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Joined: 9 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Sep 2024
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 793 / In This Archive: 384
From: UK
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13 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Good day everyone. As Mr Sz is very busy working on the Omnibus Anniversary Edition he has rather reluctantly let me write this weeks edition. He also asked me to point out that normal services will return shortly and no blame for the following article should be directed at him or any other employee at Szarlotka Towers.

P/f at war

A rather bad week for rage wars on P/F. At one point it look like world war 3 was about to break out! Earlier in the week Illinois started to lunch missile attracts on the lone star state of Texas. Texas returned fire and the war continued for a good 30 minutes then fizzled out with no reports of injuries.

Next up a bovine type creature ( stationed at a base somewhere in the UK) started to bombard a Brit living in Wroclaw with cruise missiles. The fire was returned quite quickly and went on for most of the night. Earlier reports told us that the factory where the Brit had been hiding took a direct hit, but our man was not hurt and was later seen in the stare miasto area wearing his favourite shirt, it was then confirmed that there had indeed been an explosion at the paint factory. Some countries east of Poland also got involved in this battle which resulted in snipers firing shots at each other all through the night.

Just when we thought it was safe to go back to our keyboards, a normally peaceful and non aggressive city in Canada got involved in a war with our lovely cathedral city of Salisbury in Wiltshire .This one quickly gathered momentum with guns blazing from both sides and when the small country of Northern Ireland mistakenly got involved, a warning shot was quickly sent from the Salisbury plain area to halt any attempt of an invasion. The main battle went on for over an hour but thankfully (at the time of writing) peace is now restored in all the trouble spots.

Our P/F peace keeper Daisy has now opened a safe haven for anyone feeling angry to let off steam in her new thread Mad, Bad, Sad or Glad...which one are you? Please make a note of this folks and post it as a sticky on your monitors.

The ghost of Vera Old

The devious Vera Old came back to haunt us once more. Just as admin was doing a spot of site maintenance she struck again …our volunteer watch guard and member Franek, was once again quick to see her on his radar. He sent out a warning and petrified one p/f member who was so scared that she thought Vera had taken over admin and PolskaDoll. This woman must be caught, and rest assured that Franek is still on her case 24/7 and setting traps for her, so it is just a matter of time before the forum police catch up with her.

Same old story

Things are starting to hot up in P/F’s World cup and Euro games. Many Countries are represented with the likes of England, Scotland, France, Poland, Germany and Turkey battling for a place in the finals. So which country is going to win these competitions you might ask? Well which country always starts slow? gets better with each round? Always gets into the final? Yes folks you have guessed it, the Germans. Bratwurst Boy is at the top of the euro game, with what seems like an unchallenged lead, and has slowly been working his way up to the top of the world cup game too. Experts say he could well be top come Wednesday. Is there chance that England could win this? Maybe a slim chance, you see if one of the Scots win it, we will do our usual bit and claim a victory for Britain…rest assured we will also be looking to get into the semis and hope that jbman can continue his great winning streak and Mr Sz must have a good chance as well. Anyway there is still a long way to go and it must be said, congratulations to Bratwurst Boy for a superb performance so far, and thanks also to Polson for keeping everything in order.

In between the wars.

With the wars making the headlines this week other people not involved were trying to carry on with their normal lives. Our new guest to these shores, Wyspi is settling in at Cambridge and not letting future mum in law spoil her happiness. Good for her we all say here at Szarlotka towers. New member sweet-g who does not speak much polish, has found a novel way of communicating with her new polish boyfriend, by writing love messages on her wall. Alleged super spy and private detective Senator has been asking for an email translation and then asking for how to mark an email as unread, he has since cleared things up saying it was for a mate. Joepilsudski’s agony aunt thread has been a success and many people are keen to get his advice. One member asked for advice on why his wife did not like him going fishing with his mate Sam and posted a photo of his buddy with some bass, however many male p/f members claim that they can’t remember seeing any bass in the picture.

And finally.

Some threads which may or may not, complement each other

pretty woman - were are you? Hiking around Zakopane/ Tatra mountains

Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM
Calling wind musicians in Trojmiasto!

what are the best love poems in polish for a girl to receive? Which position you play in Football ?

why does he write polish words on the wall?
Native Speaker available for private evening lessons

nasza-klasa.pl how to mark a read mail as unread
I like this Polish girl, but she doesn't get my... English sense of humor

Are polish girls gold-diggers? What to do with my penny jar full of Polish coins?

Thanks for reading have a great week
1 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Excellent stuff Mr Sz. A golden edition and masterpiece.

