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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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30 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

No. Adam Michnik and his ethnically correct cohorts as well as others whose parents had been hard-line Stalinists should not be docked financially nor banned from public life unless they themselves were PZPR members who did not hand in their party cards in 1980-81.
30 Jun 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

old people handing over money to Radio Maryja

It's their right how they spend their own money, innit?
If one started criticising people for the foolish things many squander their earnings on, there'd be no time for anything else.
BTW, you never seem to criticise government bigwigs for driving or being driven about in BMWs and Audis, and at the taxpayer's expense to boot!
30 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

You're the one who asked where should the line be drawn and I provided one proposal. Everything was run by the regime so every surgeon, street sweeper, professor, bus driver, teacher and factory worker, whether a PZPR memberr or not, could be construed as working for and collaborating with the communist state. Maybe send them all the Kołyma, eh?

When they run out of clever repartees, some people repeatedly revert to ad absurdam.
30 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

You don't need to send people to prison

You'll notice that the plan I proposed did not mention prison. I wasn't referring to poltical murderers and such who would be handled by prosecution and judicial organs. The lines were clearly drawn:

1) damages/fines/compenation (call it what you will) in varying porportions for all those from secretary of the basic party cell (Podstawowa Organizacja Partyjna) all the way up.

2) Ban on public office, political activity and civil-service posts for all PZPR members who did not dump their memebrship cards during 1980-81.
Point 2 would effectively preclude the emergence of a SLD. With a 20-year ban on political activity, all those who joined the SLD would have gone into other fields, found paid jobs, set up buiseness, etc. By 2010, when the ban ran out, there wouldn't be much of the old lefties left as a political force. A new social-democrat party might emerge but without significant links to the old PZPR
30 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

wide ranging punishments.

That's called historical justice. What in yoru view would be the just reward for those who etxracted fingernails
with pliers, bludgeoned patriots to death, doused them with freezing warter in front of open windows in the bitter cold,
packed a bullet to the back of their head and dumped them into unmarked common pits, or the 'nieznani sprawcy' who beat up and killed poltical opponents in dark back alleys? What about those who like fugitive Michnik never pulled a trigger but ordered others to do so? What are the Delphianite just desserts for these 'men of honour'?
30 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Kosakiewicz family / Sochowski [29]


If it were from Konstanty, whose hypocoristic form is Kostek, Kostko or Kostuś, then it probably would have been Kostkiewicz. Of course, we cannot rule out a misspelling occurring at the hands of a semi-literate parish priest or village scribe somewhere down the line.
30 Jun 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

All in all, a candid, balanced and generally objective but życzliwy (friendly) portrayal of today's Poland. The wide-ranging topics show you kept your eyes and ears open during your visit. On the other hand, personally I feel there has been too much imitation of the West which has damaged and pauperised the 'Polish soul'. Please dont' as for a definition -- it's something you either sense and feel or you don't!

It's particularly common with those that emigrated to English speaking countries.

That must be the influence of Anglo-Saxon arrogance and superiority.
30 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

Just yesterday in a social chat someone mentioend that many former Solidarity freedom-fighters now ride trams whislt ex-nomeneklatura people prefer BMWs. I realise that was an over-simplification. In actuality, some fo the ex-'S' activists ride buses or walk and the ex-commie types often fancy the Lexus, Mecedes, Alfa-Romeo, Infiniti, Volvo or Audi makes...

you can't punish the ordinary Party members

You'll notice only the heads of party cells would have to pay damages, not rank-and-file PZPR members. Rank-and-filers would only be barred from public office and administrative posts for a specific length of time. How else could one have swept away the nomenklatura leftovers so the SLD could not have stood for election in 1993. How else to preclude a situation like the one we have today with ex-commies running the show in many state treasury companies and other areas of the economy. No, you won't fuind any links on this. It's a tight-lipped oldboy web.

But you haven't answered my main question: if true decommunisation had been carried out, where would those who wanted to leave Poland most likely go: Cuba, Russian Federation, Belarus or other ex-soviet republic, Vietnam? (Poland was not in the EU in the early 1990s.)

29 Jun 2013
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

nothing good for the country.

And the big foreign corporations exploiting cheap Polish manpower are in here only to help the Polish people, right? They don't care a fig about profits, exlpoitaiton or lowering costs.

Without the TUs, the Tusktite oldboy network of scam artists and shady businessmen would go wild even beyond what they are doing already. Poland's rulers can natrually roll out ZOMO untis against protesters but showing trade unionists being bludgeoned by security forces on TV is bad for propaganda and may make Tusk think twice.
29 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

Czech Republic ex-reds have their own communist party

Ever hear of the SLD? Incidentally, Poland never had a post-war communist party -- it was the Polish United Workers Party. Except that excrement by any other name smells.........
29 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

Nobody said de-NMazification was ideal, and a lot of Nazis fell throuhg the cracks and evaded prosecution. But wouldn't you say it was nevertherless more intensive than Poland's lame weryfikacja and lustracja experiments? In fact I've heard it said that of all the ex-Soviet bloc countries Poland performed the worst in that resepct.
29 Jun 2013
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

Merged: Solidarity in Poland: then and now?

