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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
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30 Oct 2012
News / Kudos to RCC for turning Poland into a laughingstock... again. [38]

Well, I find halloween, on that particular day, to be in really bad taste. It should be day on serenity and solemnity. "Kids having fun" on that day seems rather offensive to our dead ones.

Besides, it is worthless foreign custom, mucking our glorious Polsh culture.
27 Oct 2012
News / Lech Walesa is not a democrat and this statement proves it. [24]

Are you familiar with Ha Joon Chang?

He pointed out that it's contradictory that the developed world promotes democracy in the developing world, when the developed world was actually quite undemocratic during the period in which they were modernising and advancing industrially. In fact, Germany, Britain, and America were more undemocratic than the democratic Third World today during the period of their rise.
27 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Komorowski has been very proactive in proposing (and rejecting) legislation

you are kidding right? or just being a delphy?

Incidentally, there's not much he can do as a ceremonial head of state. Read the constitutional recently, have we?

Walensa, Kwasniewski, Kaczynski, all of them, to various degree, behaved like real President should. Komorowski is just a disgrace. "Ceremonial" disgrace.
26 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

I voted for Komorowski. The majority voted for him and he was fairly chosen in democratic election. Who are you to tell the people who voted for him that their voice was somehow less valuable then the P'iS supporters? Komorowski replaced the previous president after his death. What were we supposed to be waiting for, 3 years of mourning without president maybe? That's what a psycho twin would probably have wanted!

Most modern politicians, Komorowski being the prime example, are just suckups who made it big in their party, get elected not due to them being good politicians but because their party is elected (and Komorowski siting on the chair already, and people still in the state of shock), and then spend their time sitting in parliament and sleeping or reading the newspaper while getting paid for it. OH BOY WHAT TALENT AND HARD WORK THAT WAS TO REACH THIS POSITION NOW I'M JUST GOING TO SIT HERE NOT EVEN PROPERLY LISTENING TO WHAT THE OTHERS SAY BECAUSE MY PRESENCE IS ENOUGH TO GET ME PAID.

You know what? Kaczynski, while I may disagre with him in many points, was in the whole thing because he wanted to do politics, not just get paid for doing nothing.
26 Oct 2012
News / Lech Walesa is not a democrat and this statement proves it. [24]

The concept of a "democracy" is an outrageous absurdity to begin with. It's so self-evidently ridiculous, I sometimes have trouble understanding how people see merit in this. Then I remember that they just don't. They're brainwashed/conditioned to regard it highly.

Things like this do good to remind one that all that modernism stuff is just ********. We're living the intellectual dark ages. In a way, it's worse than many other periods of civilization because there has never been such a widespread and highly accepted, approved and appreciated consensus on a broken system among the common men before.
24 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

so the only defence of this nonentity is by calling him a figurehead? and you still deem him worthy of being followed?
24 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

who would follow a president he did not voted for? how many lefists followed Kaczynski, that was realy elected by the people. As opposed to parachuting into rightfull president's chair, before his corpse was even found?
24 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Who in his right mind would call a Nonentity komorowski a "President" worth of following him? Oh, it was you Delphy.... Please continue.
16 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Women represent the "paradisaical" aspect of human life. Where man seeks transcendence by thought and action, woman represents divine truth in her being. This is why in ancient times people were so anal about the purity and virtuousness of women, because a garden is only beautiful in so far as it isn't despoiled.

I think it's the same hormone that causes him to stay in on Saturday night writing crap about black people rather than getting laid.

The two biggest sins of liberals:
1) they collect their idealogical enemies into one homogenous blob with interchangeable characteristics and make strawman personal attacks on it instead of making an actual argument

2) they all think the same way

I guess all-male workplaces could be criticised too

If you want to get serious work done you need men, but don't complain if your working environment begins to resemble a god damn barrack, with the boss acting like a field marshal, barking orders and what not.
16 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Goverment office ''jobs'' (we have good word for those in Poland the ''Posada'' or sit-place instead of work-place) takes and encourages the worst from both Men and Women. But older womyn who had to battle the ''discrimination and sterotypes'' or other PC newspeak BS are either beaches or hardworking (often Both) the young ones brought on privillige and AA are worst then most lazy male booms brough on stress free education. Put them on ration 3:2 or greater and you will have henhouse where work is done but two times slower than by male workers. This is one of the main reasons getting any oficial business takes ages in Poland, Biurwy busy with tea, phones and gossips when there're rows of people waiting for one stupid rubber stamp for documents needed for an office two doors away.
16 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Sure Barney. Women don't know about partnership or brotherhood or anything like that. Men needed to develop these social skills in order to survive in the wilds while hunting, while women were fighting among themselves to get the guy with the bigger dick.

