Some speak it very well, albeit with a distinctive accent.
It was the accent bit that was worrying me! German language sounds quite harsh and guttural, at least to me, so I couldn't imagine anyone German speaking Polish without a heavy accent.
I'd say that English is rather "soft" in this respect
I agree. English does sound softer compared with German and French which is why I was so surprised that many Poles mistakenly thought I was German. I don't even have a regional accent ( so I've been told ).
I think with phonetically strong languages it would be very hard to eradicate all traces of them when speaking another language. A person would need a very good ear and a lot of practice on a daily basis to speak Polish like a native, and more importantly, sound like one.
On the plus side my friends don't think I speak Polish like I'm eating a piece of chocolate :), but unfortunately I am the only Polish speaking Brit they know, so they don't have anyone else to compare me with and they haven't come across any Polish speaking Brits back in PL either. But it's as I thought. They can't describe what I sound like speaking Polish any more than I can when they speak English, which is why the subject hasn't cropped up before. All they could say that was they didn't think my accent was particularly strong.
it's 'Miś'