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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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12 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

That would be very hard to do as its sold and I have already paid the tax. The next investment is only now being planned. Sorry to p*ss all over your party.
12 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Harry Dent....may be familiar to folks in the US...claims property market in Europe will well and truly crash in mid 2012...not trying to scare and do not agree just worth a read..

From the comments made by people who have watched the video clip, he is not regarded as much of an expert and the last time I looked the DJI was in America.

Only when the average house is affordable to the average wage earner in any given area will the housing market recover. Unless the housing market crashes back to this figure rapidly, all that will happen is a stagnated market will wait for earnings and the effects of inflation to bring about the balance.

Same old, same old. Every couple of weeks you revive this thread and state the same thing. Why is it that you never mention the new housing projects that are being started?

Why don't you mention the projects that have been abandoned? ( perhaps there are none) Why don't you tell us about all the developers that have gone bankrupt? Anything, anything at all that is worthy of discussion, not this same old mantra of what you wish/need to happen for you to obtain your own home.
8 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Congratulations. It is hugely satisfying to stand back at the end and look at what you have achieved. I wish you every happiness in your new home.
8 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Don't forget, there's always the option to buy a plot of land and do it yourself over several years. Much easier - OK, less hard - than in many other countries.

So you would still be paying rent and using any savings you might be able to scrimp together to build the house over a period of years. This would of course gain you a small saving but you would be paying 23% VAT on any labour/materials you had to purchase, whereas, to buy new, would only involve VAT of 8%. I think this might be practical if you were living with family and paying only a token rent but if you were renting at the open market rates, it would not be worth it. Also, the strain of spending all your "free" time on a project such as building an entire house can be quite daunting but at least its built to your own specification.
8 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

That's whay when prices are so inflated as in cities like Krakow or Warsaw and you risk beeing burdened all your life by heavy mortgages ,the best might be to rent while you are working and buy a nice and cheap place in a smaller town or in the country side to retire .
You can find nice houses for less than 300 000 pln in Poland but not in Krakow or Warsaw...

I agree. The only problem I can see with this, is that the cost of rents will rise along with the cost of living. Will people be able to afford ever increasing rents, save enough to buy a house outright and have a good enough pension to retire on?
8 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

you have to remember that unlike the UK and the States if you cannot pay your mortgage you cannot
walk away and post the keys back to the bank

You cannot walk away in the UK. The debt will follow you and if it is a joint mortgage, it will follow the other person as well.

If the bank repossess and fails to recover the debt at auction, the balance plus accruing interest, plus costs, will still be sought by the lender.

The situation with the house prices in Poland generally is that the sellers believe that their house is worth a certain inflated price and will not budge.

The following is a comment written in reply to an artical in an English Newspaper today:- The Telegraph. Thursday 08 September 2011

"These plans are completely devoid of reality. If you think you'll get lots of affordable nice housing out of it you're living in a dream world. There won't be any development until massive profits can be made. Until then it's cheaper to have all their labourers/builders/joiners etc. who are often subbies, unemployed. These are businesses - they're not going to build if no-one can afford to buy the things in the end."

The writer understands as well as I do, the "reality" of housing development. Three years since the financial crises began in 2008. How many of the developers in Poland have gone bankrupt? I have read of one Swedish development company which is going to finish off its projects in Poland and concentrate on the Scandinavian market as its not profitable for them here in the present market. The main players are all concentrating on smaller projects/apartments with prices that are acceptable by the banks for mortgage loans. This is what I posted, would happen, two years ago.
7 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

WBJ. 5th September 2011

"In the upcoming quarters, the company plans to keep stable the number of units it has on offer, which it views as large enough given the present situation on the market, Jarosław Szanajca, president of Dom Development’s management board, said at a recent press conference".

"In the near future, construction starts will roughly match the level of apartment sales, with Dom Development expecting to launch construction on at least 600 new units by the end of this year, Mr Szanajca said".

As is the case in the UK, the builders will sit on their landbanks and allow a trickle of new builds to hit the market. This will ensure that prices do not drop below the levels they need to make desired profits. New builds will never be 2000PLNm2 unless wage/material/land prices fall by 50% which seems very unlikely.
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Your overbearing reaction to my inquisitive posts only proves that you are a very frustrated guy.
I pity you, in fact.[/quote

calling someone you do not know "a liar" is being inquisitive? what do you do to be obnoxious?

[quote=pawian]I am not many.

Your not even "one"

Do you really crave for fame so much that you expect everybody to know you are a developer?

