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Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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9 Feb 2012
Law / Poland's Economy "Outpacing Germany". Gratulacje. [20]

The problem with Poland is that it is too beholding to EU (i.e., German) loans. From the article:

"While Poland’s economy has weathered Europe’s debt crisis so far, the country’s financial links to the region make it vulnerable to a retrenchment by foreign lenders, according to Pablo Cisilino, who helps manage about $30 billion in emerging- debt at Stone Harbor Investment Partners in New York.

About 63 percent of the total credit extended to non-bank borrowers in Poland as of June came from foreign lenders in the euro area, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

“Eastern Europe is most affected by the deleveraging of European banks,” said Cisilino, who has “underweight” holdings in Poland."

Combined with the above, Tusk is still hell bent on joining the Euro. When Tusk drops the zloty, Germany calls home loans and Polish financial fiasco starts ala Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etal. Tusk is an idiot.
7 Feb 2012
Life / Can most people in Poland speak Russian? [43]

A related question to the thread, why is Russian so popular in the Ukraine but not in Poland? How come the Ukrainians don't like speaking Ukrainian?
7 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Do you think it is financially prudent for a bankrupt country to subsidise foreign moochers, to the extent that they can jet off to the continent?

What percentage of the budget to these so called moochers represent? I am sure just a fraction of what the bankers stole. You're probably counting pennies while the bankers walk off with the pounds.
5 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

According to the media, she jetted off on a sun break away to Morocco for the week.

You're just jealous that you can't fly to Morocco with her.

It's not the people on the dole that's killing your country, it's the German bankers that bankrupted it.
2 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

One could easily make the polar argument with regard to the Soviet troops on Polish soil, far more Poles supported the communists than supported the opposition (until the opposition gained critical mass).

So true and often overlooked when discussing recent Polish history. Many Poles embraced communism (they don't now but they did then).
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

The 'Soviet occupation' claim is just an excuse used to justify the massive involvement of Polish people in the PZPR (three and a half million members at its peak).

Poland couldn't overthrow the Soviet occupation because the Polish people weren't united. Poland could have accepted the Marshall Plan but too many Poles were dedicated communists. Poles need to take responsibility for their condition and quit blaming the Russians.
1 Feb 2012
News / Poland and the European Union Fund Allocations [59]

Why? Can you outline what difference there is to the average person between a company being Polish owned and German owned in today's marketplace?

German and Polish interests are not one and the same. Poland should avoid selling their assets to foreign nationals, it should probably get out of the EU.
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Today (Tuesday) the Polish govt said they would sign the ACTA pact.

I'm kind of curious, where does this intolerance come from? Does this represent political sentiment in Poland? Is this why Poland has been unable to govern itself through much of its history? There's no compromise with this guy.
25 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / How to get Drivers license in IL without social security? [96]

From the mouths of babes. Illegal immigration exists for one reason only...low wages. Pay people enough and they'll do the job. Why do you think Poland has lost about 2 million people the last few years? LOW WAGES. You can't build a society on low wages, it doesn't work. People need income to buy stuff, if they don't the market disappears and nobody is working. Americans aren't lazy, Poles aren't lazy, English aren't lazy, they're just not going to work for nothing.

"taking a job to pick apples"? Why don't they invest in machinery to do the job? Why bother when some idiot illegal is willing to work for nothing.
24 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Yes, except the forces of hedo-commercialist degeneracy are far more effective -- just look at how many on PF have swallowed it all hook, line and sinker!

Christianity has two rules and two rules only, Love God and Love your neighbor as you would love yourself. That's it, that's all there is. You should spend more time reading Scripture and less time attending the Roman Catholic Church.

More proof that living by a set of man-made dogma doesn't necessarily make you a better person, and that it's possible to have morals even if you don't pray to a wooden cross, etc. That's one thing I do actually respect about Islam - at least they don't agree with praying to man-made images of gods!

No, they pray to a meteorite.
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

The contract is not to bind the people together these days. It's to ensure that the laws will protect them / apply to them when they split and start dividing the assets.

EXACTLY! Marriage is a civil contract and applies whether you are married in a Church, married in court or live together for a period of time prescribed by law. That's why divorce is conducted in a court of law, the parties are dissolving a contract.

F-Stop just because you live with someone without a formal marriage contract doesn't mean that you can't be sued for alimony after dissolving your relationship. Oral contracts are binding.

Matrimony is more than a piece of paper, it is a holy sacrament. Anyone who divorces is a faithless, disloyal, irresponsible liar and perjurer. Amen.

The Roman Catholic Church wasn't involved in marriage until the 16 or 17 hundreds. It's not a holy sacrament. The only sacrament from Scripture is Baptism.
17 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Duty and self sacrifice is an integral part of a succesful marriage.

Duty and self sacrifice? Does your wife know you look at your marriage in this way? Successful marriage is about compatibility, do you genuinely like each other?

I would like to know what makes marriage immoral? The union of two individuals is a moral one.

Marriage is a civil contract, both individuals have contractual obligations. Living together is an implied contract, after a certain period of time it's no different than a formal marriage. It's morally neutral.

Dead relationship- who cares its all about the kids now

If your marriage is dead you won't/can't make a good parent. Good parenting doesn't occur in a vacuum.
14 Jan 2012
Love / Problem with a brutal American guy (now I live in Poland) [88]

What shall I do ? Just ignore that ?

