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Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 May 2013 /  #1
Prof. Mieczysław Ryba writes about the 'Bankruptcy of multi-culti' in 'Nasz Dziennik'. Chancellor Merkel has become fed up with that trendy buzzword. What has been happening in Stoickholm's suburbs recently has revived memories of France's Muslim immigrant disturbances of recent years. America has also had its share of race riots. What, in your view, are the pros and cons of multi-culti? Should Poland open its floodgates to every Third World asylum seeker and his wife?

Members of the Parliamentary Commission for National and Ethnic Minorities in Poland in the request addressed to the Ministry of Education wrote that the school has a " reject negative national stereotypes , often drawn from the family home ." Once again the new socialist ideologues see a threat in the family. And like almost all parents accused of pathology in relations with children (Law on the criminalization of spanking ), so now accuse them of creating national hatred . It is the state with their ideologues will civilize us and teach tolerance.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #2
Prof. Mieczysław Ryba writes about the 'Bankruptcy of multi-culti' in 'Nasz Dziennik'.

Yawn. Nasz Dziennik is run by Rydzyk. No-one takes it seriously.

Should Poland open its floodgates to every Third World asylum seeker and his wife?

Those gates are already open, as witnessed by the amount of Chechen refugees in recent times.

Why didn't the PiS government close the door?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 May 2013 /  #3
If we were to weigh the benefits and detriments of "multi-culti" in its current forms, I'd wager the detriments would out-weigh the benefits. But these things can be so arbitrary and rather challenging to quantify so it's somewhat pointless to even attempt it. A fundamental question to ask is if people are happier for it than they'd be without it (in its current form). Again I'd wager that aggregate happiness directly resulting from established multi-culti has been lowered for those receiving immigrants. As for the emigrating and immigrating groups...I wonder.

I feel the real problem is this:
People feel the need to move from their homelands to distant countries and foreign cultures.

There are some, like myself who just like to see what the eye can see but from what I've heard and who I've listened to, it seems a great many migrants would have been happier to stay at home if they'd felt it was a good choice.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #4
Again I'd wager that aggregate happiness directly resulting from established multi-culti has been lowered for those receiving immigrants.

Bear in mind that for example - the German economic boom was fuelled with immigrant labour, especially Yugoslavian.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 May 2013 /  #5
yeh and Turkish, people like to forget that....
besides 'multi kulti' simply means giving similar importance to all represented religions within education.
It means nothing in the way that it has been adopted as a generic insulting term by people with their own agenda.
Polson  5 | 1767  
27 May 2013 /  #6
revived memories of France's Muslim immigrant disturbances of recent years

Never heard of that. Interpreting infos to make your point is not very objective. This is called misinformation. A very widely used strategy today I must say.

These people came from poor suburbs. There were Muslims, but there were also a lot of Whites. Strangely, nobody noticed them.
I agree tho that the system sucks, the immigrant policies have to be discussed, a lot.
But 'multi-culti', a very trendy word in Poland lately, has not much to do with this.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 May 2013 /  #7
Bear in mind that for example - the German economic boom was fuelled with immigrant labour, especially Yugoslavian.

What makes you think I hadn't done that?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #8
I wasn't referring to you as such, more just making a point.

It means nothing in the way that it has been adopted as a generic insulting term by people with their own agenda.

I think we all know what Polonius' agenda is, and I think we all know how he changed his colours.

Fortunately, his agenda is one that is supported by a minority of Polish people.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 May 2013 /  #9
I think it is impossible to have any meaningful conversation on this topic in Poland, as it was in the UK a few years ago. I gave a presentation to fellow trainee schoolteachers in 1990 about the failure of assimilationist policies in post-war France with respect to muslims, in contrast to Portuguese and (southern) Italians - who were of similar economic backgrounds. No sooner was discussion joined than accusations of unreconstructed racism started flying. Nowadays, few people would bat an eyelid at my remarks and fears of violence.

The UK banned all discussion on multi-culti decades ago, and only half-allows it now.
Right-on people claim all differences can be overcome by people of goodwill. They're right, it's just that goodwill tends to be totally lacking among some nasty, disaffected individuals, and important cultural differences abound. For example, at my wife's old school in Wembley black boys having a score to settle used fists and feet in bloody confrontation; a Somali boy straight from a war zone would just idle up and quietly stick a knife in you.

That's at the level of the individual. Now think about a scenario where a disaffected individual bands together with like-minded miscreants and develops a foreign policy ... declaring war on his host society.

Incidentally, Chechens haven't done this in Poland, because Kaczynski's Poland was friendly to the Chechen cause - and this despite Polish military engagement in Afghanistan. Also there are very few Chechens in Poland, thus making them very visible. Poland simply doesn't have the ghettos the UK has.

