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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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6 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Not free though from the Royal Family

Why be free from something that does not effect my freedom? You have ridiculously wealthy heads of state with very little actual power,so do we,yours is of Kenyan heritage ours is of Germano danish heritage......What we are totally free from though is our people being under the commands of a former member of the Hitler Youth living in gilded palaces in Rome......

the Class System.

Yeah, because you are all fraternal comrades in the USA..............
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

nothing like November 5th in dear old Lewes...

we didnt even have a bonfire...HnS......still sounds like a noisey night in Stalingrad though......mind, I dont know if its been the same where you are but there have been hardly any going off over the last weeks.....
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Yes,nothing about it being the home of western democracy and habius corpus, nothing about it never having fallen to an invader in hundreds of years,nothing to do with the freedoms from petty religious oppression we all benefit from, its the cucumber sarnies......
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Bernard Matthews

Burn them!!!!

I think the crematorium probably beat you to it last year when he died... ;)

it's November 5th and as a true Brit it's hard to control myself

The advantage of having a garden that backs onto open fields, towns firework show just at my backdoor :)
( oh yes, living in a country that celebrates a failed catholic terrorist attack by re enacting a night in Dresden......)



3 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

If you do move over here, for gods sake do not move to Peterborough of doncaster

Oh no,whatever you do,dont move to parts of england that have had large Polish communities for 70 + years.............listen to the boyo from North Wales( even most Welsh call the North Welsh weird sheep shaggers with horrible nasaly voices), you will be much better off moving to the home of rain,rain,sheep,rain,more sheep and holiday home arson.....
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Oh, behave, to lots of people,especially I imagine people with english as a second language "jumbo jet" is nothing more than the "Hoover" of the large jet airliner world......
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

I know the crash position is probably a load of old XXXX designed to keep people vaguely calm etc, but, coming in with no landing gear I know my face would be in my crotch, Im sorta guessing most people on board felt that way too ,would make a boring film ;)

Edit, unless you mean the flight crew,in which case, A, I hope they didnt have their faces in their crotches and B, hope they were busy doing other stuff :)
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

You see , the first thing the doctor would do is to examine the patient if he is alive

nope,the first thing a Dr would do is call on his years of experience then review the patients health history.....
Moania, brush up on your English comprehension old duck.....skysoulmate did nothing but praise the flight crew ffs......
Exactly how many hours flying time have you moania? and I dont mean as a passenger.....of course, for all we really know skysoulmate might be a WALT who sits at home flying Microsoft flight sims all day, but he knows his stuff on the subject where you clearly do not.
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Jeezus...they dont have manual pump over rides anymore!!!!! ( see 1986's Memphis Belle ;) )
Like Skysoulmate,all I can say is well done crew, absolutly perfect landing,been in rougher ones with all wheels down.
Just another reason for me to say,IMHO LOT Pilots are some of ,if not THE best Airline Pilots in the world ! :)

Lets hope the Pilots dont now get shafted and find themselves esentially unemployable down to their insurence having just shot up......yes,thats right folks, do something heroic like that and save hundreds of lives doesnt count for a hill of beans to the insurers,as far as they are concerned "you" have a flawed safety record :(
2 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK not a problem as far as i can tell [79]

I've met Polish people who have been here for 50 years and still can't speak much English.

I live in Doncaster and have met English people that have lived here for 50 years and who still cant speak any recognisable form of English......
2 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

your poor British people have been better off for the last 150 years thats majority of people on this planet.

You should have tried harder then,simple really. Britain didnt get where and what it did by sitting around complaining about how tough things were,they got on and fixed it.

I know thats hard for a nation to understand who's default position when times get a bit hard is to flee to the west.......

But, stop moaning about 20 % unemployment for a couple of years in Poland FFS, people in parts of Britain and the USA saw twice those numbers for 3 and 4 times as long, so yes, get over yourselves.
2 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK not a problem as far as i can tell [79]

ghettoish areas like Doncaster

Cheeky tw@t!! ;)
But, yes, Poles do now make up a huge part of the population, but they have done for decades around here. My village has "Polish" families that came over in the 1900s for the mines.

There was a slight ghetto area to begin with,but no locals are complaing because what happened was young families took over an area of the town that had previously been a no go area full of bail hostels and prossies.

