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Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
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28 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Patrz, pies w studio [9]

what exactly is the problem

Nie ma. Dziękuję.

Studio, mianownik
w studio, miejscownik(sprawdziłem w google).

Podobał/spodobał mi się ten film.
25 Aug 2011
Life / Popular web page with funny/stupid/short customer service stories in Polish [7]

Popular web page with funny/stupid/short customer service stories in Polish

About customer service in Polish or from around the world?

This one is a prank from you tube with subtitles in English, it is not in the Polish language, maybe flemish, whatever they speak in Belgium.

It is super, super, super, I will cry if no one watches it.
25 Aug 2011
Language / Duże cappucino - What do you think of this pronunciation? [10]

OP should have read comments on youtube instead of posting this vid here.

You know the women in this video are not Polish?I can't understand what they are mumbling from 0.37 min, except for a few words and their accent is very not Polish.

I had assumed they were Polish. It was in Polish jokes. One of them said something about him looking like Marka, the other one asked, Marka that stole a car or something like this, maybe she is Czech. I thought they were speaking Polish.

Thanks for setting me straight.
25 Aug 2011
Language / Duże cappucino - What do you think of this pronunciation? [10]

The woman asks her assistent for a duże cappucino @ 0.27 minutes, as far as I can tell but she pronounces duże different than I would.

What do you think of her pronunciation?

Does she pronounce the ż like z?

This may be linked to what others had to say about pronouncing ż here having to do with voiced consonants etc., which I have yet to study and practice! :-(


Thanks to Wredotka for posting the video here originally:
24 Aug 2011
News / Possible consequences of the Eurocup 2012 in Poland. [14]

Are the Polish Police prepared to prevent violence by a huge Police presence and stopping know trouble makers getting anywhere near the stadiums/fans?

If they let violence break out, in my opinion it will harm the tourist industry and give Poland a bad name.
23 Aug 2011
Love / What are the most popular wedding songs in Polish? [13]

"the most popular wedding songs" actually mean.

This means what is played most often? It has nothing to do with it being good or bad.

Getting ready to pop the question to some Polish feline catsoldier?

Nie! :-)

Thanks Hitman, the priest at the end is giving it socks! He really knows how to dance! I thought he was going to kiss the bride.
21 Aug 2011

About Master's problems with his girlfriend. It isn't just Polish girlfriends who can be like this and it isn't just girlfriends who don't like spending money. Older kids living with their parents because they have no bills. It is just meaness and it affects loads of people(loads of people are mean, I feel like a fool saying this because I am stating the obvious).
21 Aug 2011
Love / What are the most popular wedding songs in Polish? [13]

What are the most popular wedding songs in Polish?

When I was looking for the operatic version of Jesteś szalona, I found many wedding videos with this song. The operatic version was posted by somone else, I liked it but couldn't find it.

My favourite part is the waitress in the black shorts, she smiles too! :-)
19 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / I need help!! (problems with my Polish coworkers) [41]

Tell your supervisor about their swearing. Sounds like they should be confronted and written up for their malicious behavior

Letter to Poles about swearing at work!
19 Aug 2011
Love / English guy falling for a Polish girl at work [14]

If she speaks English then she is really no different from any other girl in the western world in my opinion. I would dare to say that Polish girls and English girls aren't very different culturally. This is only my own opinion and I wouldn't disagree if anyone thought different. If she was from the middle east or a Muslim or something you may need help but not from us :-)

Better sing to her jestes szalona.

That is the best music video I have seen for a while, the orchestra are really getting jiggy with it.
18 Aug 2011
Love / English guy falling for a Polish girl at work [14]

Good advice I'd say but I would do the same as you would do for any girl, find out if she has a boyfriend first just to save yourself from being rejected.
18 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o "Dekalog"? [9]

Co sądzicie o "dekalog"?