And guess what, nothing changed in 20000 years.
16 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Women start being more reliable and ambitious when they're older because of the testosterone. It's been proven. It's again all about hormones.

God's design is logical, after all. He made sure the females would be driven by hormones that would favor nurture, safety, calm and indirectness. While He gave men ones that would favor ambition, risk taking, empathy drive.

Once they cannot have babies anymore, then it makes more sense for them to take risks, hence His design. Post menopausal women have been shown to vie for high ranking positions more, and to ask for more raises as well.
15 Oct 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Working with women is traumatizing.

After reading that several thoughts occured to me:1. You might be of low status yourself,

"Status" is an alien concept for me. And for (most of the) men.

that's why you blame it for your failure with women. It's an easy and comfortable explanation for you

I had to work in a governmental office dominated by women these last three days, because they have an important federal IT infrastructure. I never want to go there again. I would compare the experience and horror experienced therein to extended sleep paralysis.

After months of working with ambitious, hard-working men with personality who have become almost like brothers to me in many respects, my jaw just hit the floor. I could find maybe one woman in the office with the kind of personality and ambition I would respect. Tamely.

The motto of the rest however could be summed up in "Don't rock the boat."

I have noticed that they're always losing tremendous amounts of time gossiping instead of concentrating on real tasks, and they have a very strong sense of complacency. This really shocked me. Sure, my coworkers don't always work... but they have a real passion for their work, and work hard. I couldn't find one woman in the whole governmental office who was like that. They seemed to find all the excuses in the world to gossip and establish some sort of playful pecking order between themselves instead of rewarding their employer with at least a bit of productivity and dedication.

Most hard to endure however, was this constant atmosphere of forced niceness everywhere. The overreactions at the most insignificant things, so long as it validated their will to have everything be nice, safe and cuddly.

At some point I had to explain to one of them why I disagreed a bit more strongly before I left, and when I came back the next morning the first thing she did was come talk to me and apologize profusedly, clearly looking for my approval, that she didn't make me mad or anything like that. I was like, why are you doing this to me, who cares? I have these sorts of talk with my male coworkers often multiple times a day and no one bats an eyelid. Then I ended up disappointed that this is the sort of attitude that begets respect and deference from women nowadays.

You do not need to look any further to wonder why our world has forced niceness and zero risk attitude everwhere, which becomes more strict and absurd all the time.

I have been interested in a long time in testosterone and estrogen, and how they respectively shape and limit all of men's and women's behavior. At no point in my life has it been any clearer than now.
9 Oct 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Multikult is a symptom, not the disease. West has been in a state of cultural decay ever since Christianity fell out of favour. It's a lack of self identity and moral absolutes that has made West what it is now.

Your native population is made up of old people, like the majority in some of your countries. You people utterly refuse to have children, I mean to the point were you all seem to chastise each other for having more then one child with ridiculous "pro-sustainable growth" movements or whatever other bullshit. Not to mention the rather hypocritical views on immigration and other ethnicities. You want them to leave, but you can't stomach the idea of hurting them. You don't like their culture so you want them to be like you.

And what's worse is that you actually DO need them to do jobs your majority won't do, but what's funny is that you literally flood your nations with them, as though you really needed a million people to do the jobs of a few hundred thousand.

So currently, when I see the youth of Western nations (and to some extent, those of the US) I see kids that are given free everything from birth to 22 (or so) all taken for granted of course, who dress like Americans (whom they hate) who hate nazis, but "dislike" Muslims, except for the one or two "cool" ones that adhere to their social palette, whose precious "freedoms" include the ability to use pot, to celebrate whatever holiday their nation has by drinking heavily, and finally by believing marriage to be an archaic institution not to mention that having children is bad for the environment.

