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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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16 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

The cross is an important symbol in Poland. It is religious, yes, but even for less religious people, there is an importance for it. I don't think there need to be other religious symbols in the Polish Sejm, because there is no past behind it. The cross in the same, has a past, so leave it be.

If I was in Saudi Arabia, and went to their parliament building, I wouldn't care what religious symbol they had. Even if I moved there, and then worked in parliament later on, I would just accept that they have an Islamic [or other religious] symbol there, they have great respect for it, and it doesn't bother me. A cross on the wall in the Sejm, a school or work place, does not mean, if you are there, then you believe in it, and adhere to it. You can ignore it. Why does it bother you so much? Some people are happy to have it there, it makes them feel better. Others, who don't care, can just pretend it is not there. Does it really impede their life?
16 Jun 2013
Off-Topic / Modern parenting = bad parenting? [20]

Just got back from Church, and I have to say, some of the parents these days just don't seem to have a clue. I mean, the screaming, stomping and shouting from their kids, is just ignored by them. I feel it is to do with the modern times. A lot of parents are afraid to punish their kids for doing something wrong, so they ignore it, with the old excuse of 'well, they're just kids.' I am not suggesting hitting them, but at least tell them off, or explain stuff to them. A lot of parents, at Church for example, seem more interested in smiling at their young, following them around, wherever their little one takes them etc. In that case, why bother going to Church, if you are even listening to anything, or taking part? It is not just Polish ones I am sure, but I notice them more, since I see them more often.

This is the same story in shops or other public places, the modern parent seems to have this overly generous outlook. I know they love their young, okay, but discipline is needed, otherwise we get some of the crappy, arrogant people that we have these days. I don't have kids [since I felt somebody would bring it up], but I still think certain stuff is obvious, whether I have had the experience or not. It amazes me, that in a fast world, where people are able to do so much, sort so much out, do their jobs well and keep their financial situation in check, they have no clue what to do, when their 4 year old starts screaming, shouting, or kicking some stranger, in a public place.
12 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

what kind of right wing party would ever tolerate support by a trade union?

Yeah but I could flip that and say, what kind of left wing party would be anti abortion and gay marriage? It is unheard of.

The truth might well be [as somebody mentioned in a post] that left and right wing is either out of date and we need different categories, or the criteria that has to be met, for a party to be considered left or right, needs to be heavily tweaked.
12 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor who asks where he can find a fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland to marry and return to the States with

This is a friend of yours, right? Hmmm.

I think it is reasonable to want to be with someone, even if you're 50, but the way it is said, she must be no more than late 20's, she must be 'wholesome' and 'fresh.' It does sound like the request of a dirty perverted man. I mean, as someone mentioned, why can't she be older? What if she is a 40 year old, pretty, hard working, clean, decent innocent woman with high morals? What is with the age restriction?
12 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Oh dear WP. Yet again, your political knowledge is shown to be utterly lacking, as anyone with half a brain can see that abolishing KRUS and reforming ZUS is anything but "very far left". A genuine far left individual would abolish private business for a start.

Did delph make another snap judgment. Yep, looks like it, but he can't help thinking he is the key of knowledge. Must bet the way he was brought up or something.

Actually my political knowledge is not utterly lacking in anything. To be honest, if you want to go down that road, then none of the parties in the country are left or right, since they often have left and right wing views on different issues. It depends what the topic is. Some topics and issues get more flexibility than others. By that standard, we have nothing but centrist parties in Poland.

Poland is generally left wing, not right wing. SLD - left. AWS - left. PiS - left. PSL - centre left. Palikot - centre left.

Erm no. For somebody who lives in Poland, and likes to attack those that do not, for not knowing anything about it, you are way off on this one. You seem to be judging left and right, based on some very non Polish meanings of the political left and right. I assume you have watched the news. Have you ever heard anybody, on Polsat, TVN, TVP or other channels, refer to PiS as a left wing party? Just because they are financially more socialist, does not stop them from being seen as a right wing, conservative party in Poland.

He's just a liberal businessman.

Fair way to put it. He is a businessman and showman, firstly, then a liberal politician as an afterthought. They key is, to get attention.
11 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Just reading over some of this stuff, I do get the feeling that American is very expensive. I know a lot of people earn more, but the prices are still expensive. They have you by the balls in the USA. You have a house, a car, and other, what one might call, 'luxuries,' but you spend most of your life paying them off. If you lose your job, and have a family, you're family is stuffed and it can cause serious stress. The stuff is yours, although it's not ever really, fully yours.

