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Posts by kaprys  

Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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6 May 2018
Genealogy / Bednar Family [2]

Wola Mielecka is pretty far from Warsaw but it's a small village so perhaps it'll make it easier to find your ancestor. As for the surname, it might have been Bednar, Bednarz, Bodnar, Bednarek etc. There are some results for Bednarz in the village. You may want to contact the local parish or the state archives.
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

Again - focus more on the news in Poland. There have been several notorious cases of teenage girls beating others - so yes, girls may also be violent morons. However, I haven't heard of girls attacking foreigners (might have happened though). And coming back to the topic of violent morons attacking others for whatever reason: good clothes, being a foreigner etc.
6 May 2018
Language / Do English-speakers sound funny when we speak Polish? [49]

Proszę (please) vs prosię (piglet).

I also remember an anectode from a tv show: an Italian (?) guest was left at his Polish friends' shop or workshop. They taught him 'Właścicieli nie ma' ( the owners are not in) in case someone phoned. He did say that but he made it somehow sound like 'Gwalcicieli nie ma' ( the rapists are not in)... His Polish friends were later told about a strange guy answering the phone in the shop ;)
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

You mentioned teenage boys and problems with aggression, not me. So boohoo me. (Strangely enough, we're discussing how sexist I apparently am instead of attacks on foreigners in Poland - what a lucky coincidence ;))

If that was a teenage girl, I'd criticise her as well. No worries. I'd criticise any violent moron regardless of their sex, race or religion.

And I'm responsible only for what I said - not how you understood it.
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

As a woman: if a guy has problems with controlling aggression due to testosterone levels, I see him as sexually frustrated, tbh ... not really sexy. No science to confirm it, just how I feel.

Also as a woman, I don't find feminine men attractive but there's more to being attractive to women than just being aggressive or muscular. Just like that Marino guy who looks really feminine to me despite being handsome and muscular. The same applies to aggression, if you can't control it, you're not a provider. It's not attractive.

That's the main problem with some Muslim immigrants - they believe in aggression, violence and have no respect for the so-called Western values.
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

I'm amazed at how much you know what I think.
You asked about an example of a foreigner being attacked in Poland. You got it. As a response you wrote an essay about poor teenage boys who can't control their aggression. Oh and the victim just happened to be a foreigner. Right.

We agree about one thing (although in a moment I may read I'm totally wrong again). Most of Poles are lovely tolerant people. But unlike you I also admit there are some racist ones. And there have been attacks on foreigners in Poland. Just like on Poles in Britain. Probably by the same sort of people - thugs or yobs.

I don't care why. Good for them. The fact is that we don't have thousands of Muslim immigrants here. Now mind you - I'm a woman and I have experienced some nasty (both lecherous and sexist) behaviour from Muslim guys. But sometimes I wonder if me being 'progressive' isn't about a woman having an opinion. And I don't expect that from a European.
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

What's so progressive about saying that foreigners have been attacked in Poland. It's a fact. If you're interested, google some incidents yourself. But I understand, you don't believe all the media. Is TVP reliable enough?

The list goes on. But you'll keep denying it. After all you know it all living miles away from Poland. So I won't even bother to paste more links. Now go on with your: oh, you progressive moron, so you've come up with just one link or whatever you'll think off.

Just as much as I disagree with the statement that all Poles are racist and xenophobic, it's a fact some testosterone loaded half wits have attacked people just on the basis of their ethnicity.

And for the record, there are loads of Ukrainians here and pretty much few Muslims - except for students and those who decided to stay years ago. So no, people don't talk about it or are too worried about it.

Yeah, what do I know about patriotism: teach me more. You love loving Poland from a distance ;)
6 May 2018
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

Yes. If you read Polish press, you'd know.

@Dirk diggler
Patriotism isn't about bullying other nationalities. It isn't about claiming to be concerned about something that doesn't exist, mainly Muslim invasion of Poland.

Fyi, quite a few of these 'patriots' also disapprove of Ukrainians.
As for immigrants in Poland/the UK, these are two totally different things. Non European immigration started decades ago, when Britain was far from being politically correct. 'He's-a-foreigner' attitude was far more common. Immigrants to Poland and Britain are different, too. Try coming to Poland and live off the benefits like immigrants in the UK do.

But there's something in common: low paid jobs are taken by immigrants because non qualified Poles would rather live on the social welfare.
5 May 2018
Life / MAY 1st - Party time in Poland? What are the traditions? [9]

It's nabożeństwa majowe and they take place all over Poland.
As for May 1-3, it's mostly an occassion to go away, have a barbecue etc. If you're lucky, like this year, taking three days off will give you nine days' holiday - May 1st and 3rd are public holidays.
3 May 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

Johnny didn't mention Instagram, did he?
Did anyone? Except for you?