But Poland will prevail over multikult hordes. In this thread, we praise the great Antemurale Christianitatis
7 Oct 2012
Life / A rant about "patriotism" in today's Poland [60]

Most people have this sense of entitlement, the "I don't speak your language so you should speak mine". You (and most English speakers, I've noticed) just automatically expect everyone to speak English and are surprised when they don't. Others react to this with their own, more agressive sense of entitlement, by actively refusing to speak to you even if they do know English. The French (or I should say most Parisians; the French elsewhere are nicer) are like this. The Flemish are this taken to 11; god help you if you start the conversation in French. I have not noticed this with Russians, but I did notice that Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians will automatically switch to their language if one other person knows it in the group. Come to think of it the Chinese are even worse: you can be talking to one and another will actively interrupt your conversation in Mandarin. I've only met one Chinese guy so far (out of 40-50) who doesn't do this ALL THE TIME.
6 Oct 2012
Life / A rant about "patriotism" in today's Poland [60]

Four years back, one cheesy Swedish power metal band called Sabaton released an album titled 'The Art of War'. Among the thirteen or so songs there, one was titled '40:1' and was about the Battle of Wizna in which a Polish defence force managed to hold out against the overwhelming Nazi offence for three days.

Naturally, someone, somewhere in Poland heard about it and informed the media about it. A gigantic foocking craze about this band was started then, and it pretty much continues to stay this way. When they released a new album two years ago, one of the songs was titled 'Uprising', and was about the Warsaw Uprising. Of course, everyone started cumming all over it, even the video for the song was shown for the first time exclusively on Polish TV during the anniversary of the Uprising. Generally, the media attention this band was getting is absurd.

Now, where am I heading with this? Well, what angered me most and continues to disgust me, was all those new-found patriots that suddenly started popping up with 'OMG 40:1 POLAND!1'. They also kept whining all the foocking time 'why are Polish artists not singing about their glorious history?!'.

And here comes what pissed me off the most lately. One fairly popular Polish band called Elektryczne Gitary released a new album dedicated exclusively to historical themes. There are songs about the Solidarity movement, about the Battle of Tannenberg, about the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, the Polish squadron during the Battle of England etc, generally they're 'anniversary' songs. It was released on the 2nd of November 2010. I learned about it yesterday. Found it the damned discount bin.

This is my biggest gripe. Elektryczne Gitary are not some sort of an 'underground' band, and pretty much everyone here knows them, they even have a couple of 'cult hits'. The album itself was even done in cooperation with the ministry of culture or something like that, apparently. And nobody bloody knows about it. Nobody TALKED about it. I haven't seen ANY articles about it on any news site, I haven't heard about it neither in the radio nor in the TV. WHY? Why is some completely unknown Swedish foocking band popping out of nowhere getting *** on their faces because of a single song, while a Polish band does more than that and gets absolutely no recognition?

I'll tell you why. Because it's not about 'glorifying the history'. No. It's about getting outside foocking recognition. 'Hey, look! There are some filthy Swedish peasants talking about our superior historical heritage, like the way it should be!'. Nobody actually gives a foock about history itself, it's all about 'WOOOOOOO WE'RE BEING NOTICED

And faggots will still keep talking about Polish artists not singing about Polish history. These are some of those times when I'm utterly disgusted with this nation. Goddamn.
30 Sep 2012
Food / Jacket potatoes - do Polish people like them? [22]

"Ziemniaki w mundurkach" or "ziemniaki w koszulkach" it is called. Not very popular, or even known, in Poland, more elagant restauratns should have it in offer though.
29 Sep 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

The irony, delphy, is that the reason there's such a meltdown in the first place is the currency is all pegged to be the same. Having the same currency only works if you have absolutely no barriers between the places with that currency.

Suddenly greece, and every country, has to be 100% competitive with Germany or financially collapse. But most these countries are little better than third world countries to start with. To adjust things you'd have to relocate half the population of Greece around the whole EU, and same for Italy and Spain. Even then it would still be a mess for decades and only if large amounts of business starts to operate outside Northern EU will things ever settle down in a way that the rest of the members aren't completely impoverished.

But this can't happen because? Why, delphy? Because the currency is pegged to the same thing and there's no incentive. You can't pay people in Greek dollars and laugh your way to the bank any more. Now Greeks have to compete with Germans and Finns and Norwegians and the UK on a 100% level playing field. But guess what? They can't, and they never will be able to because those countries have both more resources per capita and they have much more effective workforces, more education, and they have all the infrastructure they need to do business. Italy is little better than North Africa.

