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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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6 Mar 2012
Life / If a Pole says something it must be wrong - a prejudice? [25]


This is why the world speaks English............ that is not a word but, makes perfect sense and sounds cool,crack on AK,and dont get over worried about stuff said on the internet.

(did a google on that word,seems Russians use it a lot.....AK, have you got something to admit tovarisch? ;) )

ps, no,its not wrong just because you,a Pole said it,its just wrong,full stop :)
pps, tendency or intention,you decide next time,personnally I like the blend.
3 Mar 2012
History / Polish Underground in WWII ( interview with Dr. Wojciech Muszynski) [12]

The Jugoslavs were for sure the most succsefull partizan army of ww2,they liberated an entire country and I will never take that from them,but,they were in a backwater,neither germany nor the soviet union *needed* to send or keep troops there .

If Poland had been *blessed* with the terrain the Jugoslavs operated in Im sure the AK would have been unbreakable,whether in the long run this would have mattered as the Soviets would still have had to get to germany and would have either flooded Poland with a full on ,gloves off publically invasion or just bypassed north and south and let you guys sit up in the mountains till you got bored.

Edit,interesting that even academic papers take that immature line that anything judged with hindsight as "bad" was never actually Polish or carried out by *real Poles*.............. its maybe time to grow up? No one in Britain talks about the British fascists ,the BUF, as being anything other than a British party full of British people.....doesnt mean we are collectivly proud of having had wannabe fascists amongst us.
3 Mar 2012
Love / Met this gorgeous Polish lady [27]

How is it possible then that I know some virgins in their twenties?

Because you spend too long playing world of warcraft?
2 Mar 2012

Funny how such a crap nation has propped up and employed the dregs of Europe for years now isnt it. Gave jobs and homes to 2 million Poles didnt it....only time Poland has ever hosted so many foriegners is when its invaded and occupied.......

Poland overflowing with people from all over the world desperate to take advantages of its sociaty are they? If not, STFU you know nothing bloowhards.
28 Feb 2012

Funny how people who dont even live here,some from the friggin colonies even,come on here and spout pious bollox.
You jokers dont understand,you are not here,stop being so fukking arogant.
The half dozen Poles I saw getting pissed on Tyskie at 10 am in a kiddies playground today,were they contributing?
People are angry,worried and seeing their kids futures being crushed while all the while chavy little polacks and their orange faced slapper girlfriends seem able to walk into any job they want for simple reasons, happy to work for below minimum wage and still happy to live 20 to a house. Its all utter bollox when people with families and houses are being called lazy or workshy by a bunch of fantasist ex pat cnuts in Poland. Oxon was bang on about you harry, your stuck there now because moving anywhere else is out of your price range,you must spend 16 hours a day 7 days a week posting crap on here,dont expect anyone to believe you actually do anything usefull with your life,loser.
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Where were the other immigrants?

Far more of them fought for Britain than any Poles....epic fail.

So yeah, would say that Allied High Command had a bigger part to play. It was a complete and utter disaster which helped contribute to the war dragging on into 1945.

Mate,you clearly know arse about market garden.

They sent in lightly armed paratroopers with inadequate if any anti-Armour weaponry

17 pounder anti tank guns were better than the german 88s.......dont get your History from 1970s movies no matter how *good* they are.

Polish units had suffered 30-50 per cent losses

and? Of first airbornes 10,000 plus troops less than 2,000 returned.....more than 80 % losses for the British,stop ******** about 30%. If The Poles had gone where they wanted,Warsaw,those losses would have been at least 95%.

But, the moral of the story is, trying to earn respect from the back of long dead heroes who happen to have been born in the same country as you is fekkin pathetic. Ive two direct ancestors who were fighter pilots in The Battle of britain....WTF, should I be trying to bask in their glory? Or next time Im in Arnhem maybe expect free beer because an uncle fought there?
15 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Common pitfalls for Poles learning English [187]

Yes they can!

No they can't! " Mr Sean St John -Mainwaring from Shrewsbury * " would probably agree with me... ;)
How is a Pole meant to know when,in one part of England no one will bat an eye if he says " Fink" or "Fanks" instead of "think" or "thanks"? Or when in one town no one bothers with "the",in the next town down the road people use "t' " and the next its clear "the's" all round? or dropped 'aitches?

Basically,tell Poles to just chill out,dont worry about speaking English with a strong accent,nobody cares,we are so used to hundreds of different accents it doesnt really matter :)

* Mister Shawn Sindzęn manner ing from shrowsbury. or somfink lahk that,innit ;)
14 Feb 2012
Work / I Want to offer a Telesales Job to 5 Brit Expats however... [19]

I haven't got the heart! Poor sods are only trying to make a living, but they can be so annoying. Part of their training should be to accept "Thank you, I'm not interested" as the end of the conversation. Anyway, I would never buy anything from anybody who hides their number when they call, as they invariably do. What else are they hiding?

On one sales course I attended it was insisted that 16 "No's" in a row means No!..........
In regards your initial question, just say,"no thanks,have a good shift mate,"then hang up on them.
Sales is something I discovered a skill in (2/3 average on F2F sales) that doesnt sit well with my laid back,mweh,save yer money this stuff is crap,nature so its what I get into when I need quick cash and dont mind going without a good nights sleep for a few months ;) But got to agree,of all the types of sales, telesales is the biggest nightmare, I normally last in offices untill the weather gets nice again,get me out there working 110 hour weeks getting to nosey around peoples houses any day over being sat in a airconditioned sales room ;)

ps, yeah, that wasnt my CV btw :)
pps, a small retainer is always a good thing,makes your sales staff realise they are actually valued,doesnt have to be much,£150 a week say + commision, though I suppose with that Im covering fuel costs,so,as this is a home based job I'll just shut up now.... :)
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

U call an Occlut or belief in some Nordic mythical being a religion????

