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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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15 Aug 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I just stand back and watch in admiration. In keeping with my new found status as a fully fledged, paid up Modern Man I shall leave to do some hoovering shortly. Can anyone tell me how to change the dust bag please?

Seriously, great job again Miranda
15 Aug 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

You mean that the quality of the Omnibus Edition will revert to the level of my tabloid journalism style...

You've raised the quality bar M
15 Aug 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I hope Mr Pie is gonna return.

I'm back. Nice job Miranda. The Sorcerer's Apprentice is now the Sorcerer.

I pop away for a few days and all hell breaks loose. Countries get invaded. Olympic operning ceremonies get computer graphically enhanced and Sarah Brightman goes Chinese, What is the world coming to.
23 Jul 2008
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]


Probably better than the Zubrowka (Should that be zoo brov car) that I foolishly imbibed last night.
8 Jul 2008
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

Just checked on Cambodia - everybody needs a visa in advance of travel to be on the safe side. In theory EU members nationals can get one on arrival at the arrival airport but sometimes some countries are funny about 'new' EU states. Def not a problem in Thailand though
8 Jul 2008
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

In Thailand Poland comes under the Visa on arrival rule which means you need one but can get it at the airport. I think it costs 1000 baht (c£15)

Poland is not one of the 40 odd countries where there is a visa exemption (but Russia is - weird eh)

Don't know about Cambodia
30 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

An Apology

Dreadfullly sorry the team have not posted an update recently. Quite frankly we are waiting for a sufficient audience before putting the digits to the keyboard. Most of the readers have been supended for various misdemeanours so there seems litlle point documenting the various on-going slanging matches until such time as there is anybody here to read our wise, calming words.

Congratulations to Spain for winning Euro 2008, Espana is a happy bunny. Commiserations to Bratwurst Boy for Germany just missing out but his grace in defeat was comendable.

Er that's it. We're off down the pub to play darts against the Poles again. Sigh, it's like taking candy from a baby.

Look I'm sorry that there has been no Omnibus Edition for a while. I've had some personal problems. I don't know where to start really. It's so difficult to sit here and pour out my problems to the world, but I feeel I have to. You see I have found out that my wife has not been cheating on me. This is a terrible shock and I am terrified that this means she must be old and ugly. Now I am confused what to do next. Should I trade her in for a younger model? Do I confront her first or do I do it all by text from the motel down the road. Please, please help me. I am in a quandry.

(Ed - the management would like to point out this post is aimed at one fireif and not the people who have really suffered this week. We here are all with you wildrover and with the poor lass whose boyfriend has mucked her around)
27 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

Better to have one good one than half a dozen duffers

In my naivety I have come to the conclusion, after reading extensively on here, that there are no more than three Polish female duffers in the whole world. This is in part borne out my my limited personal survey carried out in sitting in pavement cafes in Poland watching the world (girls) go by. For which I got a bad case of Wimbledon Neck.
11 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

You're not rich, are you?

All things are relative but in most people's eyes I probably am. If it makes you feel any better I do not have an enormous appendage though

It was either this or review yet another legal document

Well it’s not so much Pan Pie as Humble Pie. Having broadcast the intention never to write this column ever again the team have had a few pints of Guinness, won some cash on the US Open and decided to put the fingers to the keyboard again. To be honest there have been some absolutely cracking threads this last week or so. So much so that we could not resist knocking out a quick Edition for our adoring reader (Ed – didn’t get the other job then boys? No big surprise).

It has been a long time since we followed the old Omnibus Edition format where we cast a bemused eye over proceedings on PF and brought you a succinct summary of recent posting. Mainly we ran out of base materials for a while there. How many times can you recycle the same old vitriol, ill informed ranting and desperate appeals for Polish Princesses from a world where the male female balance has obviously been distorted to a great extent. (Ed – yeh not like Nottingham in the good old days eh Szar?) Now though the winds of change have blown through the dusty streets of PF. A fresh wave of interesting new copy has emerged. Intrigue abounds. An interesting assortment of new blood is on view – some wise, some witty, some plainly deranged and some well, just sensible. We still fret over the loss of some of the old crew. Has anybody ever come close to the word smithing of Huegel, has anybody replaced the delights of Krysia’s cartoons? Who can come close to the Might Svengoolie’s poetry, at once sublime, powerful and obviously great at impressing the chicks (Ed unlike yours then Szar). But we digress, wallowing in self pity and yearning for a world that can never be the same again, where there is a reason for watching the footie on the box. We must move forwards with optimism and belief that the world can be a better place, a world where Stevie Gerrard can once again grace our screens. Therefore, without further ado, we are proud to re-launch the Omnibus. <insert smiley here. Oh and a plug in fanfare midi file would be good too Admin>

