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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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31 May 2013
News / Self-important Warsaw mayor [18]

Warsaw's lady mayor Gronkowiec-Waltz raised a fuss when she refused to buy a 5 złoty ticket to visit the gardens of Wilanów Place. 'I'm the mayor of Wrasaw and do not need to pay,' she stormed. To all her other many 'virtues' such as PO membership she has added arroagnce, self-importance, elitism adn pettiness.
31 May 2013
Life / Why aren't Polish dope-promoters prosecuted? [15]

Ideally, no addictives nor antisocial or cirminal behaviouir (wife beating, murder, rape, fraud, arson, etc.) should be glamourised, but enforcement may prove difficult.
However the overall decline in tobacco use clearly proves the effectvieness of all-pervasive anti-smoking propaganda. In the US there are health wernings on alcohol labels but I haven't seen that in Poland yet. What about other EU countries?
31 May 2013
Travel / English cigarettes - where to buy in Poland? [41]

Is tobacco raised (or still grown) in the UK? I used to enjoy British ciggies because they were made with mostly Virginia tobacco.Just like Canadian cigarettes with Ontario-grown Virginia. American blends contain some Virginia but also include Burley, Bright and other strains.
31 May 2013
Life / Why aren't Polish dope-promoters prosecuted? [15]

This bit of information about police seizing 18,000 portions of ampha in Bielsko-Biała in itself is not a major development, but it does raise a serious question. The only way to resolve the drug problem is by focusing on the demand end. As long as there are nutters who want to ingest poison, the problem will not go away. But Poland has laws against inciting or instigating criminal activity. Why are pop culture representatives (performers, composers, journalists, publishers, film makers, etc.), who effectively normative drug-taking by glamourising it as cool and trendy, not charged with inciting criminal activity. It is they, not parents, schools, the church, etc., who encourage young people to reach for and often become addicted to various stupefying substances.

Such an approach together with a serious crackdown on drug dealers and a dynamic anti-drug information campaign might achieve the results vote-seeking politicians only spout pious platitudes about.
31 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

And here all along I had thought the passage about satan quoting the bible was just a nice parable. It turns out it is actually

a reality.
31 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

If you have lived in India, then you must have turned a blind eye to the persecution of Christians. India is one of the most offending religious rights violators along with Pakistan and other Muslim coiuntries, not to mention North Korea.

Unless you do not regard such persecution including murder, arson and other violent attacks as manifestations of 'ugliness'.
31 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

PO lose yet another poll to PiS. This is no longer a chance occurrence but a clear trend. Hopefully it will eventually sweep the pie-in-the-sky shysters of the Tusk gang out of office for many years to come. The only worrying thing is that 14% misguided respondents have been duped into supporting the Miller gang. Miller and Kwaśniewski were both in the upper echelons of the now defunct communist dictatorship.
31 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

You guys hug and kiss strangers upon meeting them????

Not strangers, but when long-lost relatives turn up on the doorstep of their Old Country relatives, that is the treatment they can expect. In Poland, the triple-barrelled kiss is the norm for males and females alike. .
31 May 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

There are many things in Poland worth criiticising and improving like excessive red tape, Tusk's unkept promises, the healthcare system, poor driving skills, etc. These however are not part of Poland's national legacy. But the nation's Catholic heritage as well as the culture and traditions it has generated constitute the core value of what Polishness is all about. By attacking it, arrogant expats and misguided Poles, who have succumbed to outside influence, are showing their contempt and disdain for Poland's millennial heritage. Nothing more need be said!
30 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Standing-room-only churches were packed with overflow congregations today and (contrary to the wishful thinking of the diehard, foaming-at-the-mouth secularists) not in some Poland B, but right in central Warsaw. That is where the real Poland was. But that is something some people will never grasp.
30 May 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

Indeed they have, and theh Chinese have acted that way towards Koreans and Mongolians. except that the topic here was expats in Poland.
30 May 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

People remote in time from various sources often display residual behavior they may not even be aware of. Many expats on PF display traces of their countries' colonial past as regards the country they are in at present. They hail from former colonial powers such as Britain, Belgium and Holland, whose representatives tried to impose their values on the natives they had conquered. Many expats in Poland seem to want to remake the country in the image and likeness of their own prejudices rather than accepting it the way it is. They often display a snooty, snobbish, arrogant. elitist and colonialist attitude and revile and look down their noses on whatever is not to their liking. There used to be the concept of an 'ugly American'. Now perhaps the term 'ugly expat' would be more appropriate.
30 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Prayer and spriitual contemplation can provide balance, harmony and inner peace to those who have tried it. The fact is the many self-prclaimed atheists base their godlessness on ignorance, convenience and/or spiritual sloth. Have they truly ever tried to fathom the spiritual and transcendental dimension of life? Or have they dismissed it out of hand, without every really devoting any erious thought, time and effort to it? Even a fraction fo what they have devoted to life's physicality -- jobs, money, creature comforts, material possessions and the like.

In a sense they are saying: 'If you can't eat, drink, wear, drive or sh*g it, it ain't worth bothering about."