Dont bother, the guy is a plum. Gitler hated religion,but,being a sometimes pragmatic psychopath he saw the value in the propaganda of a "Christian " Army (Gott Mit Uns....) fighting godless Communists.

Nazi,ie SS and Party Weddings etc were all *atheist* ,mock pagan ceremonies. The whole Nazi ethos was to strive for a pre christian Germanic "ideal" hence resurecting the ancient germanic Hooked Cross ( not copied from the Hindu version unlike every second rate History channel doc' will insist.). It just happened that Papal and Nazi policy were fellow travellers at that point,anti communist and anti jew,once the war was over documents and empirical evidence make it clear that the catholic and various Protestant churches in the Reich were going to be the next targets.

There are certain professions in Poland that grant officer status if called up. I know this is true for the Navy but not sure about other branches of the armed forces I supposed they are covered by the reserve force.

A good qualification in a technical/mechanical line will get you in as a Warrent Officer.
9 Feb 2012
Off-Topic / Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba [37]

Yehudi....its one of those things like...."can you say Black now or is it still African American ?"...... Ukranian doesnt have a "the" (afaik,i know russian doesnt ;) ) so Ukranians call it Ukraine,everyone else still calls it The Ukraine apart from a few poncey tw@ts,you know the type,the ones that insist on saying Paree instead of Paris or Warsawa instead of Warsaw :)
5 Feb 2012
Off-Topic / Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba [37]

The Philippines

Named after King Phillip of Spain....so,wrong choice ;)
5 Feb 2012
Travel / Any Halal Restaurants in Krakow? [34]

Its going back 5 years so things might have improved but a muslim friend of mine had to just eat vegetarian for a week in Krakow,he had to wait till we got into western europe before any halal meat was around :)
3 Feb 2012
Off-Topic / Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba [37]

Hear hear! Poles and Polonians want nothing to do with imperialists' craven bootlicking notions of "civilization".

Have you even seen a film version of this story????/
Poland had invaded Ukraine,had turned Ukraine into a little poland and had subjegated the ukrainians.....whats that then?
2 Feb 2012
Off-Topic / Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba [37]

Lol, Dessi...."Polonophobic"....hahahahahaha.....its about Polands grasping Empire building and attempts to enslave non Poles....FFS damn right its going to be a touch anti Polish....thats like complaining that a book written by one of your Pally friends is anti Israeli .......or that the movie Ghandi was a bit beastly to the British :)

Alltogether now;
We are the cossaks
they are the cossaks
we are the cossaks
blah blah blah
Tony Curtis as a Cossak,lmfao......
25 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Look up the name of that "saint".

I never said the man was a "sain"...but, even a "bad" man can say Good things at the right time.

What were they then? A working class uprising, no doubt.

No,it was a breakdown of law and order, the so called "rioters" were looters, people who took advantage of the situation, these people came from all walks of life and came in lots of different shades of (sub)human.

The initial disturbance was regarding a Police shooting where the police fired two shots,killing one man in the back of a Taxi and hitting a Policeman in the chest..........go figure that some shady sh!t happened once again thanks to armed British Policemen playing cover up.......funny, but you would be one person Id expect on here to "be on side" with people protesting against "Brits in Uniform" shooting civilians........

Do you really want loads of clips from manchester and liverpool where not a black face was seen amongst the legions of pasty faced grandkids of Erin that were running loose trashing small businesses?
14 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / london bus company bosses hire staff from poland [5]

2 things, its the Sun,pinch of salt needed.
Other thing, yeah,and,everyone around here raves on about how nice the Polish bus drivers are,not the under age girl chatting up,bus stop missing,brake slamming on,old lady tipping over,surly,grumpy, half asleep cant be arsed to keep eyes on roads so called "Local" bus drivers :)
20 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

I never said it was a good thing, I was just pointing out that it wasnt so Black and White,so to speak ;)
You know who the Black slave's tended to learn English from in the early days? Scottish indentured slaves serving 10 years in a country where your life expectency was less than 3 years.......
19 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Is the UK referred to as the Islands in Polish media back home? [62]

You know what some might say, Greg......

Well,Id say he was spot on, not only Cnut,but Wiliam of Normandy also had Polish soldiers of fortune with him.
Oh,and, the '45, the jacobite scoundral Charles Stuart was half Polish....and of course,as Ironsides mentioned, during the Napoleonic wars, specifically during the Penninsular wars in Iberia. Sad end for the Poles in that one though,old Boney sent them to Haiti where most died of disease while surpressing a slave revolt.

Lots of Islands then...
18 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Doctor in UK discriminiated and bullied against gets millions. [28]

Like I said before the bizzare modding obviously came into play, this cow is a parasite, 4.5 million for a bit of hurt feelings,ffs! The slack b!tch has the nerve to talk about PTSD....pathetic parasite,WTF was she doing getting knocked up in her late 40s for anyway ?

This just proves one thing again, if you already have the money you get the big payouts and playing the race card,how pathetic is that....even more pathetic that some senile old judge bought it.
17 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

So far, this entire thread misses the point.

Nope, I think my post on page one regarding the Empire destroying Alderan with the Death Star summed the absurdity up,but,hey ho....

they had to go there and start numerous wars with african tribes where entire populations

Rubbish, "they" just went there and bought the slaves that one tribe had taken from another,as they had done for centuries and as they continue to do to this day.
17 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Is the UK referred to as the Islands in Polish media back home? [62]

Australia is only part of a continent,or was when I learned about this stuff in primary school, Australasia,includes New Zealand, Taz and some other rocks.

Oh,and, erm, most of Britains cultural myths centre around us being an island, whats the big deal now?