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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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10 Apr 2012
Life / Polish word for 'queue' [18]

I'd be pretty shocked too

me too, if I noticed some Polish weirdo hanging around in the mens toilets watching what British men do.......
Queueing in Poland,sod it,when in Rome, I just develope very sharp elbows.
At least the Poles are better than germans at this. generally Poles will see a queue and try to work their way to the front in a full on assault, germans meanwhile will see a queue and presume it is for the lower orders and walk straight past it with a sense of self importance :)
9 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / Why would anyone kill himself? Polish guy kills himself in Ireland [16]

Is this what you would want read about a person related to you

I wouldnt be trawling obscure internet forums looking to be offended at a time like that.
If that was the reason,sorry,thats weak after all the disgusting stuff that gets through on here.
Lets face it, might not be polite language but it perfectly sums up the childs situation.
What was a mother doing sneaking her *lover* into the marital home at night when the husband was at work and the child was in the house?

Seems smurf has painted quite an acurrate picture of the woman imho.
And what do you think the child will go through as it grows up?
" dad killed himself?"
"yes son"
" why"
"erm,he came home and found me dabbing another mans mess from my thighs and got a bit upset"
9 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / Why would anyone kill himself? Polish guy kills himself in Ireland [16]

The Garde do have forensic investigators you know. They dont really need to rely on Jessica Fletchers occasional visits to the emerald isle to work out who did what to whom. Angle of penetration no doubt showed what happened if nothing else.

Smurf, agreed, id never judge someone who took their own life, there but by the grace of our gods could go any of us,but,suicide is a tragedy that echos down the generations of a family.
9 Apr 2012
Love / Do Irish / British guys like Polish girls? [138]

As a male in England with celtic background....can I just say the obvious?
There are good/bad and awfull Englishmen/Polishmen/frenchmen/German men ....you get where Im going here? :)
You will find a nice Hugh Grant type or you can find yourself with a complete psychopath just as you could at home.
One thing you dont want to do is narrow your search to Englishmen alone, dont forget us Scotsmen,Irishmen and even those Welsh men should get a look in if you are being generous ;)

If you want to go somewhere where people are open and will talk and be friendly with strangers may I suggest dont even bother with London,its a cold,horrible place untill you have been there a long time, come up North, we talk to anyone around here,far more welcoming in Yorkshire than down south :)
8 Apr 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

The last three German Presidents have chosen Poland as their first foreign destination.

Yeah,thats generally the problem with German leaders ;)
7 Apr 2012
Life / Polish history as a school subject in western Europe [24]

To be fair Archysski, every school boy in Britain knows about Polish Pilots in the Battle of Britain,and those interested in war history tend to know about Monte Cassino etc.

But,as for formal education, Poland has played very little part in our History,culture or anything else so its not surprising its not taught about in schools.
7 Apr 2012
Life / Polish history as a school subject in western Europe [24]

Did you have anything about Poland or eastern europe in your history class during school?

Yes, Poland was invaded by germany, britain then went to war,end of.

Oh, yes, sorry me! But to be honest, I tend to associate Vikings with today`s Norway or Sweden. :):)

Cheeky bugger, never heard of Danelaw? Dane Geld? No,why should you have lol.....Basically,the Danish Norsmen were the hardest Vikingers :) Norway were the late comers and,frankly,a bit crap :)

So, OP, no, in England we were not taught much about Poland beyond WW2. Russia got a lot of attention though.
6 Apr 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

It was Belarus, early 1940s, I imagine you became whatever nationality wasnt getting butchered at the specific time you were asked what nationality you were :(
6 Apr 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

Kaminski ,as the spelling suggests, had a Polish Father and German mother,he just happened to be born in Belarus.
Von dem Bach Z' was a scion of a Noble Polish Family.

Funny but obviously not true

Have you ever tried Parade marching in badly fitting Sapogii? Trust me,it IS the only way to stay upright.
Also, watch Poles and Russians marching (non Goose Step style) and see the arms swing across the body rather than at the bodies side. Again, this provides far better balance on slippery ground :)
6 Apr 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

One interesting historical paradox is that while the Germans gave up on the Prussian march otherwise know as the "goosestep"-for obvious historical reasons, the Poles continue to practice it:

A mate of mine has a (completly random) theory about this. The Poles and Russians still "goose step" because its the best way not to slip and fall on snow and ice :) Never mind that it destroys your lower legs....just dont want people falling over on parade :)

Couple more Polish named generals for moania to get knickers twisted about
Bronislav Kaminski
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski ( although, surprise surprise, on wiki's warsaw uprising page the "Zelewski" bit is missing......)
3 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / Will I be able to apply for a college in the UK with a Polish qualification [13]

Nope, University requires access points,these can come from a weird selection of qualifications.

Basicaly OP, you speak and write English,will be living here with your family, you shouldnt have any problems getting into a UK college as lots depends on an informal interview rather than paper qualifications.
3 Apr 2012
News / Controversial exhibition of Hitler's Art in Szczecin, Poland [14]

Penn Boy, to be fair mate, you can't complain at german soldiers being in camps during the war :)
(besides,like in Britain, by 1944/45 a lot of them were living a very comfortable life,with passes into local towns etc).
Locking up 1st and 2nd generation Japanese American Men, Women and Children for so long and with no recourse to the justice system was bang out of line.
30 Mar 2012
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

the Irish failed to turn Gaelic into a living, main language.