I was originally tempted to post this in the Polonia section to show that Polonia is more than just beer, kiełbasa and pierogi festivals but also is involved in serious debates and discussions and has its own research institutes and university chairs. However, my main here is to discuss Solidarity as it was, is and should be.

The AWS was the last attempt to turn 'S' into a political force. Now it is s typcial trade unmion, albeit allied with a single party. (Same in the US where the tu mvt is allied with the Democrats.)

Should Solidarity simply persist in its present form or try to field candidates in the 2015 election? What do you think the public response would be?

29 Jun 2013
History / De-communisation in Poland? [38]

I wonder what would have happened if a thorough-going de-communisation had been carried out in Poland after 1989 similar to the post-war de-Nazification in West Germany. The PZPR would have had to be officially declared a criminal organisaiton. Members from the head of every POP (basic party cell -- these existed in all workplaces, schools, institutions, army units, etc.) up to the very top would have to pay one-off damages for supportimg a criminal organisation that had ruined the Polish economy. It might start at let's say 10% of their previous year's earnings going up to 50% in the upper echelons (Politburo, KC). Such people. in fact all party members who had not left the party when Solidarity emerged (1980-81) would be additionally banned from holding pulbic office and working the the state adminsitartion for, say, 10 or 15 years.

Probably more of them would have gone into buisness using their commie-era contacts, and there'd be more detective and security agencies for sure. But some would have probably decided to leave Poland. I wonder what their typical destination would have been? Any idea?
29 Jun 2013
Food / Coffee warning in Poland! [6]

Another bad one (I think I've tried them all) was Woseba Mocca Gold. It was 'lokowane' on Ojciec Mateusz and quite cheap. I tried it once. Now they seem to have changed their marketing strategy and raised their price from about 6 zł per 250g to around 9zł . Dunno if the coffee has improved. Astra 'nisko drażniąca' (stomach friendly) is OK as a mix. I never use any one coffee just as it comes but make up my own blends. For instance MK Premium (red packet) or Tchibo Exquisite, MK Sahara and maybe Astra mild or even Mildano (decaf) for a later-evening coffee. But I'm not into pricey gourmet coffee or anything else and tend to have modest tastes bordering on the spartan. (You know the one-half of mankind going to sleep hungry kind of thing!). It's no wonder then that my guru has been the (late) American cuilinary expert James Beard who once anti-snobbishly advised: Always buy the cheaprest wine you find acceptable. Of course, to find out you have to experiment and occasionally end up wtih unpalatable crap like Intenso coffee. (Avoid it like the plague!)
29 Jun 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

mr maybach

Still haven't outgrown your name-calling? A PO MP had to apologise to Rydzyk for spreading that lie when it turned out the Good Father's car was a Lexus. Will you be next? Nah, you're not important enough for anyone to bother about.

" I'm sorry cond. Tadeusz R. for it , with once wrote that drives a Maybach . Was mistaken , drives a Lexus . Again, sorry" - wrote on Twitter deputy Paul Olszewski .

Olszewski made ​​reference to one of his earlier tweets - in February 2012 , he wrote that "the Lord Chief Rydzyk is by Brudzińskiego poor monk !!! Therefore rides Maybach'em basic version !!!" . For this entry Olszewski was punished by reprimand parliamentary ethics committee of Deputies - a proposal for punishment by the club for Members of Solidarity and the Polish PiS Marcin Mastalerek . Olszewski was accused of " deliberately repeats the lies that have long been denied ."

29 Jun 2013
Food / Polish Duck Soup [117]

Absolutely -- prunes, dried apples and pears, but some even add raisins. It is served over egg noodles, potato dumplings or boield potatoes. The English-spealing US-born Polonian kids used to call it 'chocolate soup and bullets' (the bullets being the rather heavy dumplings made with grated raw potato like for potato pancakes).
29 Jun 2013
Food / Coffee warning in Poland! [6]

They're sold at Carrefour. I presume the Intenso (and it was intensely nasty) was an inferior variety of Asian robusta. All coffee is divided into arabica (rich, smooth, aromatic) and robusta (robust as the name suggests). Great coffee blends are created with just the right proportion of arabica and some robusta for added body and kick. There are passable all-robusta brands such as Prima and Maxwell House -- nothing to write home about but passable. Anyway I'll think twice before an extremly attractive price catches we off guard again. One all-robusta variety I'll never try again is Gala. I got it in the States one time and it too was quite nasty.
29 Jun 2013
Food / Polish Duck Soup [117]

An alternative way is to cook just the duck's wings, neck, rump and giblets together with a 2-rib portion of pork ribs. The remaining duck carcass is roasted. That way the soup isn't so greay but still quite flavourful
28 Jun 2013
Food / Coffee warning in Poland! [6]

Two brands of coffee I would never recommend are SATI MOCCA (red packet) and INTENSO (brown packet).
Sati black was sold at Blikle's years ago and was quite nice, so the Sati brand attracted my attetnion. It has a weird taste of some nondescript aroma. Even when mixed with other coffees like Tchibo to drown out the off-taste, it spoils the taste of the good coffee.