I've never understood why the Americans have the healthcare system they do. I don't get it. I don't get why so many of them fight against it being changed. I mean people must be afraid to go to a hospital, even when they are actually ill, just because of the amount of money it could cost them.
11 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Palikot is simply a modern day social democrat without Communist baggage.

I think he is worse than the communism-drenched SLD. He is more annoying. He's a showman. Yeah, if you get down to the 'nitty gritty,' he is basically a [very] far lefty, but he's all about reactions. He likes to be controversial. Sometimes I wonder how much he believes what he says. I don't believe, when I hear him, that he really cares about what he proposes. I think he knows that Poland, no matter what some may say, is still, essentially, at its core, a Christian, generally right wing country [taking that PO, who was elected, is a centre right party, hence more right wing, theoretically]. When he says the stuff he says, he knows it will anger the majority, and get him attention. He will also be loved and adored, by the minority, who have similar views to him, and see him as their great night in shining armour.
1 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Well if you think PiS and Polonius are deluded, then let them post whatever theories they have, and either not reply, or reply with a simple 'whatever you say Polonius. Let's wait and see.' You'll have every confidence that PiS is unable to win anyway, so why get so hot and bothered if somebody believes they can?
1 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

PiS can promise whatever it wants: people know better than to believe DuckBoy and PiS have no chance to form the next government.

You hatred for PiS is so great isn't it? Funny that those people who are so confident PiS can not get in to power, feel the need to keep reiterating it over and over again, almost if they are trying to convince themselves. The more they say it, the chance there is of it happening.
31 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

Because you are mentioning a method that you seem to claim [by the 'tone of you post] is a lot worse than the Islamic ritual way. So why not describe so I can judge it for myself. I ask where it is used, since, if it is very rarely used, and only done by a select few people, then it is hardly methods in Europe, as you broadly generalised, that are less humane than the Islamic methods.
31 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

I have been an atheist for 16 years, but I came to conclusion that any faith is better then atheism.

If I could 'like' posts on here, I would do it with this one. Just curious, since your posts says you have been, and not, you were, Does this mean you are now a person of faith or still a non believer?

I can't remember the exact quote [need to find it], but there is a well known piece of writing where someone explains his faith as being something he is not certain of, but would rather take that uncertain, but potentially wonderful lifestyle and belief, than the glum world we currently know and see, with nothing more to hope for.
31 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

never heard of that method, so explain please, then tell me who does it, and how often this method is used. The Islamic way to kill the animals, is used widely, pretty much throughout Islamic countries [and not just].
30 May 2013
Life / First communion - it's that time of year again in Poland! [109]

I think the best thing to do would be abolish communion for kids, let them make their own decisions when they are old enough. Take religion completely out of the schools and if parents want their kids to be religious let them teach them themselves.

What has this got to do with the main topic? Funny how a topic spun in totally the wrong direction, because someone despises religion so much that he decided to attack a religious event, leading to 4 pages of an argument that we are witnessing now.

This mock book cover is pure genius and says so much about morality

Any book designed to mock something, cannot be considered pure genius.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Yes there must be some type of leadership of the pieces of trash [excuse my language but some people do behave like nothing but human trash] would have a field day. PO is your perfect example of a bunch of career men who want to have power [oh and money of course]. PiS seems to have some people in it that do seem to actually care about this country, but can't seem to get that through to the majority of the country.

When someone says 'you are a politician' to somebody, they mean 'you say one thing in public to get votes, then do another when in power.' Lots of people are branded with this phrase. The current UEFA president is being accused of being a politician. When people in a company have meetings behind closed doors in order to get the company to go in a way that suits them best, what do people say? They are playing politics. The way many politicians behave has now turned politician or politics in to a dirty word.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

It's pretty much campaigning for them to have a well paid, cushtie job where they can feel important and have the power to change the way people have to live.
29 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

I did not see that but I saw a different program about slaughter of pigs and since that, it is the one meat I don't eat. One might reply, just that, why not other meat? Well I am a meat eater. I'd like to think that in most places, chickens, lambs or cows don't get brutally butchered, but this documentary I saw about pigs was horrible. It showed them cut open, still alive, being dragged across the floor squealing. It was horrible to watch. Later they did an interview with a guy who said he gets away with murder 100 times a day. I have not looked in to other animals as of yet, but I have a feeling that the pig is one animal that doesn't get killed in a very humane way, if there is such a thing.

I am not an animal rights activist and am not particularly in to animal issues, but something needs to be done to make sure, that if they are going to be killed and used as food, it is done in a way that gives them the least pain and trauma [I am sure that many animals can very easily suffer trauma]. An electric shock that kills a cow, or one quick sharp axe to the neck of a chicken is acceptable [to me, although even that might be unacceptable to some]. A long death is not.

