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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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6 Aug 2012
Genealogy / Swenski. Can any one tell me about the meaning of this name? [11]

As far as I could determine, no-one in Poland uses such spellings as Swenski, Sweński, Swęcki or Swędzki, but the Święcki surname is known. Couild be that the immirgant ancestor or soemone for him respelled Święcki to Swenski. If left intact, Święcki would come ouzt Anglo-mangled into Swicky (rhyming with sticky).
6 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / "Curiosity" Lands On Mars! Huzzah! Poland's Mars Society Must Be Ecstatic. [77]

Isn't it a crying shame to pump untold billions of the taxpayers' money into off-the-wall projetcs of this kind just so outerspace buffs can get their jollies off and filthy rich corporations can get even filthier! It could be better used to irrigate and recultivate huge populated wastelands (Ethiopia, Somalia,etc.) where millions are dying a slow death becaase of malnutrition , disease and drought.

OK, so the space gizmo contains apparatus produced in Ożarów Mazowiecki, if a Polish angle is needed here.
5 Aug 2012
Genealogy / I am searching the family name of Lizon-Mohyla [3]

LIZOŃ - from verb lizać (to lick); lizoń = flatterer, sycophant, brown-noser (in modern Polish lizus).

MOHYLA - Ukrainian form of mogiła (grave, mound).

NOTE: There are places in Poland called Julin and Julinki but I couldn’t find Junilina. SE Poland under Austrian rule till 1918 was known as Galicja.
2 Aug 2012
News / Romney visits Poland: Gets support from Lech Walesa? [29]

Obama's Chicago episode probably has coloured his view of Polish people, becuase by and large there is no love lost between the two communities in the Windy City. Impressions acquired in childhood and youth often make a lifelong imprint on that way people view things.
1 Aug 2012
Life / "konczy Ci sie waznosc konta" - Play (Poland phone company) has gone insane. Help? [14]

Every time some intrusive popup appears on the net, especially, when it obscures your viewing or working field and you have to frantically hunt for the tiny, faitntly visible X button to zap it out ASAP, I resoilve never to touch that product. Even if they were giving it away! The point is not to keep it to yourself but inform the ofrending company that you wouldn't touch their product with a barge pole and why.

Orange is a god example -- Orange on TV, Orange on the net, Orange on billbaords and radio, Orange text messages, Orange in front fo Poland's first Divison Football, Orange this, Ornage that, it's got to where you're afraid to open the fridge!
30 Jul 2012
Life / School and stadium violence in Poland? [21]

This thread got hijacked, because the Daily Mail article was dealing with classroom disturbances which are not the same as stadium violence. Stadiums attract a certain type of person, whilst everyone goes to school. And it turns out that the indiscipline crosses social lines. Schools in so-called 'good' neighbourhoods are also experiencing more classroom disruption. My question was: to what extent is this also a problem in Poland? Not violence in general but classroom problems.

Usually such things as lack of parental guidance, ineffective teachers, violence in the entertainment media and computer games, online prnography, etc. are cited as contributing factors..
29 Jul 2012
Life / School and stadium violence in Poland? [21]

Merged: Classroom violence in Poland?

The Daily Mail recently reported that classroom indiscipline and violence were increasing in Britain's primary schools including attacks on teachers and classmates as well as sexual misconduct. It blamed parents for not providing kids with the social skills needed to cope at school as well as excessive access to internet prn. What is the situation like in Poland. Have the Polish media, educators, parents' groups, churchmen, etc. expressed concern over this problem?
24 Jul 2012
Love / SHE'S 25, HE'S 85 (Polish actor Andrzej Łapicki) -- ANY FUTURE? [82]

Andrzej £apicki can well be a study in human adaptation, maleability and personal development. He started out as a lector for regimite newsreels which tried to brainwash Poles into believing thatt communism was good and those who opposed it were wrong if not downright criminal. But like much of the cultural community he joined a boycott of official communist culture after the martial-law crackdown of 1981 and later joined Wałęsa's Citizens Committee and was elected to the Sejm on the Solidarity ballot.

Incidentally, he was Daniel Olbrychski's father-in-law.
16 Jul 2012
Food / Babcia Lipińska's naleśniki [7]

For a slice of genuine Polish-American flavour, visit Granny Lipińska's ktichen and listen to the happy Polonian polka beats of the Gene Wiśniewski orchestra.
16 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

Every authentic heritage is unique. Until global commercialisation sinks its ugly claws into it and redefines it with a view to extracting maximum profits.
16 Jul 2012
Life / Old Polish Tradition of a Son's First Steps [6]

Dunno about the horse thing, but a custom encountered both in Poland and Polonia is the celerbation of a baby's first birthday. The toddler is set on the floor and around him are placed: a kileiszek, banknote, rosary and book. Whichever he reaches for first is said to indicate his future vocation in life: kieliszek (a toper), banknote (money-maker), rosary (man of the cloth), book (scholar). Of course, it's just tongue in cheek but many famileis have had fun with this one over the generations.
15 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

McPoland is hardly an example of multi-culturalism. BTW there are many, probably a growing number of thinking Yanks, Brits and othrtd who are no big fans of McWorld.

