USA, Canada /
Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]
The Guardian is a Manchester Daily and is to England what the New York Times is to America.
Is the NYT a socialist newspaper owned by its workers and read mainly by semi-communists/socialists?
There is nothing wrong with the Guardians news reports but ridiculous opinion pieces like your link, are worthless.
The author complains that the left wing journalist were sacked... because nobody read the paper. A typical ex-communist who think that their opinions should be forced on the public and are outraged by capitalism where
people choose to buy newspapers. Or not, if its boring left wing crap.
Another flaw in the article is the whine about the lack of anti-capitalist protests in Poland protesting the 'austerity'. Problem is there is no austerity in Poland and has not been, spending is going up with wages.
How terrible for the communists, capitalism is giving Poles higher incomes and there is no place for the communists to get back in power.
All of Europe is imploding due to austerity measures
Except Poland, the subject under discussion.