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Joined: 11 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 461 / In This Archive: 99
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Working out, mountain biking, basketball

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24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

perhaps. but pretty common, been experiencing it all my life.

This is not because you are of polish decent. It is because you are a fcuking loser and people around you see that.
23 Nov 2009
Life / RUSSIAN WOMAN IN POLAND....welcome...or not...? [33]

Culturally poles and russians are very similar. Poles generally get along quite well with the russkies. I've met many poles who went to russia to work in the past couple of years and they've all felt "at home." I haven't heard of any problems with russkies expats in poland.

Tension between poles and russians only exists in politics...

Btw, I'm glad you've finally met i women. Some of your latest threads were beginning to worry me. Did you meet her along one of the roads in eastern poland by any chance?

15 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]


All this talk and effort coming out of you about crosses in Poland and Italy is quite funny. Your country is facing fascist Islamification and you are worried about fcuking crosses hundreds of miles away from NL??

You should worry more about keeping your homeland secular. That is where the real danger is, not in PL or I where the cross is increasingly becoming a sign of culture not religion.

Prayers before the start of classes???

In canada many kids in public schools still say prayers before 1st class each morning - my high school did - well until we got a paki student.
13 Nov 2009
Life / Which Polish product you can easily do without? [51]

A Polish man!

lol and i say a polish woman

fiat 126p

what?? i love maluchy! They're fun to drive. I almost brought one over to canada a few years ago.

11 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

And in regards to trousers, are jeans ok in the snow?!

Seriously, where do you think poland is? At one of the polar ice caps?
11 Nov 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

I think the old babcia's around jasna gora in czestochowa are more annoying than begger boys (can't walk 2 feet in here in toronto without seeing one). On my first encounter with them they pinned some kind of ribbon on my shirt. I didn't know what to make of it (they wouldn't explain) so i politely said dziekuje and walked away. Immediately after i turned my back they started screaming złodziej (thief) - apparently they wanted a donation. I took it off and never let them put anything on me again.
10 Nov 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

- loud
- rude
- look down on poles
- conceited/cocky
- the usual, nazis

Hobbes, I have a question about your point, 5) Cultural Regression - germans think polish culture is backwards? Care to explain?
6 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

230 for one cavity

and then 500 for two

hahaha that's how much a filling costs in poland .... if you're a foreigner!

I paid 500zl to get my wisdom teeth removed in wroclaw by "one of the best dentists"!

You sir, got owned!
28 Oct 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

Maybe. But it's not like 15 years ago. Poland has changed a lot.

Szwed, I see very little difference between poland now and then (15 yrs ago) in regards to polish women. Maybe you don't speak polish like the other foreigners on here so you may not understand what pl women are thinking about non polish men. I've spent most of my summers off school in poland for a long time now and i have always been surprised by how much polish women (not all, but the majority) would rather marry a foreigner.

Economically speaking, poland is better off today than 15yrs ago, but this country is still lagging behind the west. Face it, life is more difficult in pl than in w. europe.
27 Oct 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

that wear sunglasses in winter

hey hey i wear my sunglasses in the winter! The snow on the roads is blinding!


First of all polish girls give us a chance which is important.

Yup, many foreigners (like u) would never be able to pick up a women in their home countries.

But, in poland, girls love foreign men.

Insultive opinions about Polish girls...

So my only "insultive opinion" about (many) polish women is that they are easy (well much easier than ladies in the west).
15 Oct 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

Don't be too hard on the homeles/beggers:

Homeless Russian turns empty booze bottles into stock market stake


Took him 2 decades but his first transaction was a $76k share purchase:)
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I often wonder what the average swede/norwegian thinks when he or she reads such statistics. Do they think this problem will solve itself? How do they feel about becoming muslim nations in a few decades? Are they okay with losing some freedom? Do their governments try to hide these stats from the public? Are they doing anything to civilize these immigrants? It's probably too late.
8 Oct 2009
Language / The Polish accusative case [32]

okay szwed, be honest now, what website did you plagarize that grammar lesson from???

6 Oct 2009
Life / If I say POLAND, you say...? [100]

... you're obsessed.

m-g it's amazing how you always have something to say in brackets following your post - 9/10 the message is pointless and only serves to maintain this weird habit of yours. Superstitious maybe? I can't wait for you to forget one day...
17 Sep 2009

Smart money saving tactics ... but with the chinese??? They do make poor quality products but the russians in the far east (yakutsk, irkutsk etc) prefer to employ chinese migrant workers to build their infrastructure over the local russians because they work for less and produce better quality buildings.

On the other hand if you employ poles they will also do a ****** job because they want the roads/buildings to break down so they have to come back - creating job security i guess :) Also they will work slowly because "whether they work or not, they will get their 2000zl" (sorry can't remember how that saying goes exactly).

Tough situation.
12 Sep 2009
News / Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century [147]

"W jego analizie kryzys, z którym obecnie mamy do czynienia, jest przejściowy i stosunkowo łatwy do opanowania. Najważniejszym zadaniem Ameryki w XXI wieku będzie - według Friedmana - powstrzymanie ekspansji Rosji na Zachód, a naturalnym sojusznikiem USA w tym zadaniu będzie Polska, która tym razem skorzysta na swym położeniu geopolitycznym pomiędzy Rosją a Europą Zachodnią."

Soooo Poland will become America's cannon fodder?

"...w ciągu następnego półwiecza przed Polską stoi szansa stania się głównym ośrodkiem polityki europejskiej..."

With the tragic state of polish politics today (ie: the ducks) it is hard to believe this will ever happen. The US will have to invest quite a bit of resources to train polish politicians over the next "half century."
6 Aug 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Here we go again...

so it is true that the poles like to throw a rock and hide their hands?
Poles killed 1,600 Jews in the north-eastern village of Jedwabne in 1941a and all the massacres had previously been blamed on Nazi troops

I think poland (kwasiewski) has already accepted responsibility and apologised for this crime.

Also, keep in mind that jews sided with the russians in 1919-21 and helped the ruskies identify scores of polish intelligensia so they could put a bullet in the back of their heads! What goes around comes around. I don't condone this, but this is the way the cookie crumbles.

poles like to think that they fight against the Germans but some poles enjoy doing barbecues.

Jews also liked doing BBQs! Unfortunately there were some participants in the holocaust in all parts of german occupied europe, even jews themselves!

Here is a book Pole-bashers should read. It's written by a Jew who talks about how the Jews re-started the concentration camps after poland's 'liberation' by the russians.


Have Poles blood on their hands? :)

I'm pretty sure every nation has blood at its hands, including your beloved Espana.
29 Apr 2009
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

My wife does ALL her younger brothers homework for him...not help...but actually completes the exercises!!!!!....and says its usual!!!

Kids in poland get too much homework. The educational system must be reformed in such a way that kids will be able to do most their work in the class room. Quality vs quantity.

Hahaha good luck!
25 Apr 2009

why cant they work at mcdonald's like every other teenagerrr

Perhaps they don,t have enough spots...?????

Perhaps pay in PL is shite! Mcdonald's only pays smth like 4-5zl/hr! Let's say an article of designer clothing costs 300zl (clothing in Poland is ridicously expensive), then a teenager would have to flip burgers for 60-75 hours to earn enough money for it. It's much easier to shag an old foreign sexually repressed fart for 300zl (who will probably be done in 3min). 4zl/hr or 300zl/3min ...... hmmmmmmm

Very sad though.