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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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25 Jun 2013
Life / Expat, immigrant, foreigner. Not all foreigners in Poland are expats. [84]

So basically you're saying citizenship is what makes the difference.
Except in America many Polish immirgant have lived their lives there and never became US citizens or did so only later in life.
What about a self-emplyoed vaccum-clear salesman, car mechanic or English teacher who is not sent by anyone but comes on his own. Expat or immigrant? If he acquries citizenship then I presume he becomes a naturalised Pole.
25 Jun 2013
Work / Corporate integration or blackmail in Poland's companies? [30]

A tredny featrue of today's corproate world are integration meet-ups -- outings, pincics, recreation and entertainment for emyployees which usually turn out to be giant booze-ups.. The declared purpose of this is that employees who socialise together work better together at the office.

A coprotate insider, whose name I am not at liberty to metnion, told me that was the explanation for suckers. The real reason is employee cotmrol. As a for instance he mentioned a worker who is reluctant to perform some task the boss has assigned. The boss then whips at a photo from the latest meet-up showing the reluctant married employee cosying up to the office bombshell, the lovely single pani Kasia and says: 'Maybe your wife would be interested in seeing this picturer.' It'sd also easier to pry infroamtion from inebriated employees anotui themselves and their workmates.

Only shows to go everything has a down side.
Like, at the begining of independence, the young Poles rushed home and proudly told their folks: My boss gave me a free cellphone and a band to hang it from, not realising it was actually a leash.
25 Jun 2013
Life / Expat, immigrant, foreigner. Not all foreigners in Poland are expats. [84]

Someone on another thread stated: 'Not all foreigners in Poland are expats.'

That raises an interesting question. How does the expat differ from the immigrant and foreigner in Poland.
I used to think an expat is here for s shorter stay and will eventually return to his homeland.
Did those Polish immigrants who went to America in the early 20th century become expats (althouhg thart terminology was not used back then), when they decided to return to Poland after the war?

A foreigner in Poland could be a tourist, businessman, student or other person just passing through or staying for a specific, usually short length of time.

Then there are the refugees and asylum seekers which constitue a separate category.
Of coursde, the status can change. A student or asylum seeker may decide to stay, marry, set up a fmaily, etc. Immigrants can also have a change of heart at some point and decide to retrun home.

Any thoughts on this?
25 Jun 2013
Food / Poland known for cheap food [7]

GUS figures show that Poland has the EU's cheapest food with the exception of bread and cereals where Bulgaria is the lowest. Alcohol is excluded from this calculation. Supposedly Polish food is 39% below the EU average. Somehow Polish shoppers are not that optimistic.
24 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Some Norwegian is building Beach city around Mielno in the smae general area. But the seafaring people of Elbląg have no work in theri occupation.
24 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]


The port exists but has limtied access to the sea. Look at the map. The livelihood of this former port town has been threatened ever since the Russians started causing a stink.
24 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

For a number of years Russian reprisals over various issues have turned the former Port of Elbląg into a land-locked town. Its only opening on the Baltic is at the Russian end of the Vistula Lagoon which limits Poles' access to the sea and could be closed by the Russians at any time.. The idea of cutting through a 10 km wide promontory on Polish territory has been discussed for some time. The government claims the cost would be prohibitve but backers insist it would pay for itself in no time. Thoughts?

Navigable canal on the Vistula Spit - a project maritime connections of the Vistula Lagoon from Gdańsk Bay within the Polish territory, aimed at shortening, deepening and simplifying the Baltic sea lane.

The decision to implement the project was announced by Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski November 10, 2006 in Elblag, just before the local elections as a result of discussions with local activists.

Planned before performing the appropriate expertise and environmental impact assessments, the cost of construction of the canal with a length of 1,100 meters and a width of 40 m and 80 m the bottom to the surface, is about 80 million. The deepening of the fairway and adapting it to the ships of the required tonnage through the port of Elblag, and the construction of special locks and bridges, increase the cost of the investment to about 230 million euros. The project comes into collision with the EU program Natura 2000 nature conservation.

24 Jun 2013
News / Self-important Warsaw mayor [18]

Hard times for Mayor Gronkiewicz-Waltz

Poland's lady mayor is not only facing a possible recall referendum, but missed an opportunity to spruce up her image. She reopened the Wisłostrada tunnel which had been inoperative due to flooding for many months, onyl to have a huge downpour flood it again. She immediately sacked an official she said was responsible and has pledged to instal monitoring cameras and appoint a special official to watch over the tunnel.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

If you hunt arouind you will soon find out why many Poles do not harbour particulary pleasant memories of their Stalinsit oppressors. Haven't you heard of the techniques they used: forcign prisoners to sit naked on a one-legged stoll turned upside down, being doused with cold water and forced ot stand in front of an open window in winter, fingers smashed in drawers, cigarettes snuffed out on senstive parts of the body...need I go on?

There is plenty of testimony for those who take the trouble to find it. One can learn that, among other things,
in autumn 1945 the Soivet adviser to the Polish Ministry of Public Security Col. Nikolai Selivanovskiy reported to his boss Lavrenty Beria, Soviet Interior Commissar, that 18.7% of the MPS's employees are Jews, and 50% of the decision-making posts are held by Jews... In 1949, the Soviet ambassador to Poland Viktor Lebedev reproted that 'in the MPS all the deputy ministers and department heads are Jewish. There isn't a single Pole.'

And don't forget that Jews accounted for no more than 1% of the population if not less.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

by supporters of Slask Wroclaw"?