So not only is it a stupid idea to constantly run in a deficit, which financial people only suggest is good because they make their money lending money to stupid people, but that's not even possible here. You see it has to balance out 100% now. It will balance 100% whether you want it to or not. Why? They are on the same currency. When you lower your currency people do business more and pick your stuff up on the cheap, and when you have a deficit this ultimately corrects itself regardless of what you want as they found out in the USA recently. You never hear about a trade deficit between states in the USA because it just doesn't happen, and it can't happen in Europe any more either.

But since half the countries in the EU are totally uncompetitive and this happened all at once it's almost impossible to adjust for, and to correct it the countries of Europe as we know them would have to simply stop existing in current form. No more Italians, no more Greek, no more Spaniards, they will all have to move to find jobs of any kind and welfare system won't work any more either (as much as it ever did).

TLDR European Union is going to utter destroy most of Europe before it completely falls apart
29 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

All you have to do is take a ride through a US city to see the bullshine propoganda (that is if you have actually seen another country in your lifetime to compare with..)

Middle class american suburbs (that aren't under 20 years old...) tend to look like SH!T. Rundown houses.. rundown oldschool wooden telephone poles, roads all foocked up to hell.

I have lived extended periods in both the US (in multiple cities) and europe and the US looks like sh!t. German 'ghettos' can literally (and very often do) look better then middle class america.

When friends visited me they were literally shocked at the conditions there because they too have been brainwashed into thinking that america is the land of milk and honey. Sorry thats only true if you make 100k+ or come from a sh!thole like mexico.

People will prob say: 'My neighborhood looks fine!'. When you grow up in sh!t, sh!t looks like home. Sorry to break it to you but unless you are wealthy or live in a new neighborhood (like many that have been popping up in vegas for instance) chances are you live in a foocking sh!thole (relative to other western industrial nations) oh.. if you live in new england you prob live nice too.. of course thats one of the few paces that isnt batsh!t insane.. and middle class there is higher then the national average ;)

Dont get me started on the (privately foocking owned) infrastructure in this sh!t country..

Anyhwo, it's all posturing. American suburbs have always been pretty much Potemkin villages. They sure as **** can impress your average illegal Mexican and your random Cambodian family, but anyone coming from the good old world can see through it all pretty easy. I would also add only one thing, your average suburban American is in his ears up to debt. These people are severely in over their heads. Now with the housing/real estate bubble popping it is much harder to play up the charade. People getting evicted left and right. I work closely with property managers and you wouldn't believe what the situation is like. Just last week I chatted-up a local electric company representative. He had a list with nearly 40 names & address's printed out. He was there to turn off their power. Now this particular neighborhood has around 160 houses. He was there to turn off power for a FOURTH of the residents. This is a 100% white and protestant suburb (with some Catholic families here and there) and until recently it was considered a rather affluent suburb as well.
29 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

there are jobs only for women and there are jobs only for men. of course, both genders are more than welcome to do each others job.
but it does not mean than men are better than women and vice versa. they are just better at doing different things.

I'm with you on this to an extent. But my take on it is that there is a vital job that women used to do that is being increasingly pushed to the backburner in our neverending quest to pursue the allmighty dollar. Homemaker.

That sounds simple but to me it is the very glue of society and we are allowing this vital 'job' to play second fiddle to our 'regular jobs' and even pass times.

I sound terribly old fashioned saying this but while I believe there are exceptions to the women in the workplace rule by and large earning the 'bread' should be a man's concern if for nothing else than to free women up to give full attention to the kids we are raising and the real standard of living we enjoy on our 'off time'.

I think some women can actually contribute to various fields but for the most part believe society functions much better when a more traditional family structure is observed.

I have no idea from where you got that notion that women cannot be passionate in a stereotypically male jobs.

Women are status driven creatures. Think about it, what do women not do for status? They have sex for status, the make friends for status, they dress for status, they get what you coined 'brilliant' jobs for status, they have kids for status, they get married for status.

I used to know why, and probably still do, but damn me if I care enough about wimin and their nonsense to post about it anymore. Let them compete, I say, they wont outpace men unless the game is fixed (as it is today) and even then only just barely. Drain your balls and then move on. What's that? You want romance, passion, a womanly touch, you say?
29 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Boletus, I was asking about great scientists. If no woman got a Nobel, it would be considered sexist, and whatnot.