The longest text since War & Peace

Ladies and Gentlemen we present to you the one, the only, the incomparable Fireif. It’s hard to distil the best part of a thousand posts but here goes for nothing. Fireif fancies someone called Anna who he sees at work. However, Anna got funny when she saw someone hanging around and Fireif got nervous about this. Now Fireif fancies Anna something rotten and texts her at least 50 times a day. Officially this is not stalking as texting is unobtrusive communication, unless of course your phone makes a farting noise for it’s SMS notification. Sometimes Anna replies but she has got the impression from talking to Fireif’s ex (not sure if this is his ex GF or his ex mobile phone) that Fireif may be a bit of a cad. Now Fireif denies this but has not managed to convey this to the lovely Anna. Things got more confused still when JustysiaS claimed that she knew Anna at which point Fireif went pale, proposed to JustyisaS but out of force of habit sent it to Anna instead. At this stage we don’t believe that he has yet spoken to Anna but has received loads of advice from members on how to woo the girl of his dreams. If this sounds confusing then read the whole thread. Best get a bottle or two of good red wine in first though.

Matthew Webb – the first man to swim the English Channel
Howard Webb – the first referee to be attached to a boulder and dropped in it

Yes, of course you know what we’re talking about. Poland finished bottom of their group in Euro2008. They were sunk by the actions of the idiot Webb who gave Austria a penalty. This then deflated the brave Polska boys so much that they went out and lost to Croatia’s reserve team. Thinking about it, knowing that they had Webb as a referee in their next match probably distracted them against Germany too. So it’s official - it’s all the fault of that English twat. This semed to be the conclusion of Mr Tusk who wanted to kill said twat. Join the queue Mr President.

Just a thought but did anybody check the passports of the Polish team? I think you had a bricklaying team from Poznan by mistake.

What Polska needs, according to Missewa, is a young dynamic manager who is Polish and who can inspire your football players to play with attacking flair and passion. If by any chance Peter is not interested, why not approach the unemployed Steve McClaren. Proven track record of failure at club and international level, a ready book of excuses at hand and the inability to communicate with the Press even in his native language. At least he would be cheap.

It was nice to see the sense of National optimism shining through though. No sooner had the referee blown the whistle at the end of the Croatia game, Polanglik started a thread on qualifying for the World Cup 2010. No wallowing in despair for him. Onwards and upwards. What good is winning anything when Brazil weren’t there.

Blown to Kingdom Come

Someone popped by to tell us that his Polish GF had gone from a chaste young thing to a wild thing who constantly talks about sex on the phone and threatens to make unreasonable demands upon his toned Brazilian body. The basic reaction from all of us seems to be that he is a lucky bastard and why is he spending time posting on here. Get on the plane now mate. Sod the expense.(Ed - the reference to blown is a bit near the mark Szar)

I’ve been a wildrover for many a year, and I’ve spent all my money on my Harley

Predictable titling we know but the creative juices are drying up. Looks like Wildrover’s fortunes have made a turn for the better. He has failed to woo the nice lady down the road at the office and he wasted a trip to meet some Ukranian lady and got very wet in the process. But wait for it – he has found a new young lady via these very pages and he’s got a new job. Just hope he still finds time to post his wisdom on here in the future. Nice one Rover, nice one son, nice one Rover, let’s have another one. Don’t mind if we do – three pints of Guinness please.

Well got to go now as Pie has to review that frigging document. See you all again soon.
11 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]


I'll have to check that one. I don't think I am but I'll just have a word with me Dad
11 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Has anyone ever told you what a lovely, charming, handsome, intelligent, clever and witty man you are




Yes, but she was Austrian so that doesn't count


Yes, but she was very, very drunk at the time


Yes, but he was trying to get some money off of me




Yes, but she had a lisp
9 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Does that mean you will now remember me for next weeks Omnibus

I have given up the Omnibus..... but as one last favour here is my final, ultimate PF Omnibus Edition.

Breaking News

We interrupt the end of Szarlotka's literary career party to bring you some outstanding news from the Forum. Word has reached us of the return of the legendary, charming, elegant, intelligent and drop dead gorgeous Lady-in-Red. In a Mata Hari style of cunning planning she has returned as Lir. The deception almost worked and, indeed, did fool some of the regulars on PF. The world is now back in equilibrium once more.

I ask you all to charge your glasses and drink a toast to LIR and the return of Szarlotka to humbler duties.

9 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

bet ya all missed my great sense of humour

Of course we did. Mind you I wasn't fooled by the name change. Oh no, sussed you from the beginning. Well after I estbalished that you were not the God of the Sea from Irish mythology that is.
9 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]


OK but I'm very, very thirsty now......The coffee cup on my desk is looking like a beer glass, the stapler is resembling a beer bottle and the office cleaners has just become a buxom barmaid. Help I'm hallucinating
9 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Maybe not as witty as the usual Obnimus

More so....