That's also my dog's atttiude except for one tjhing. He doesn't drive a car.
30 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

The idea of a day of rest once a week is deeply engrained in most cultures, although whether it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday may differ. In addition to major holidays (Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, Corpus Christi, May 3rd, etc.), that one a week as a mini-holiday, a day of worship, respite and/or recreation. True, emergency services must work, but most schools, factories, offices and other enterprises and institutions have the day off. The legislator in many different countreis has acknowledged that and worked to limit work-a-day activity on that day. That varies from place to place. In Michigan for isntance no alcohol is sold until noon or 1 PM on Sundays and only beer and wine are sold for the rest of the day. In Poland those in need of bread or milk (not to mention tipples and fags) have shops that are open as well as petrol stations which stock them round the clock every day of the week.
30 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Those who view religon only in terms of ritual and tradition would do well to consider one thing that has never been improved upon so far: the Judeo-Christian Decalogue -- the perfect code regulating human behavior and interpersonal relations.

Just imagine how many fewer broken homes, divorces, custody battles, parental abductions, (filthy rich lawyers!), patchwork families and confused, fatherless or otherwise traumatized and maladjusted kids there would be if the 6th commandment were more widely followed: Thou shalt not commit adultry!

Although thou shalt not kill, steal and bear false witness (lie) also fully deserve to be abided by.
29 May 2013
Life / Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt? [73]

Of course not. I was just pointing out the difference between blacks and other ethnic minoriites. But occasionally they still bring up that argument. A black mdidle class has ben developing in America, but there is still a huge welfare underclass of slumdwellers on the dole where drug dealers, pimps and armed holdup men reign supreme and a majority of kids don't know their fathers. Saiyng that is not racialism -- it is reality!
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

The latest survey conducted by Homo Homini has shown PiS leading 32% to PO's 27%, almost identical to results acheived in an internal PiS survey.
Rzepa wrote that while PO was squabbling within their own ranks, PiS was touring the country promising the liquidation of junior secondary schools, cutting back unemployment, restoring 22% VAT and reverting to the previous retirement age.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Politics is pretty horrible and most politcians are power-hungry schemers and ego-trippers....but so far nothing better has been invented to run countries, regions, cities and villages. Do away with it and you've got anacrhy.
29 May 2013
Life / Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt? [73]

America's blacks are the only group that didn't go there of their own free will -- they were captured by fellow Africans and sold to the highest bidder. So they can legitimately say: You brought us here so now you can feed, clothe and take care of us.

All the rest -- Italians, Germans, Poles, Irish, Jews, Scandinavians came on their own and, if they acted up, could be told (and often were) 'go back where you came from'. The Indians could also say that to the colonising Brits.
29 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

A few years ago there was a documnetary on TV about abbatoirs in Poland. It showed that live pigs on the conveyor belt getting jittery at the smell of blood and the squealing of their fellows being butchered. Probably if it were repeatedly screened there'd be a lot more vegetarians.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

I often get the impression that the only good politcians are those campaigning to get elecetd or re-elected. Once in power, they all mroe or less... !"#¤%&/(łX?*X?=#%**=$@°=?"!¤% (those are American comic-book symbols for obscenities).
29 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

CHEATING on tests is a no-no in America which cna get you expelled.
SNITCHING is a no-no in Poland unless you want to be called a kapuś.
LADIES FIRST: When an American (even an assimilated Polish-American) married couple visits a flat in Poland, the US male chauvinistically shoves his hand forward to be greeted, but is often surprised that the hosts first make a beeline for the lady. Only after she has been hugged, kissed and welcomed do they turn to him.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

A civilised national movement like that advocated by Dmowksi maybe, but the young tatoo-thug style street brawlers of the ONR and MWP are little more than the flip side of the anarchist scum. Both sides are mainly in it for the punch-ups and adrenalin rush, even thrtough their leaders may spout all sorts of pious platitudes as to what they're allegedly all about. Patriotism - yes, chauvinism and violence -- no! PiS comes closest to that ideal but it is far from perfect.
29 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Anyone with an ounce of sensitivity for what Polishness is all about is invariably moved by the Boże Ciało
celelebrations. Over the years people from all over -- US, Canada & Western Europe have expressed awe and admiration for what they have witnessed. The little girls strewing the way for the Blessed Sacrament with flower petals, the bielinki -- teenage girls in white robes bearing icons and feretories, the beauiful old hymns soaring heavenward, the haunting scent of incense and the jangle of altar bells. And many of the pirvate flats along the procession routes are decorated with holy pictrues and flowers. Of course, we all know there are those who may find the syphlitic tarts gawking out of the windows of Hamburg's St Pauli and other such venues to be culturally and aesthetically more pleasing. À chacun son goût!
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Kaczyński has overdone the Smolensk thing and just for overall wear and tear may also be burnt out like Tusk. People get tired of seeing the same leaders over and over on the telly. But a PiS headed by Błaszczak or Hofman (or someone who has yet to come to the fore) might garner more than a mere 38% of the vote. Since in politics most anything is possible, a reconciliaton with the Ziobro group cannot be ruled out, also with PJN. Pożyjemy, zobaczymy!
29 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Tomrrow is Corpus Christi. Anyone who doubts they are in a very Catholic country needs only to look about. Not only the big central procession in Old Town but local ones at every single parish. But the nit-picking

Stooges will probably say something really profound like: 'Yes, but some people will go of grilling, cycling, picnicking, pub-crawling, etc.'
29 May 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

I have heard that Poland has the highest credit-card fee in Europe, ie, the fee the shop has to pay Visa, Mastercard or whoever when a customer uses a credit card, For that reason, some shops give a discount to those paying in cash. Also, people using credit cards tend to buy 20% more (often unnecessary goods they later regret) than those paying cash. Cash is an effective anti-squandering device.