No, but I would check my facts before I called someone a liar.

There's a pic of Pawian on the show your face thread. He's a bigger lad than his style of writing suggests.

Thank you. It means that I know what he looks like and he has no idea who I am.
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Sorry, darling, I don`t believe it. :):):)

Darling?, are you gay?

Come on, another lie. What kind of a developer are you?

You are making yourself look stupid now. Many people on the forum know that I am a developer. If you bothered to check, you would see pictures of my projects.

Meet me in Krakow and you will understand why I have never been bullied.

I feel so little next to you. :):):):):)

I feel so little next to you. :):):):):)

You are. Believe me.
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Just clarify what you meant regarding the ticket part and all will be clear I'm sure.

The ticket should not have been issued, there is inadequate signage in this square and as was rightly pointed out, it would have been kicked out of court. The point I was trying to make was that the ticket was issued by mistake, but, if I had not queried it, I would have had to pay a fine for something which was not my fault. I had bought a parking ticket to allow me to park for 2 hours and displayed it inside the windscreen, this was why I was so suprised to get a ticket.

It does not matter anyway, I criticised Poland so pawian will always believe I am a liar, Polish people are never wrong ;-)
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

It is simply necessary. When you plan to build a house in Poland, you need a tonne of documents from various specialists, which costs you a year on average.

Really!!! as a developer/builder for 40 years, I never realised that!!!. You should take some time to read previous posts or, at least look at the cartoons.
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

That is why I take the whole complaint by Avalon with a giant pinch of salt.

Pawian, I am not in the habit of lying. I leave that to others.
The parking incident was in a main square, did not involve being on the grass or pavement, blocking anyone else in or being nearer than 1.5 metres from a building. This is your interpretation to justify you accusation that I must be lying or making up stories to "bash" Poles.

On receiving the parking ticket I went to the local "straz" station, explained what had happened to the officer who issued the ticket and he agreed that there was a lack of signage, no parking bays are marked out and the fact was that many tickets were issued there because of this. He "tore" the ticket up. This has happened twice now. A waste of everybodies time.

The incidents in my original post did happen, and, those are only a few of them.
Sometimes the stupidity gets a bit too much and I get very angry. Its interesting to see the comments on my post. Most non-Polish who live here tend to agree with what I tried to say (I apologise if it sounded like a generalisation as this was not my intention, I can only write about my experiences here in Southern Poland) but the Polish contingent have automatically jumped on the defensive, accusing me of lying and telling me to go home?. This is my home!!!, I have been here for 8 years now and I would never want to return to the UK.

Is it so wrong of me to want to see Poland progress and become more business friendly. Is it so wrong to want people (of any country) to do what they are supposed too and know the rules and regulations that apply to the jobs they are paid to do?

I have permanent residence here in Poland, I pay ZUS and I am supposed to be treated, eactly, the same as any Polish Person. My partner recently went to pick up our "Health Cards" to carry with us when we went on holiday. Hers and the childrens were valid for 6 months, mine was valid for 30 days, what happened to the "equal" part?

Fed up with my bad (Radio) internet connection, I decided to change to "Netia" which involves letting go one of my TPS landlines. Now, after two months, 5 couriers coming to the house asking me to sign contracts/transfer forms, I still do not have the new service installed.

I am not Pole bashing, simply pointing out how difficult it is to get the simplest things done. Polish people might think this is "normal" in everyday life and I should get used to it, at my age, I am too old to change and I do not tolerate fools gladly.

To me it makes no sense for business's to be run this way and may explain why the costs of services is so high here. If all these people have to run around with bits of paper to be signed and stamped, the cost will always be passed on to the customer.

Just because I criticise things that annoy me, does not mean that I do not love this country. Sometimes things build up and you have to let off steam. I am not asking for forum members to agree with me, I am just explaining things that happen to me on a far too regular basis.

For the foriegners living here, you know the truth. For the Polish who seem to think that any criticisem is a slight on the whole of Poland, be aware, if you do not learn from mistakes you are apt to repeat them and nothing will change for the better.

Lastly, I repect the present Polish government and admire the way they have guided Poland through a very difficult financial period. I simply wanted to point out that if thy removed a lot of the "red tape" and stupid rules/laws, the economy would grow at an even faster pace and truly make peoples lives, easier.

lets talk turkey, your motivation for living in Poland was cheap housing and a way of life and now you realise that there are strings attached

Really!!!, I have never lived anywhere "cheap", even now. There are no strings attached, unless you think that stupidity is something we all have to accept?

arrogance and blame, change yourself and not the system.