It's like guarding the Holy Grail mate. You've got the job until Indiana turns up with the villain to relieve you. Best get some more beers in quickly
9 Jun 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

So it is. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun. The last time I saw anything as stale as the Omnibus Edition I inadvertently ate it and had food poisoning for a week. Which is a polite way of saying that I think the Omnibus (Ok me) has become jaded and distinctly non amusing. I have therefore hung up my pen.......

Hence the closed down bar pic
19 May 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Take for example Krzystof

True. A gentleman and a scholar

I read the news today oh, boy
Four thousand Poles in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the Poles are rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many Poles
It takes to fill the Albert Hall

It’s all true I tell you. Szarlotka was in Blackburn recently (someone has to do it) and in the supermarket he had a sense of Warsaw déjà vu. They’ve probably gone home since then for economic reasons but it was a strange experience nevertheless. Imagine going home to Wroclaw to tell the folks about the architectural delights of Blackburn. What has this got to do with the Omnibus Edition we hear you cry. Not a lot, nil, zilch, bugger all in fact. It’s just that there is little new to write about really.

Poland is now officially a bastion of Western Europe, given that they came joint last in the Eurovision Song Contest with the bad men of Europe, Germany and the UK. No votes from Russia we noted. Never mind, just makes loads of money and put up with being disliked. You know it’s going to rile those other states. The only other problem is that you’re going to have to learn to queue properly now.

Someone did a poll on which countries people are going to support in Euro 2008. Whay is there not more support for Germany? Half of their team are Polish after all. I think the Szarlotkas are going to support Poland (to keep the missus happy) and then Spain (to keep Fernando Torres happy so he doesn’t take the wheelbarrows full of Roubles from Chelski).

Apparently no one wants the Russians to build their new gas pipeline under the Baltic for environmental reasons. Seems a bit strage to us given the estimated number of lost Russian nuclear submarines out there.

Just a shortie this week as Szarlotka has to get some sleep so he can get up early to go to Blackburn again. They’ll be giving him a frequent visitor’s loyalty card next.
19 May 2008
USA, Canada / Victoria Day - Gotta love Canada! [12]

I actually struggled out of my bed today with a hangover only to realise it was a public holiday..

Hi Dec. How the devil are you. Hope things are working out well for you in BC.

I forgot about Victoria Day. I've been trying to talk to my son out there and now realise he's probably still asleep!
16 May 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Too right. Mind you it would have big o' me to have said Yes <groan>

From Our War Correspondent, Lifo Debauchery

A hearty welcome to you all from the front line of the War on Reason. As I speak, the situation here on PF goes from bad to worse. There are insults flying, vitriolic personal attacks are on the increase and the casualty rate is climbing. It is hard to see from this fox hole just who is fighting who anymore. The original spat began with the Poles invading the UK. The English then retaliated by buying vast portfolios of prime Polish real estate. The fighting at that point was vicious but out in the open. Collateral damage to the Yanks, Canucks and Aussies was unheard of. It was a good, clean and bloody fight. The English stopped all hostilities for afternoon tea whilst the Poles refused to fight after 6pm as they had parties to go to. At this point, the Muslim world were staying out of the battle.

Now things are very different. At the last count there were forty seven different warring factions. It is now a global conflict and the fighting has become dirty. People are not awaiting their turn to attack, some of the blows have been well below the belt and sectarian violence has increased.

Things have deteriorated to such an extent that some of my fellow war correspondents have checked out of the smoking ruin once known as the Downtown Hilton and fled across the border to the relative safety of the Quantum Physics Forum where they are reported to be safe but confused and bored. It’s only the die hards amongst us who care to remain in these sub human conditions – i.e. no fun, little chance of any love interest and the last barrel of Guinness running dry last Tuesday. But despite all of this we can assure our reader that we shall continue to stay here in this God forsaken hole to report on developments until the bitter end. (At which point there will be only lager left so sod that for a game of soldiers)
15 May 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Shorthand Edition

Polson loves Jova
Easy_Terran hates Bubba
Bubba hates Easy_Terran's beard
Noimmigration hates everybody
RockyMason hates himself
Noone likes Bartolome (according to Bartolome)
Ranj has returned
Osiol is writing a diary
Harry and Carol aren't getting on very well
Burma is flooded
China has collapsed
Petrol is now more expensive than Crystal Champagne
Some people have appalling taste in music
Szarlotka has received a proposal of marriage from someone in Ghana
Seanus is being sensible and staying on topic

That's it really.
13 May 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Because it is undoubtedly the best read on these forums of late

Too kind Shawn_H. But you damn me with faint praise. The quality of posting on here lately is such that if I had written "Now please wash your hands" I would have a fighting chance of your accolade LOL

Some of the infighting is getting tedious. What would Huegel have made of it all? Now there was a true talent.