Anyway, you really need to be into body building to fancy such guys regardless of whether you're a straight woman or a gay man.

Great respect for personal discipline and determination, though.
2 May 2018
Language / Writing a novel set in XVII Century Poland; Input Requested [12]

Your Polish sentences are ok.
As for names of villages, anything with Wólka (=hamlet) will do. There are also tens of places called Kamionka (from kamień-stone, rock), Zalesie (behind the forest, Dąbrowa (where oaks grow) or simply Nowa Wieś (New Village - apparently the most popular name with 133 villages called like that). Names derived from from first names like Janów, Józefów or a real village but you'd have to do some research.

Remember that the 17th century was one of the most turbulent times in the Polish history - lots of conflicts and wars.
2 May 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

Someone follows Marino on social networking sites for sure. And that person likes his photos a lot. As for what that person does with the photos ... I hope it's only for fitness tips.

It's a thread about fitness. Here! Have some carrots ;)
30 Apr 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

I wonder about something else .. what if someone posts photos of another person without their consent ... off Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
How legal is that? Can the person depicted sue the poster. In Poland it's illegal to post photos of other people without their consent and the rules get even stricter from May 25th. Is it only Poland or the EU?
29 Apr 2018
Off-Topic / WB's body building and general fitness thread [97]

People who are into body building find it attractive. Both women and men who aspire to look like that.
You've posted so many photos here, that one more wouldn't make a difference. But it'd prove it's you.
Honestly speaking, whether the guy in the photos is you or not, he should be more careful and not post so many photos online.
29 Apr 2018
Law / Poland's ZUS/NFZ payments for businesses [27]

It's always been like that. You can deduct part of składka zdrowotna and spoleczna from your monthly tax but by and large, ZUS doesn't give a damn and wants your money regardless of what you earn, even if you make less than you need to pay them.
28 Apr 2018
News / Poland, The Starbucks report. [42]

@johnny reb
There are a lot of people like you - at least among people I know.
Kubek termiczny rules - a Polish word for you; )
28 Apr 2018
News / Poland, The Starbucks report. [42]

I've never been to the States but comparing Starbucks in Kraków to Starbucks in London for example, I'd say people have different habits. So I'd expect customers in Poland are different, too. Lots of people that go Starbucks in Kraków are tourists - probably the same type of people who visit McDonald's in every foreign country they visit. I definitely prefer Starbucks/Costa Coffee to McDonald's.

As for coffee shops in shopping malls/airports etc, I don't expect cosy atmosphere so I don't mind going to Costa Coffee, Tschibo etc.

As for cosy atmosphere, small cafes are usually best. About two weeks ago I finally visited a cafe I'd wanted to visit for a while. The interior was great, cosy with vintage photos on the walls etc. I ordered coffee (latte to be precise, some may think it's not really coffee) and had the worst coffee in my life ... milk was overheated ( or whatever the word is) and coffee was ... hard to say as there was hardly any in ...

With chain coffee shops, at least you know what to expect.
25 Apr 2018
Language / Diminutive help? Wiktoria, Mikołaj, Elzbieta [9]

Gsabrzela is probably a mispelling of Gabriela -> Gabrysia.

Kubek=mug ...

It's Kuba or Kubuś.
Gocha is an augmentative, really. It might be used in a friendly manner (assuming the lady doesn't mind) but you wouldn't call a child like that.

As for most common names, it pretty much depends on the generation. For example, Antoni, Jan, Jakub are extremely popular nowadays but it's their comeback after decades - pretty rare among people in their 20s -50s (especially the first two).
19 Apr 2018
Life / Air pollution in Wroclaw and Krakow [12]

The situation is worst in winter, especially when there's no wind. And it's about people using crap to heat their houses. It's not about coalmines ...

I went there a couple of days ago. Nobody wore a mask. I'm still alive.
17 Apr 2018
Law / Polish child maintenance, possible Irish father, Polish mother [21]

Come on. These are not mistakes Polish people make. Liar/lawyer difference when it comes to spelling is not a mistake a Pole would make. Anyway your English was way better in older posts. But since it's got so bad, why don't you post in Polish? Or on a Polish forum? :)

You should consult a lawyer. ^^
14 Apr 2018
Food / Eurosnack Super Chrup Onion Rings from Poland [3]

Snacks from Poland

Is that what you're looking for?
You may try any polski sklep but to be honest, it's the first time I have heard of that brand. I googled chrupki o smaku zielonej cebulki and there seem to be several other brands that make them. So even if you don't find Eurosnack, you'll find others. That flavour is really popular with Polish people.

Here's something similar.