Besides footie fans banners identified some of the hecklers as belonging to nationalists groups. What woudl stadium hooligans have against an old philosopher. They wouldn't know postmodernism from a postage stamp! I presume they were brought in by the nationalists as backup.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

It's absolutely offensive.

I'm flexible. Have it changed to Commie-Gentile or Commie-Goy if that rocks your boat! How about AK-killer. The goy thing is a lie but this reflects the historical truth. Or maybe ex-Stalinist professor

It's strange you don't like such a descriptive tandem as Żydokomuina when you are yourself using the paedophile-priest connection. That's PC for you -- overturn some taboos and steretypes and create new ones in their place.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

racists and other hate mongers to group, congregate,

Know of any site that allows Christophobes, Church-bashers and anti-Polonian racists to congregate? If you do, they can pick up a few new members from PF.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

Only the funny one. The others were routine and uneventful. I got picked up while en route to cover a pro-Solidarity, anti-Communist Mass for the Homeland at St Joseph the Worker parish in suburban Ursus. One of them got in my car while I was bundled into a Soviet-built jeep and driven to the Wilcza Station police station. After a long wait of several hours seated on a hard wooden chair (they try to wear you down that way! -- typical secret police tactic!)the interrogator asked a lot of questions about what I was doing there, who had sent me, bla-bla, and naturally wanted to see my foreign correspondent's accreditation. He phoned someone to verify what he heard and told me to empty my pockets. Should I remove everything? - I asked. Yes, everything - came the reply. I had bought some groszki ( little ball type sweets) which came in a flimsy cellophane packet which had fallen apart. So I scooped them out and placed them on the SB guy's desk and they rolled all over the place, onto the floor, into his open drawer. You should have seen the expression on this face. But what could he do. He had said 'everything'. Probably under Stalinism that would have qualified as sabotage.

To save out court stooges' breath stooges -- it's all lies, fairy tales, made up, concocted, false, phoney, untrue, bla-bla... (LOL!)
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]


Warzęcha contends that Bauman has a foul (paskudny życiorys) because he was dab smack in the centre of the stalinist terror apparatus and has never apologised.

Naitonalist leader Krzysztof Biosak said it's good young people have protested against making an authority out of the likes of a Bauman.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

you'd know far more about

Yes, I got hauled in for questioning on three separate occasions. And like you (maybe it's genetic?!) they used veiled allusions and threats, in fact they were probably a bit more subtle than you are. They had also done their share of previous snooping and surveillance and surprised me with what they knew.
24 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

As a hardworking responsible female am I entitled to demand a virgin husband?

Indeed you are. It would be hypocritical any other way. I think what I read about Sweden a while ago was great: they fine not only the paid tarts but also their johns (customers). In fact photos of those customers as well as of shoplifters, pickpockets and other unsavoury types should be prominently displayed to warn the unsuspecting public. Except that the Helsinki types would start screaming about 'human rights'.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

unproven and libellous rumours. If you know a good defence lawyer, now's the time to make sure you've got enough money to afford the fees

This is jon357's new tack. From web-stalking he has graduated to intimidation. An old NKVD, SB and Gestapo trick! Of late he's been trying it out on others.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

How many elderly people in Poland don't have some skeletons in their closets"
I have no proclivity to snoop on elderly people.

But some people on PF defintiely do!
Why not ask the question: How many elderly people anywhere don't have some skeletons in their closets? Today's good-time Suzies, who some fancy as cool party girls just having a good time, will be grandmothers one day. Ever wonder what kind of stories they'll be telling their grandkids and the bounce them on their knees?
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

All has gone fine here

Indeed, especially for those producing the new rubish bins. They're working round the clock and cannot churn out enough of them. That's what tuskite tenders and the whole EU philosophy is all about -- fleece the publci and give the scam some fancy name.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

The concept Żydokomuna exists in Polish. I realise your grasp of the lingo may not be all that great, but beleive me it does. If you can give a milder more PC-acceptable version that concisely encapsulates that concept, I'm all ears or eyes. That was what the protest was about: yet another Jew with a shady Stalinist past passing himself off as a great authroity. You can agree with a protester or not, but even The PC fanatics would probaly not have said the demonstrators were venting their anger on the corporate destruction of our planet or Poland's big rubbish-collection snafu.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

racist language

Are you daft man! Jew is a neutral, generic term. If someoen had said kike, hymie, hebe or someting in that vein I could understand your outrage and bluster.
24 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

What does his ethnicity have to do with anything

It apprently did since the Żydokomuna chants and placards made it clerar what the protest was all about.
Don't kill the messenger.
23 Jun 2013
News / Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down [79]

Young nationalists at Wrocław University disrupted a lecture by Professor Zygmunt Bauman, a well know scholar with Jewish-Communist roots. They chanterd: Sickle and hammer the red riffraff! Police were called in to escort the protesters out. They accused Bauman of having been a NKVD agent and an agent of communist Poland's military intelligence.
23 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

idea of wholesomeness

Whoelsomenes means someone with principles and self-respect -- what have you got agaisnt that? The only eligible marriage partner accrforidn to you are clubbers, pub-crawlers adn sleep-arounds. There was no mention of education. A godd Catholic family (and I know a number of those) can comrpise two educated adutls working in their respectvie professions, raising children, running a household and finding time to do things together including having a sacramental life. That does not mean sitting in church all day, becuase how could they work in their professions professions and raise a family. If huibby is the better cook, he can fix dinner, and if wifey is more mechanically inclined, she can change the sparking plugs and oil filter..

The barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen stereotype you fancy so much sounds like something from an American hillbilly joke: Have you heard about the hillbilly who was so lazy he married a pregnant girl?