Let's face it, why do we have separate men's and women's events at the Olympic Games? Let's just put all the male and female contestants into the same contest and see who comes out on top. Of course, if you do that, all the men come out on top. And not *just* on top, but on top by a country mile. Women have never broken the 10 second barrier in the 100m sprint, for instance.

a.k., feel free to question my sporting achievements....

Watching these feministfrequency.com videos is interesting. It would appear that while men are out building sh!t and blowing sh!t up and gettin' sh!t done, women are making videos studying why they aren't doing what men are - and apparently it's all because Lego wasn't marketed to them when they were 12.

Yesss... That must be it.
29 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

a.k, give me an exapmle of great female scientist, someone on pair with Darwin, Einstein, Newton, etc (excluding Maria Sklodowska - an exception confirming the rule)

if your post was thoughtful, it would be on topic

I see, so instead trying to be thoughtful, I shold write somthing simple, something you can relate to...

Is this simple enough:

Men (patriarchal real men, not feral matriarchal enrichers) are grateful for ancient Greek, Chinese, and Arab astronomy and philosophy. Women aren't grateful for the rights men granted them not even a century ago. Their lack of respect and reverence for authority, and subsequent recognition solely of raw power, renders them completely unsuitable for civilized discourse. They don't deserve equal anything because they haven't earned it, and they never will.
28 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

But see, the very idea one has to get a "job" stems entirely from the fact society has been completely feminized. Men aren't naturally inclined for jobs, they like to do work. Sure you can get a woman to do many of the things a man can do, but only in the way she was trained, and only under the conditions that are favorable to her. This breeds staleness and inefficiency, often removing the very thing that makes a job something more then mere drudgery.

So even the perspective here, the idea that individuals are nothing more then mere automata at the behest of a fixed and inflexible directive (the job in question) is a purely feminized notion. Only a woman thinks in terms of getting a "brilliant" career. A man just wants to get things done, whatever it is. So, sure, many women can become "brilliant" biologists, but only men can rock the field of biology with radical innovations and improvements. So why the hell even bother training women? What's the point of becoming a biologists, just for the sake of being a biologist? When the sole justification for entering a given field is to... enter said field, all other concerns become redundant. You are not studying biology to do biology, you are studying biology to be a biologist, which could mean a lot of things at any given moment, but mostly it means something that has nothing to do whatsoever with doing actual work in the field in question
28 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

The problem now is the lowering of the standard to compensate for women's inferior ability. I really have no problem with women wanting to be a part of anything quite frankly, but the same expectations should apply, with the emphasis being on the subject's performance. Like for instance, in most military institutions, they have a strict set of requirements on male recruits, so simply being a male doesn't guarantee you a spot. However, you then have females coming in, who literally perform at a much lower level than even worst of the males, let alone the ones that truly qualify, and these women get the spot solely because of their sex. If anything, this reverses the inequality spectrum of the two sexes, putting men in a huge disadvantage here, for having to live up to a higher standard of expectations while getting the same amount of pay as women who get by with mediocrity. The rules for both sexes could be the same, but by no means is it to be achieved by dragging the measuring stick down and pussifying men, or babysitting women.

The social expectations for women are already decreasing. Men pay for far more in relationships than women do. Women have Title IX, Divorce Court, Family Court, traditional pressure, etc. in determining their outcome. Women (of every race) simply not scoring as high as their same race men do in SAT math scores is a rallying cry for state action.

Men are actively encouraged to be faggots; raise another man's child; and defer their masculinity to their wives. Gen X's are typical in this position. Men are "kitchen dwellers" in this generation.

Meanwhile marriage for Gen Y is wilting and may even die completely. The state will assume many daddy duties while encouraging the mother to get pregnant (especially more affluent and intelligent women).
27 Sep 2012
Love / Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves? [130]

Well, the West has been doing so badly the last couple of decades, it put some of the most basic things into question. Let's think about crazy Swedish practices of erasing gender, or lunatic feminists trying to set quotas on female employees in companies, or instilling a sense of guilt in males.

I'm not a fan of cloistering women culturally and socially to the point that they become waifish invalids, like we once did-- but they shouldn't be afraid to want to make babies; conversely, dykes and brainwashing women who make it to college into thinking that they are all rape victims, absolutely must pursue a career, and can and should do everything a man can is absurd and ugly as well.