16 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Patrz, pies w studio [9]

i tu też! Sprawdziłem w google "pies w studio" bo nie byłem pewny, "w studio" czy inaczej i znalazłem ten film:

14 Aug 2011
Travel / What do you know about Torun, Poland? [30]

I don't know anything about Torun but I used to look at pictures in this blog if you want to see what it is like.

14 Aug 2011
Work / Polish student overseas wanting to study in Poland:Which language do I choose to study in? [6]

I can't answer your question, the best people to ask may be your parents, they have a good idea of your level of Polish and how much you would need to learn to be able to succeed. If it is too much to learn on top of your course work it will make life very difficult for you. Maybe if you get some books that you would be using and see how much of them you can understand it may give you an indication yourself of how it would be. Ask for a reading list from the college you are interested in and buy one of the books online if possible or download some exam papers from the internet. Ask your parents to read sections of the book also to you as if they were your lecturer and see how much you understand.
14 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o Polakami noszą koszulki z logami w języku Polskim? [26]

Czyli bycie najlepszym tata na swiecie jest w najblizszych planach?

Nie, żartuję bo najpierw muszę mieć dziewczynę!

i jakos nie zwracam na nie uwagi u innych.

Przepraszam, nie rozumiem, mogłabyś napisać to w inny sposób?
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Cultural misunderstandings - Polish and English [26]

No patience for anything.

It's quite true and I would also add that many people in my country are short-tempered (they get irritated easly).

I am only guessing but could this have anything to do with having two jobs because of low wages? With two jobs, not a lot of money and a family, time pressure/stress has to be extreme?
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Cultural misunderstandings - Polish and English [26]


I picked up this raised tone at the end of the question as a kind of accusationReally? I didn't know that's the perception.go fastwhat does it mean?As for subject I heard that it is a norm in Ireland to say hello to strangers on the street, is it true? If yes, then there is another cultural difference...

This is only my personal opinion and limited experience from my point of view of some Polish guys in Ireland. I don't take the raised tone at the end of a question as a kind of accusation anymore because I know that they are only asking a question. Being pushy is just a habit and I don't take it seriously.

"Go fast" is just doing everything as fast as possible, no patience for anything, don't stop for anything ever, just go, no need for safety gear, don't bother with glasses/goggles etc.

Another thing for some Polish people is personal space(i have read that others think this also), this only happened to me twice, once in Poland and once in Ireland. In Poland a young woman working in a restaurant wanted to ask me a question and she came right up very close to me, she was so close I could hardly focus on her face, she was nice and I was amused afterwards. The 2nd time was in Ireland and a Polish guy who was talking to me came right up close to me again, when he was talking some spit was flying! Not so nice. I have been talking to him since and he seems to have adjusted to the giving people more personal space.
12 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Cultural misunderstandings - Polish and English [26]

When the Aussie rules series is on often there are cultural misunderstandings(always), a hard tackle in Australian football is a part of the game while in Gaelic football it isn't really. When the Irish guys get tackled hard they take it very personally and fight back literally, the Aussies don't get why the Irish are thick with them and fight also. These matches have been battlegrounds at times, broken noses/bones etc. plenty of blood.

All of the following is my own personal opinion:
I think that the Poles(from Poland) and the Irish have cultural misunderstandings also(I did anyway).

In Poland it is normal to be pushy, go fast, complain constantly etc. while the Irish generally aren't like this. This can get up the noses of Irish people but I think that both sides should realise that we have a different culture. The Irish shouldn't take it so personally when Poles behave like this and Poles should try to be less like this because it would make their lives easier if they didn't.

I find that when Poles ask a question in English they raise the tone at the end in the same way as when they want to ask a question in Polish. Jest chleb, there is bread. Jest chleb? Is there bread. I picked up this raised tone at the end of the question as a kind of accusation the same way your mother/wife/partner would ask a question if they were trying to convey their unhappinness like Deirdre O'Kane. This combined with their tendancy to complain didn't help me like Polish men but I believe that I understand their ways better now and try not to take it seriously.