We should at least define terms. Gourmet restauants and quality tipples are not examples of McDonaldisation. McDonaldisation is actually its antitehsis becuse it is strictly low class -- budget shops selling the same monotonous, throw-away Chinese junk, fast-food joints, celebrity tabloids and the homogenised pap churned out by the mainstream entertianment media (Madumma, Lady Zgaga, Doda, er, um...I mean Dodo) and the like.
15 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

We are all aware of Poland's McDonaldisation. Where do you think it will lead in 10, 20, 50 years? Will the cheap, tacky, throw-away popculture embodied by that term destroy all vestiges of Poland's unique indigenous heritage? Or, conversely, will a backlash occur with Poles saying 'enough is enough!' and rebelling against all the American lifestyles, chemicalised fake food, tabloidised media and 'Made in China' crapola?
13 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Is there a family crest for my surname of "Rukat" [13]

No coat of arms accompanies Rukat. There were szlahcta members amongst the bearers of the Rukowicz surname (Hipocenatur c-o-a) and 3 gentry lines in the Rukiewicz family (Hipocentaur, Jastrzębiec and Mogiła).

RUKAT: possibly derived from the Old Polish verb rukać (I won't define it, however, lest someone take offence).
5 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

Of course, anti-Semitism is a sin, but JPII did not expurgate that passage from the Bible, Other gospels tell how after the Crucifixion the Apostles (who themselves were Jews) 'ukrywali się przed Żydami' (hid form the Jews). That's right there in balck and white for everyone to see, and that is not is not anti-Semitism (except to the PC-creeps).
5 Jul 2012
Life / When did Poles stop consuming alcohol on Christmas day. Is it a longstanding tradition or [10]

Wiglia is too special and solemn an occasion -- the single-most important day of the year -- to turn it itnto yet another booze-up. But not everybody observes total abstinence. Many allow a bit of wine or krupnik (a hot honey-spice-cordial), but in general it is not an occasion for 'serious' (?!) drinking. Except amongst the more primitve unedacated types (lumpenproletariat, menial workers, farm hands, etc.) who can't imagine a celebration wtihout booze.
4 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

On the contrary, the onus is on the gloater. Same with Wyborcza's delight at the downturn in Church attendnace. And it's not the first time. In fact they are the only major Polish daily that doesn't just objectviely report but tends to highlight anythign that puts the Chruch in a bad light.

Of course, it's a free country so they are free to do so. But others are also free to point it out. Freedom works both ways. The PC Wyborcza crowd applauds freedom fo speech primarily for all thsoe who agree with them but would gladly muzzle their critics.

You don't see them invoking a sense of fariness and appealing for a digital platform slot for Radio Maryja or criticisng the broadcasting authority for awarding such slots to unproven unknowns of questionable financial status and programme potential.

Is using such terms as Amerindian-owned casinos (in the USA), Polish-owned chain of petrol stations in Germany, Arab-owned this or that racist?
What about saying that a 15-million-strong ethnic group (Jews) wield disproportionate economic and poltical power and influence throughout the world.
One would think that it would be anti-Semitic only to urge that wealth being taken away from them or them being otherwise penalised by extra-constitutional means.
3 Jul 2012
Love / Polish Wedding Venue near Krakow [22]

There are now numerous domy weselne (wedding houses) around Poland, many of which can accommodate 100 guests. And BYOB is accepted there. Dunno if registrar officials are allowed ot perform civil ceremeoneis at venues outside their USC (urzędy stanu cywilnego)..
3 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

What then should be the basis for the nation's life: the pub crawl, one-night stands, shopping malls, prnsites, single mums, high-tech e-gadgetry, 'me, myself and I' values? We already have that all about us and can see what 'wonderful' results it has produced
3 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

Define anti-Semitism!
Is opposing Israel's policy towards the Palestinians anti-Semitic? There are Jeiwsh circlłes that tar anyone who dares with the anti-Semitic brush.

Is stating that Gazeta Wyborcza is Jewish controlled anti-semitic? Can the truth by anti or pro anything?

Is saying Hollywood is controlled largely by Jews anti-Semitic? Just count 'em starting at the top. Maybe when you get down to the electrican, floor-sweeper and janitorial level they wouldn't be in the majority anymore.

PC-creeps like to toss about threatening-sounding buzzwords (anti-Semite, intolerant, racist, homophobe, etc.) without definintg terms in the hope of intimidating anyone who dares to hold a differetn view. And that is pluralism?!
3 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

I did this, I do that, I raise my kids, I don't rob banks...bla-bla-bla ad nauseam. Who cares?! You, I and the next guy are just specks of dust. This is not about whether Joe the bookmaker goes to mass on Sunday or such and such doesn't shoplift... We are disucssing relgious values on a soceity-wide basis. And I repeat, at a time when church-going was the norm or a society-wide phenomenon, people misbehaved less, marriages split up less often, hence custody battles and parental abductions were a rarity. Chuch attendacne was a dimension in and of itself that had broader implicaitons as to in how people lived theri lives. Now that nursing a hangover or shopping at the mall are simply regarded as lifestyle choices on the same level as church-going... well look around and see the kids spending weekends with dad or growing up unsupervised or in 'his kids, my kids, our' famileis or (among single mums) not even knowing who their dad was.