Because......Oh,wait, you are speaking arse fella. It is a living language,you need it for work in Government,its taught in all schools and in the counties where it never really went away its stronger than ever.

The simple reason the Irish are Bi lingual is because they can be and it works for them,only two languages to learn.
In Israel a couple of dozan languages being spoken by its people kind of forced Hebrew (one of the origional choices was Polish if im not mistaken just for sheer weight of numbers) to become a lingua franca as well as a sign of national identity and an ancient link to scriptures blah blah.

If you had read this thread from the beginning, you would know that the two languages come from completely different language families and are completely dissimilar.

Ive not read from the begining...but, first time I met a romanian,for about 10 seconds I wondered if he was speaking Polish or Russian and then it all seemed to sound Italian. Its a cool language afaic :)

It seemed a few words are similar or shared but, again, thats like thinking an Englishman who has never been taught French(are there any?) would understand a Frenchman because many words are similar or the same.
29 Mar 2012
Love / Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother. [232]

Is, what is wrong with you? Are you going through a rough patch right now?

Not really paw' but thanks for the concern.
Its just I simply detest fekless parents who take off to other countries,lets just say its personal for me.
27 Mar 2012
Love / Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother. [232]

I don't mind her going back to Poland with my child as long as I get to see my child. The education system is probably better, there is less crime and I wouldn't mind living in Poland myself after I have learnt some more Polish.

Dont be a fool, you have believed her bull sh1t on this as well as the state of your relationship. If Poland is the paradise ex pat Poles paint it,why the fek are so many of them still coming here?

you are going to keep her in the UK against her will because you want to be a father.

She should have kept her legs closed untill she got home to Poland then. Simple.
27 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

In case of Jews I think what isthatu2 meant was an euphemism for "greed", especially considering the fact he put the word "tight" in companionship of "canny" and "mean".

No,I did not. I meant what I said,sorry if your English comprehension lets you down,that is not my fault though. I said jewish people had the same reputation as we Scots, being tight/canny/mean with the cash. Stop twisting things people say to make them fit in with your backwoods outlook. You speak nearly as much arse as ironsides and thats going some :)

isthatu2 talks bolox, covetous Jew, tips like a Jew aren't part of the Polish language vocabulary neither, Jew oven or Jew -do, Jew cock, Jew-texter, like a Jew on shrimp, Jew Goblin, jew's dozen, boo hoo Jew, Much more stereotypic sayings in the English language than Polish.

What the hell are you smoking? Never heard of a single one of those so called English expresions you nutter.... making up random combinations of words and adding Jew does not make something an English expresion pillock. You are a fool mate, not fooling anyone though.

Lets face it,Poland gave its jews a one way ticket to the gas chambers,and the survivors a big enough kicking that most of them left, Britain gave the jews Israel yet we still have over 350.000 self identified British jews in this country....you do the friggin maths.

You really are patheticly laughable in your attempts to make up sayings........

Tell me also what was the population of Jews in Britain before II World War, I'm very curious.

Pretty fekking huge considering the tens of thousands who had flooded out of Poland over the previous 30 odd years.......somewhere between 350.ooo and 400.ooo ,no one really knows for sure though as religion was a private affair and unlike in oh so civilised mainland Europe people who did not consider themselves to be jewish were not in the figures.
26 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I know that in English speaking countries there were popular malicious, virulent caricatures of Jews, which depicted them as nasty individuals

Bollox.....what *the jews* get called in Poland has been unknown in England since the days of King John....plenty of idiots in America hold those weird views,but,there is a large german/Polish population in America afterall......

In England,in the old days ,ie, a bit before I was born but less than a 100 years ago..the only stereotype of jews was a bit tight/mean/canny with money,exactly the same stereotype(minus alchoholism) dumped on us Scots......slightly different to my first time in Poland where i discovered that you lot still have little hand signle secret signs for jews....that,twirly thing with your hand by your ears signifying the funny dangly hair of Orthodox Jewish men was an eye opener....

Not saying there have never been stereotypes here,that would be an absurd lie, but, it has not been backed up with violance since the middle ages,same cannot be said for Poland can it?

So,way back in the 80s when as school kids if someone owed money or wouldnt by you a 10p mix of sweeties you'd say " You dued me", yes, thats the right spelling, we had no idea that the expression had origionaly been "you Jew'd me"......
24 Mar 2012
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

but really who is bothered about jews, here in England

If it wasn't for this site I never would think about them at all

Perfect sum up of things in England. Its only since discovering Poland in general that Ive discovered just how many Jews are part of our national fabric.....unlike some though I could care less :)

They first came here as the Bankers and Loan sharks of the Norman invadors,were booted out once the Normans began to morph into the "english",a few hundred years later they came back and now we have Fish n Chips and sturdy under wear and the smug factor 11 (on here) of having had a Jewish( non practising. ) Prime Minister 150 years ago :) :)

We should have a northern anti-defamation league.

Nah, if the stereo types keep the worst of the southern softies dahrn sarf thats fine with me.
22 Mar 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

Yeah, coz those Somalians are the master race.......FFS, funny thread.