You then go on to say,

I personally think that people like you and Seanus have a very positive impact in bringing change or giving options to people they come across in their lives.

Which is it?, either I need to change, or I bring a positive change to others?
The rest of your comments I agree with.
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Nice thread, Avalon. I'm sure you'll get attacked by those defensive types but I know exactly where you are coming from

I thought you would understand. I am tired now, tired of fighting the system. I can earn money anywhere in the world with my skills.

I thought that Poland would evolve, change rapidly to absorb, Western ideas. I was wrong, people said that it would take 15 years, even that was optomistic!!!, the (communistic) authourities are still in place and until this generation takes over, nothing, will change.

Like WB, I thought I could change things!!! wrong!!! no way!!!!. You are always fighting a lost cause.
I still have a flat in Barcelona and may go back there. At least I will be able to watch decent football. Its not cheap to live there, but Poland is heading the same way and at least the Winters are not that bad.
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!!!!
Whether it is a girlfriend, work colleague or a professional advisor, they are, never wrong. It is always somebody else's fault.
The architect makes a mistake, alters your plans and fails to tell the local authourity of the change, you get fined, but, the architect is not responsible, its down to your building inspector who, "only" signed off the change. Try taking this to court!!!! ( if you have 10 years of your life to waste}

The "clerk" at the local authourity who asks you to bring the documents you need and then tells you that you need several other documents. You are supposed to "know", you are the "dummy" because you do not understand the job they are paid to do!!!!

You park your car (next to other parked cars) and then get a ticket, you ask where the signs saying "no parkling" are and you are told that there "are none" and you should "know".

(as a foriegner, I am not physcic)
I do not want to spend every weekend with family or friends visiting. I would like some time on my own with my family. ( wrong, you are unsociable), this is normal?.

I was only talking to my sister/mother for 3 hours on the phone. The fact this is also a business line is immaterial. I am wrong again.

I can accept mistakes, I can put up with lies. I cannot repeat "cannot" underderstand why I should have to "pay" for everyone else's mistakes.

If a mistake is made here, nobody seems to pay for it, except me!!!. (When you talk to a lawyer, he/she tells you its a WASTE OF TIME} why do I have to pay (in time and money) for people who have no idea what they are doing?.

Untill Tusk, and whatever stupid government in Poland, realises, what a hell it is to, actually do business here, it will always be a backward country.

Nobody is reponsible. The stadiums for the 2012 football championships will be finished. Where are the fans supposed to stay? where are the roads to travel to the grounds? How can you build hotels when you have no knowledge where the roads are actually going to be?. After 3 years, the Polish government sacks one man, that makes everythibg ok. Nobody else is responsible.

The "A4" to the Ukarine (between Bresko and Wierzchsławice has not been worked on for the past 8 months, why?, a dispute between the contractor and the government over payments!!!, did this happen in China, Greece, Seoul, or any other country which held a major event?

Always, somebody else is to blame.
When I make a mistake, I accept it, hold my hand up and get on with my life. It seems that the people of my adopted country, cannot do this.

I love where I live, I love the people. For the first time in 8 years, I am beginning to question whether this country will be right for me. I have tried to adapt, but there seems to be no logical thinking here, and, its not changing for the better.

Countries survive on "small business's" which create jobs and wealth. Its OK trying to lure the big companies here, but, they will only stay as long as the tax breaks and the wages stay low, then, they will move on.

I have the money so that I do not have to work, I could live off of the interest. This is no satisfaction to me. I want to help/create something here in Poland, but, the government makes it so difficult to even try.

When people "blame", foriegn investors, they ought to look at their own government which encourages the large companies that pay low wages.
Ask yourself, why, a country like the UK, has no VAT on new housing!!!, this encourages more development, creates construction jobs and boosts the economy.

Here in Poland, everybody has an uncle, cousin, friend who will tile their floor, build their houses, fence the property, landscape the garden,for, cash.

Where is the tax that should be going into in the economy?. Who is to balme for the fact you have to live in a "s**thole because your government does not understand "basic" economics.

I am sure the Polish government means well, but, I can also understand why the average Polish man drinks 500ml of vodka every night. He needs it to get through the next day.

A mesage to all the members of the "Sjem". Do not write a book in 5 years time about what is wrong. Put your hands up now and "change" the system.