Intenso is even worst. I once bought 1/2 kg of whole beans and combined them with Tchibo beans, That was a mistake. I had to manually pick out and discard the small, shiny balck Intenso beans,which took hours, and even then the Tchibo took on their peculiar off-flavour.
28 Jun 2013
News / Poland's future rulers meet in Katowice [5]

The congress of Poland's next ruling party PiS got under way in Katowice. The party's programme includes the liquidation of junior secondary schools (middle schools) and the SLD-origianted National Health Fund, restoration of 22% VAT and changes in the structure of ministries. Kaczyński did not attend the first day of the congress due to an infection.

Liquidation of middle schools in Poland and NHF , back to 22 percent . VAT rates , changes in the structure of ministries - including Law and Justice will present these ideas at the beginning of the Congress . The party wants to take the concept of " open program ", which will be kept up to date with new solutions .

Law and Justice Foundation renewed the program to be presented at the congress of the party, which will take place in Silesia. The proposals will be discussed during several panels of invited experts.

Kaczyński's Angels have launched their new website focused on the needs of Poland's young people.

Young activists PiS so . " Kaczynski 's Angels " organized a debate and presented its web portal " Pol ( s ) each without complexes " . They announce that they will fight for the interests of young people and ensure that it is their own initiative , which found favor and support management PiS.
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

? Female sexuality is surely one of the best things in life

...as long as it isn't illicit! (you know -- like the 6th commandment)
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

Common sense tells one that the overall permissiveness, the 'anything goes' mentality including pansexualism, substance abuse and lack of restraint in the oursuti of one's own selfish interests and pleasures is leading society to its demise.

And good taste? Well, do you find the fisting and rimming shown on Internet prn, which many minors watch BTW; to be aesthetically pleasing, inspiring or in any way beneficial?
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

Its the media, entertainment industry, advertisers, leftist agendas and radical teachers that are pansexaulising society. Average people are just victims of the ubiquitous brainwashing that is replacing decency, common sense and good taste with vulgarity, brutality and promiscuity. People that fall for the propaganda seem to forget that unlike animals, governed only by instinct, thinking people should display a sense of responsibiltiy, restraint and decorum. Animals do not know the difference between right or wiorng. Some PF-ers are trying to imitate them.
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

shame and prudery

To some that may be a problem, to others it is shamelessness, exhibitionism, debacuhery and promiscuity that are undermining the family and society. Also substance abuse, irresponsiblity, extreme egoism and the general 'anything goes', 'me, myself and I' mindset.
28 Jun 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

Some would have you believe the Catholic church is under threat in Poland

Churches are still well attended by W. European standards but many Catholics feel deiscirmnated agaisnt in their own country. The small but influential 'lame-stream' media eagerly use every opportuntiy to jab, stab or poke fun at the Church and deride Catholics, whilst overtly and covertly promoting agnositcism and practical atheism, other religions, lifestlyes and anything else that undermines Poland's principal religious faith. Such anti-Catholic discrimuination and ostracism are constantly raised by the Catholic media, at Episcopate conferences and meetings of grass-roots Catholics in Akcja Katolicka and other organisations.

Even the use of the faith healer v Heineken concert compartison is another example of the insulting reasons given to prove Catholcis are not discrimianted against. People seeking relief from serious health complaints have also flocked to non-Catholic Russian (Kashpirovsky), English (Harris) and other bioenergy healers.
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

Don't you think today's commercially exploited pansexulaism may be harmful? Should 5 and 6 year old learn what love is all about from Internet púrn. Does everyone has to have his/her bain between their legs?
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

I think male masturbation is innate.

But the whole idea is laughable. If women have to be taught, then maybe this is not what women were intended to do.
There is a strong copycat streak in the feminist movement which could be summed up as: Men hold all the good jiobs and are in a position of authority so we must try to be more liike them in every way! In education, diligence, methodicalness, patience, common sense and perseverance women are usually superior to men, but often they also try to emualte men in areas for which they are not naturally predisposed. Nic na siłę -- might be a better approach.
28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

Not long ago some Polish actor or writer said he was setting one up, but haven't heard anythign else about it. Probably there was little interest. Men have better things to do than go to meetings and rallies and think up anti-woman slogans and buzzwords. How about a university-level male masturbation class? (LOL!)