These days Poles live all over Donny and yes, a few locals still complain but most these days have met enough Poles to see them as people not just "others".
1 Nov 2011
Life / Trick or treat in Poland [24]

PP!!! Shame on you......lols
its America(My country tis of thee) totally different song....sheesh, a limey teaching a colonial about their own patriotic songs :)
1 Nov 2011
Life / Trick or treat in Poland [24]

Its "My country tis of thee ,sweet land of liberty etc " that has the same tune as God save the Queen/King ;)
Causes great confusion in productions of West Side Story over here where people wonder why the Jets mockingly whistle the English national anthem to the coppers ;)
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

Iberian Jews . :)
The Dutch dont tend to bother with that boring little thing called "cooking" when it comes to fish from take aways ;)
1 Nov 2011
Life / Trick or treat in Poland [24]

"Guising at Halloween in Scotland is recorded in 1895, where masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped out turnips,
visit homes to be rewarded with cakes,fruit and money....."
I believed that right untill it got to the "fruit"......in Scotland!?!?!?
Do like how its first recorded in North America in 1911, in Canada :)
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

As for fish and chips being 'English',

lol, you really wont like who actually invented Fish n Chips..............and it wasnt the Scots, twas the other tribe of Gods chosen people ;)
1 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Coronation chicken is one of my fav

*****that sound Homer makes when he see's dohnuts*********
You can even get a ready made sandwich filler of this from a certain major supermarket begining with T ending in ESCO....;) Its surprisingly nice,perfect in a crispy baguette type bread......oh gawd, Im starving now and my nearest T***Os is 10 miles away lol
1 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / "If it's not Polish, it's shite" - What is great about Polish Beer in UK? [78]

To balance my disdain of Polish beer ,Im not a huge fan of any beer but in Poland I soon learned to stick to the Vodka and now I gag at anything but Polish (or lithuaninan TBH) Vodka :)

and Mead, Polish Honey mead,seriously a drink of the Gods if they were into getting hammered and discovering an ability to literaly siit down in a campfire and only move when the third person screaming at you finally gets the message home......long,and blurred story lol
1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

I gave up years ago trying to figure out what "English " food was... I was brought up on things like kedgaree (sp?) which I thought for years was some local fish dish, turned out to be something first ate by Brits out in India as a sort of halfway between "civilised" food and a good curry ;)
1 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

But there is at least the Sherwood Forest in my neighbourhood and it keeps me alive :)

Not that far from me then,though Im closer to Barnsdale forest , the REAL location of Robin Hood :) ( 'e was a Yorkshire-man,not some Nancy from Notinghamshire ;) )

have you got upto Whitby yet? Its a real must, a bit of a trek but any chance you get you have to visit it,its magical (and the home of Dracula :) )

And I quite like the weather :)

Yups,all 5 seasons in one day ;) Was brass monkey cold this morning,tonight was out in shirt sleeves :) (and Im not a geordie ;) )

I personally love the trains - one can't even compare them with trains in Poland and the staff is ever so nice and helpful.

I really must get on a Train again then,last time I rode them it felt like wartime Europe with the gestapo checking tickets and the residents of the local loony bin as my carriage companions...........Oh,wait, it was a "wartime Weekend" on the North York Moors Steam railway.......

I love Peak District

Gorgeous place isnt it, have camped there many a weekend. Have you visited the Blue John Mines? ( a mineral/crystal thingy, not a mine for male prn stars...) .

If you like peak district, visit Snowdonia near me..

Seconded, theres lovely...;) Start in Barmouth on the beech in the morning,wander over the old bridge and be in the mountains by lunch time,stunning part of the world. And the people are very friendly too, dont believe that guff about the North Welsh (of course,my Scotland footie shirt may help there as your Polish accent will..)
30 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

These practices caused 20 % of unemployment rate and moved Poland backwards several years in economiocal growth ."

Get over your pity party you delightfully ecentric lady......monia,I grew up in an area with over 35 % unemployment in the so called rich west that you feel some god given right to leech from...lols, polish honour, dont make me chortle.....not much honour in moaning constantly and blaming every one else for your own nations shortcomings...

Not that you'd give a fig, but the reason unemployment ran so high here was that your government was selling coal at unrealistically low subsidised prices, killed our coal fields...Yorkshire coal field power stations being run on coal from aromatic Gliwice.....

Criticism expressed by foreign born citizens is welcome here in Poland "

What utter ,ahem, codswallop moania, you call for people to be arrested and posts monitered by the state security services if someone complains a bus ran 5 minutes late in poland.....What have you been drinking tonight you dear thing? It would seem you forget your usual reflex mode of attack dog like assaults on anyone who critisizes anything about Poland..

If the number of Polish born residents is larger than that included in official statistics the ratio of convictions is even more favourable for Poles "

blah blah fiddly dee blah.......seemples moania, if the little polish scrotes had stayed in Poland they wouldnt be comiting crimes in England would they................

"Try and be civil, I don't see her calling you names"
yes miss.....
30 Oct 2011
Food / Squirrel-stuffed pasties from Cornwall? [6]

Well, they cull grey squirrels so why waste them...personnaly I think they are both cute animals and these days I wouldnt eat a pie,and Ive eaten my share of bush tucker , Kangaroo burgers, water buffalo burgers, ostrich steak.........and more than my share of beaver...........budum tisshhhh.