My best wishes and good luck to the pool tonight
Just score a couple and keep it tight
two nil would keep my predictions right
So don’t have me thinking what a load of ….scousers :)
24 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I had to fill in the empty space. Didn't check for spelling mistakes and such

good edition miranda...and nice " on the spot " reporting ;)
20 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Me being joint 2nd in the football thread is a temporary glitch and be assured that after the next round of matches order will be restored and I'll be languishing in about 10th place if not lower. ;)

No way PD..you will be a top 3 finisher and please take it easy on us males, some of us could not even tip our hats if we tried:) Shame you never joined us on Polson's other game, maybe there is still time at the next round:)
19 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

hehe sorry sausage... Now I can acknowledge you are indeed joint no 2 in the football league, with the excellent PD ;) BTW good work with the translations lately. Hope this helps:)
19 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

To save Mr szarlotka from any more hate mail and death threats, I have to step forward to save his good reputation and confess it was me who wrote the last omnibus.

I apologise to all to all who felt they were offended, and promise not to write in any more editions. It was supposed to be a light hearted look at the week in pf but the writer forget that most women don't have a sense of humour:))

Mr szarlotka has already demoted me back to office boy and my only work now, is making him cups of tea and cleaning all his Liverpool memorabilia. I hear that also he is looking for a new proof reader if anyone is interested :)

Have a good day everyone and take care.
16 Sep 2008
Language / Bought "Rosetta Stone" software and trying to learn Polish... [59]

think you won't learn Polish from Rosetta Stone on it's own.
It consists of lots of short drills, where you repeat sentences and learn their meaning from pictures.

To be fair to it, there is also a pdf in polish with it, and one can be obtained in english too.So between the two, every word or sentence, can be translated.
9 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Oh damn. I had a wizard idea to have a poll on voting for the PF member who would be the next guest author of the Omnibus. Guess what - no polls in Off Topic.

As you and miranda both share the same writing skills, and the same sense of humour, why don't you both be duel writers to the Omnibus edition? She could be your North American correspondent, keeping an eye on matters across the pond, and you can keep an eye on us crazy folk in Europe?....just a thought:))
9 Aug 2008

American beers are P*** compared to European beers:)

Beers or lagers on main land Europe are much better than Uk beers too....probably stronger, and don't have the laws that we have in this country...that tells us, what ingredients the brewers , can or cannot, put into their brewing process
9 Aug 2008

When I was in Ireland the Guinness tasted 10 times

yes, the only disadvantages are ...it takes about 5 minutes to pour a pint.. and one is never enough. Worth the wait tho:)
9 Aug 2008

There is a very big difference in a pint of Guinness sold in Ireland, than one sold in another country there is just no comparison..any other stout or porter is just a poor imitation :)
2 Aug 2008
Language / Pimsleur v Rosetta stone [27]

there is another thread about this somewhere...worth a look.

I have had a sample of both, and prefer Rosetta. Pimsleur is good for mp3 player, but the lack of a written dialogue makes it hard to look up words. Rosetta as you know is visual too and there is written material with it...I have heard it said that both can be downloaded from the web, but I would not encourage you to do that:)
23 Dec 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

the Irish stouts that are famous around the world tend to be very smooth

The Guinness in Ireland is really smooth like milk..takes 5 Min's to pour. Could not build roads with it ..but you could probably shave with it :)
23 Dec 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

It is better than Guinness or any other Irish stout

if you ever go to Ireland, have a couple of Guinness , then tell me if notice any difference between the Guinness there, and the Guinness sold to the rest of the world. No contest..:)
19 Nov 2007
Off-Topic / An English Version of Gadu-Gadu? [105]

I`m wondering if its a coincidence or if it has spyware bundled in it?

Someone on here about a month ago, said they had a virus or spyware trouble with it.
14 Oct 2007
Language / Polish Lessons Units [189]

Thanks Janusz...these videos are much appreciated.
4 Oct 2007
Language / English-Polish tests [23]

Thanks for taking the time and pointing out these mistakes.
26 Sep 2007
Language / English-Polish tests [23]

Thanks guys. Glad that you are finding it useful.

I must admit, I'm finding it a bit addictive, but it is a good way to find out how sentences are constructed. I have just been learning polish for three months now and, my average correct words in the first 20 tests is only 5. I did manage to complete one and, have a few 8's and 10's. It's the different endings for words, that's seems to catch me out.

Still it is a good learning tool and, hopefully in another 3 months my average will be much better. I wonder how many words, you guys are getting correct?
24 Sep 2007
Language / English-Polish tests [23]

The following "tests" may be useful to any beginners learning Polish.


Also if there are any Polish people learning English, follow the link "back to languages" on the test page and, you can then, change the tests to Polish-English or most other European languages.