Well if your assumptions are correct that he is involved in Human trafficking, than you should avoid him at all cost. Why can't you change your internet address? I mean addresses on Yahoo, google, microsoft are free. If he still manages to find you on the internet you can put his address in the spam box.
13 Jan 2012
Love / I`m Polish bloke lookin`for an English girl. Is it gonna work out? [51]

I've been to England many times and If I were to move to England at the top of my list would be Yorkshire, what a lovely place. I really like the Yorkshire coast, beautiful. And Katiet, if an Englishwoman is in need of a date all she has to do is spend some time in the States, she'll be appreciated.
7 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]

Poles need to learn to focus on Poland today and quit looking to the past.
7 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]

Part of it is their nationalistic ignorance, and second probably more to blame, the media showing drunk hooligans in their country or Poles not wanting to embrace their culture and language.

I fail to understand why anyone would live in a foreign country on a permanent basis and not embrace the local culture and language. If you wanna speak polish move to Poland!
3 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Same here. The one reason I'm still in the US is the weather. When I was living in Poland I was sick or semi sick from late October to early April.

Ah, but the weather in the U.S. can be unpredictable and violent.
27 Dec 2011
Life / Poles hard working or just born lazy. [58]

Hey chickadee you want people to work, they have to be motivated. Too many business owners use labor rates to maximize their profit margins. Workers have responsibility to work hard? Is that all? How about the business owner having some responsibility to the worker? Huh? BTW I am a business owner, and cheap wages are no substitute for bad management. And Polish workers in the USofA have a good reputation for hard work and quality, but guess what, so do the English. I've never met a lazy Englishman across the Atlantic. You know why, they have an incentive to work here. In England you have to like your station in life because if you don't you have no where else to go. If you don't like it, you have to leave and a lot of them do just that. You'll find them all over the world.
25 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

In Poland is quite common to hear from job agencies which offer jobs aboard. I have heard (from polish people) that there are some job agencies (illegal mainly) which promise jobs to young girls specially. However when they are aboard they are kidnapped and forced into prostitution.

I am convinced that Polish women are more into prostitution than Western women due to the fact that they separate their emotions from their sex lives. I think this is from living in a Roman Catholic culture which preaches that sex is inherently evil and one shouldn't do it unless one intends to have a child. In other words it's wrong to enjoy sex. A good movie on the subject, though the women in the story was Lithuanian and not Polish:

25 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

I suppose that this demonstrates the difference between Polish-Americans and British people of Polish origin.

If you are in the first category, why are you living in England?
24 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

Because we celebrate Christmas Eve. It's not a Polish thing, it's a Catholic thing.

Nonsense. I was raised Polish American catholic and the big day was Christmas day not Christmas Eve. In fact kids who got their gifts on Christmas Eve were considered spoiled for not being able to wait until Christmas Day.

Fasting on Christmas Eve? Whoever heard of such a thing, after all Advent isn't Lent. And also we drank too but alcoholism isn't in my family, so there was no taboo about drinking.

As a kid I attended a Catholic School ran by Nuns.. Over the years I saw just how most of what we were taught was a lot of crap.. I started to see the light when the Catholic Clergy sextually abused young boys.

Very true
23 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

He doesn't have a choice - his wife wants back and that's that.

Don't forget that while you can earn very well in those countries, the cost of living is also astronomical.

Delph, i don't disagree with you (but excluding the wife's wishes of course). You're right if one is an entrepreneur and has a bit of stash and has an idea for a business, I would choose an emerging market like Poland. But if one is looking for "A JOB" which is how it sounds with our current subject, than one should look to a developed market economy such as the ones i mentioned. Heck I should've included Australia and Canada.
22 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

Well - one reason to choose Poland is that there is much more opportunity here than elsewhere.

I'm head of an English department here - it wouldn't have happened so quickly in Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries. I value position more than money - so for me, Poland makes sense now.

When I posted I wasn't thinking of teaching English, I was thinking of many other jobs that he may qualify for that will pay more than in Poland. I've moved about a half a dozen times and every time you do you have to establish yourself all over again, and it takes time, money and effort. IMO if you're going to move and go through the all this you might as well pick somewhere that has the highest chance of rewards in terms of financial security and a quality of life. Besides the quality of life issues, the Scandinavian languages would probably be the easiest to learn for a native English speaker, IMO something he needs to think about. The language issue would be easiest in Scandinavia but

Switzerland is probably more accustomed dealing with immigrants. Here's more links he should think about before making his move: nav.no/English
21 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

Kudos to you! I wish more people felt like that where I'm from.

People from where you are from are unemployed simply because they've outsourced jobs to China for cheap labor and than they wonder why people are unemployed. The fact is, everyone is on the government payroll. Corporations get government contracts, doctors receive medicare payments, it's all from the same pot. In the USofA everyone's on welfare.

I'd quite like to live in Switzerland and take home 100-200CHF an hour for classes

This sounds like a grand idea. If you're going to move to the continent why not find a place where the average salary (40k-50k CHF) is a heck of a lot higher than where your from? Or what about the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)? These countries have low unemployment and high salaries.

Tomjustyna, here ya go:
20 Dec 2011
Food / Swiss Cheese in Poland [14]

cheese for a soup topping? Make sure it's low fat. Cheddar and Swiss are too oily.
19 Dec 2011
Love / Do Polish women fight about everything? [39]

she picks fights over everthing says i done nothing for her she pays no bills .shopping .car insurance.

Polish women are much more mercurial than an English Lass. Now this is not a criticism just the way it is. Maybe you should give your paycheck over to her and let her balance the budget. Polish women like to manage money.