The Garde do have forensic investigators you know
I figured that, but how the story is portrayed is sad.. because its obvious he didnt kill himself. people do that
when they are left alone, he was not alone.. I dont believe this story what so ever..
By the way, this is not the USA , where everything is a cover up
no its ireland where nothing is figured out!! duh.. the other guy has a slash wound, which means there was a altercation
so if they are ending the investigation or already ended it, thats pretty bad , I find it really stupid, but the only witnesses
were those three.. so of course the can say oh yeah, he stabbed himself.. is the guy going to defend himself? no cause
he already gone!! he cant wake up and say, yeah I walked in, seen my wife with another man, grabbed a knife, but
he was alot bigger then me so the knife went in my chest not his..
anyways.. if your going to Slam America, be prepared to get slammed back.. because truthfully that wasnt a good argument
it doesnt matter now, because the poor guy is gone, yes this story is very sad.. anyway you look at it.