Long may the multi-culti people be kept at bay in Poland. The UK shows in the most obvious ways possible that white Europeans can be accommodated with transitional problems only and that despite racism non-whites assimilate in the long-term as long as they are not muslim. Jews due to their own mentality take ages to assimilate, but they never attack the host society.
27 May 2013 /  #10
What, in your view, are the pros and cons of multi-culti?

I think that the only thing more amusing than watching a immigrant whining about other immigrants in when the person doing the whining is not only an immigrant but an immigrant who makes his living selling tall tales to other immigrants who live in another country.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
27 May 2013 /  #11
Con: Dealing with pointless issues like this

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #12
Incidentally, Chechens haven't done this in Poland

They haven't done it because most of them claimed aslyum in Poland and then buggered off to Germany.

I think that the only thing more amusing than watching a immigrant whining about other immigrants in when the person doing the whining is not only an immigrant but an immigrant who makes his living selling tall tales to other immigrants who live in another country.

Very tall tales indeed. I wonder if the purchases of such tales would be happy to discover about their writer's racism.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 May 2013 /  #13
They haven't done it because most of them claimed aslyum in Poland and then buggered off to Germany.

Based on the encounters I've had with Chechens here, they haven't declared war on the host society because established black markets already provide an outlet for such "talents" to be put towards such a use.

Whether or not they've formed their own ring is another matter but let's not pretend that we don't know what more than a few Chechens are up to in Poland.
27 May 2013 /  #14
let's not pretend that we don't know what more than a few Chechens are up to in Poland.

Can I have a guess at that one? Is it: being falsely accused of being criminals in precisely the same way that Poles are in Germany? Don't Polish people have a habit of getting rather upset when they are falsely accused in Germany?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
27 May 2013 /  #15
Yawn. Nasz Dziennik is run by Rydzyk. No-one takes it seriously.

Surly you jest. ND is not run by Rydzyk and many people take it seriously.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2013 /  #16
It is part of his media stable.
newpip  - | 139  
27 May 2013 /  #17
I am not trying to transplant my point of view. I have lived here a long time, there is no way I can change the pig headedness of many Poles. But the fact remains that millions of Poles have immigrated to many western countries in the entire world. They are still immigrating today. And they keep close ties to the motherland. And yet they decided that it is ok to immigrate yet Poland shouldn't allow immigrants. This is what I mean by double standard.

If Poles living abroad don't want immigrants into Poland....then don't leave the fecking country so that there is a shortage of people to keep the country functioning properly. Quite simple really.
legend  3 | 658  
27 May 2013 /  #18
Cons of Multiculturalism?

Destroys nations, family, tradition, race, culture.
Creates less unity and gives the government more power.

Pros of Multiculturalism?

ifor bach  11 | 152  
27 May 2013 /  #19
I think that the only thing more amusing than watching a immigrant whining about other immigrants in when the person doing the whining is not only an immigrant but an immigrant who makes his living selling tall tales to other immigrants who live in another country.

Spot on.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
27 May 2013 /  #20
I am not trying to transplant my point of view. And yet they decided that it is ok to immigrate yet Poland shouldn't allow immigrants. This is what I mean by double standard

Well, do you claim that such attitudes are exclusively Polish and are shared by undisputed majority of Poles? If not you choose a strange way to express yourself and I think you should apologize and retract your statement.
newpip  - | 139  
27 May 2013 /  #21
no. I won't. You know what. The other day I almost got ran over by some b**tch who was speeding through a rondo. She rolled down her window and screamed at me because it was my fault. --yes, it was my fault she was speeding through a rondo. This is what it is like dealing with many Polish people. Not all. But many. So no, I will not apologize and this is how many of them think.

It borders with blanket statement. Lenka
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
27 May 2013 /  #22
Pros of Multiculturalism?


Pros is diversity and that equals diverse ideas.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2013 /  #23
It's also part and parcel of the world becoming a smaller place. Apart from also creating a more interesting society, it's something that will happen anyway so should be managed as well as possible.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 May 2013 /  #24
Can I have a guess at that one?

You may.

Is it: being falsely accused of being criminals in precisely the same way that Poles are in Germany?

It is not. Play on.

If Poles living abroad don't want immigrants into Poland....then don't leave the fecking country so that there is a shortage of people to keep the country functioning properly.

And what about Poles who have remained in Poland, what's their voice count for? I mean, when they're not shouting obscenities at poorly rationalized patterns of behavior...
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 May 2013 /  #25
Pros is diversity and that equals diverse ideas.

And there in lies the problem. That's precisely the issue with the multikult. One people, one culture, one race, one destiny. If the Arabs want to pay homage to Mecca they can do so in actual proximity to the source of their religious ancestry.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #26
So why is it one rule for you and another rule for others?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 May 2013 /  #27
What do you mean, Delphy?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #28
Why is it acceptable for you to move to many different countries (as per your claim elsewhere), but not acceptable for anyone else?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 May 2013 /  #29
Visiting vs staying and polluting the local culture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2013 /  #30
So you support the immediate removal of the Polonia back to Poland?

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