Like I said, I was not interested in any type of animal rights activism in the past, but some of the stuff I have seen recently, has opened my eyes to just how barbaric some people can be, and this is not always for food, but is always for profit. A couple of examples would be the poisoning of street dogs in Ukraine, or the bashing in of seals heads. [I remember seeing a clip of a guy walk up to a seal, who just sat there, assuming he was friendly, then wham! He took out his hammer and smashed it over the seals head! It was hard to watch. It is not surprising so many animals run away when they see a person, you can't trust them.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

I think that a reconciliation with Solidarna Polska is more than possible. They might have gotten 'kicked out' of ****, but they're politics are still very close to PiS, so it would be the most logical option. As for PiS having a different guy in charge, I think this is needed. Not because I think Kaczynski is a bad leader, I just think that mainstream media basically ruined him to the point of no return. People are very against him. Not sure Hoffman would be a great choice. I don't mind the guy, but I think he is one of those PiS politicians that anti PiS people, or even neutrals, would dislike, because he pretty much says what he thinks, no sugaring, and lacks a certain diplomacy that politicians need to have [something Tusk has cunningly mastered actually, the sly one].
29 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]


I am not sure about it being humane to drain an animal of it's blood. Imagine getting cut open and left to bleed to death. That can't be pleasant. I think an instant kill must be more humane.
29 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

I knew mentioning Catholicism would kick up a storm. To think, calling Poland a Catholic, okay fine, let's just go with, Christian country, could draw such a reaction. Oh the world must be ending soon.

Back to the question though. Exports? Money? So what? you ever heard of a crime against nature? That's what these slaughters are.
29 May 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

I am against is personally, and this should not be re-legalised. Ritual slaughter is the key. They way some of these poor animals are killed in the Islamic faith [as an example], is horrendous. Of course Poland is now a secular country right, so they have to consider this stuff. If it embraced Catholicism more, this type of stuff would be out of the question. Don't want to start this argument again though so, moving on.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

The statistics speak for themselves : Jaro has lost 14 elections as a party leader and won 2.

And yet people like you, who can't stand Kaczynski or PiS, almost seem to get nervous enough, when there is talk of him being ahead, that you have to quickly shoot it down, much like TVN and Polsat bring in their experts to shoot down any possible hint that PiS is gaining in popularity, with their very far fetched explanations as to what is really going on. How PO can possibly win the next election, given what has gone on, is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised if they did though. I mean, they won the last one, despite what went on before that.
29 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Perhaps because that's where they really are?

Whatever helps this delph sleep at night
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

^ He's still at it. He's moved to exaggeration now.

Bottom line is, Poland is still seen as a Catholic country. Look at the statistics. Italy is probably officially secular as well [since in these times, it seems politically correct to be secular], but we know in reality that it is over 90% Catholic.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

I find it funny that delph tries to find arguments to strip me of patriotism and prove I don't care about Poland. You can give as many of your reasons as you want, I will always be more Polish than you. I speak this language on a regular basis at home, have Polish pals, keep up with what is going on in Poland, and go to Poland on a regular basis. I don't feel I need to explain myself to you, but this is what I do. You decided you like Poland, so you moved there [still unsure why, you never really explained when people asked].

As for the constitution being nonsense. I never said this. I said a tiny piece of this constitution [regarding Poland being secular], is nonsense. In my eyes, it is a nonsensical thing to do.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

This was written in our constitution for over 15 years

So it was not long after communism ended then. During communism, they prayed [jak trwoga to do Boga], but once the threat was gone, It seems they forgot what was most important and declared Poland a secular country.

Erm...you are English, and you live in England

So if you live in a country then you must be a native? Is that your logic?

No, where we are is Poland: you are in London. Please stop telling us how our country should be when you can't even be bothered to live here.

So if more Polish people moved in to the UK and eventually the constitution turned it in to a Catholic country, would it not bother you [and be honest, please]?
28 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Wha? When did they do this nonsense? Poland was christened and now they are calling it secular in the constitution. This is not multiculty, mix and match, multicultarlism is our biggest strength, do what you want America. This is Poland!
28 May 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Funny how actual real polls have PiS on less than 28%, isn't it?

Funny that to you, 'actual real polls' seem to be the ones that have PiS lower in the percentiles.
28 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Are the expats still trying to tell people in Poland how they should be living their lives?

Poland is officially a secular country.

Poland is not officially a secular country. When was this stated? It has been known as a Catholic country for a long time. Even many people who do not live in Poland, when they meet a Polish person [let's say, in Britain], they assume that he or she is Catholic. When you ask why? ' Well because Poland is a Catholic country isn't it?' This tends to be the reply that you get. It would be correct as well.