Lets save 10 years and make this country, great, now!!!!!.
Forget your own ambitions!!!, the people are great!!!, listen to them.
20 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Have you bothered to look at the stock markets this year. Fear is your answer. Everyone is scared to lend or borrow. If you read any loan agreement, it states clearly the "the lender is entitled to ask for full repayment of the loan on demand". In the present climate, nobody is sure that the banks have enough liquidity, government soveriegn debts are unmanageable and in serious risk of default. Polititions are lying to everyone.

People are going to sit on what money they have and wait to see if their currency will even be worth the paper its printed on.

Its not only mortgages, car shares have plummeted, along with all industries that supply non-essentials. You only have to look at German growth figures released this week, 0.2% and yet they were talking of record car sales to China.

The so called "stress tests" that were carried out on Banks a couple of weeks ago were aimed at giving confidence to the markets. When they failed to factor in the effects of a Greek default these tests were seen as a sham and the markets this week punished the banks.

I for one will certainly be waiting to see what happens over the next couple of months before committing any large sums of money for anything, let alone buying property. I am not so worried about Poland but the problems of when/how she will be affected by the situations of her EU partners.
20 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Property-deal-in-Poland-fail-ripped off [9]

In Spain, the banks gave guarantee that the deposit money would be safe. They refused to uphold teh guarantees and gave the money to the developers, this was a political decision to steal from foreigners to try to save the Spanish economy. Illegal? yes. Will the Spanish legal system help? no.

Could you provide a link to this information? To "Save" the Spanish economy?, Spain has only been reported as having problems in the past year? How many people, have been buy property, off-plan, in Spain recently? I was not even aware that they were carrying on building. The reason Spains banks are in trouble is because of the money they lent to developers.

It was my impression that the problems with the developers in Spain was not to do with failure to build, it was that they built on land which did not have planning permission. The government then insisted that these houses were demolished. Apparently, the local "mayors" were giving permissions for bribe money, when they never had the authourity to do so.
19 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Property-deal-in-Poland-fail-ripped off [9]

No ,buying an off plan property is not lunacy everywhere.

I tend to agree, but, with certain reservations.
A 10% deposit should give you the choice of plot/apartment with a guarantee of a fixed/final price, set out in a pre-contract.
Deposits should be kept in an "escrow" account and should not be available for the developers use.
If the internal layout of the property is going to be altered to suit the buyer, a further deposit of 20% should be paid on completion of same.

The final payment should be released to the developer on production of the Completion/legalization, certificate (given on condition that all the structure/outbuildings/parking/play areas etc. have been constructed and are to size specified) issued by the local authourity.

(as with most legal documents in Poland, the is a 14 day waiting period after the document is signed but any decent developer would wait until

there is no chance of the document being revoked.

I use these conditions on my projects here in Poland, so there is no way a buyer can lose money or not receive what they have paid for.

I felt obliged to write this post before Milky spouts his usual rubbish about all developers being the sum of the earth.
18 Aug 2011
Life / How to charge money to a phone in Poland? [6]

If you are stuck, go into an "Orange" shop. Hand them the phone and the amount of złoty you want to put as credit on the phone, 50, 100, whatever. They will top up your mobile for you. Whenever you make a call, you should get a message after, telling you how much credit is left and how many days you have to use it.

Hope this helps.
18 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Ahh, you mean the same way that they have in the UK, where people can't afford a deposit for a place to live as the house prices have not dropped sufficiently for them to be affordable.

The current prices are driven by speculation and Poles purchasing from the west.

I would have thought that they would all be buying properties in Ireland as you say its so cheap there, benefits and cheap housing. Win, win, situation.
18 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Ultimately I would say I support Polsky/Milky's views, however they are so unrealistic in their expectations they lose all credibility.

That makes sense?
16 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Hey Milky, These people are lying as well:-

Poland's housing market revived in the first several months of this year. Sales of newly completed apartments and other housing units increased and developers resumed projects they had put on hold after the outbreak of the crisis.

16 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Prices of agricultural land in Poland [39]

I watched a good documentary, recently, about a Swiss farmer who bred cows for beef. What was interesting was that he had bought pasture land in Romania, 200 hectares for 2000 euro a hectare. He said that similar land in Switzerland would have cost him 80,000 euros a hectare. He has plenty of experienced local herdsmen who are grateful for the employment.

The gentleman was convinced that Romania will become the european "Texas", supplying beef to the whole of europe. Good investment, what with the scarcity and the ever increasing price of food.