreign films they used a man who's voice was always the same, hence there could only ever be just the one, who did a talk over in Polish. It sounded really boring. I wonder if they still employ him? This was years ago though.
22 Jan 2008

e. Without any patience, he asks us wait aside, which shows he is just unwilling to solve the problem. God! They are not only rude, but also lack of international sense and poorly educated! They simply don’t trust human beings.

You have to remember that the Poles are not used to dealing with foreigners. If you ever try to hitch hike, mainly only people who themselves in the past hitch hiked will stop for you or the very lonely who just want a chat! Poland is the same. They have lived under Communism since the war in 1945 and can not travel or speak any foreign languages. They think that everyone must be like them and they have no conception of someone coming from overseas who does not understand the language. It is very prevalent especially among the working class everywhere. To work in a ticket office is not rocket science so they are not really very well educated and after all, selling tickets is not one of the best paid or socially demanding jobs on the planet. Mind you, if you are students living in Poland for three years, can you not understand the lingo?