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Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]
... I see absolutely no reason at all to conduct a civil conversation with you.
Nothing in this thread suggests you know how to, and nothing I've written here half matches some of your bitter and paranoid comments. Then again, you're just trying to wriggle out of that nonsense about liberals torturing old ladies in a crowded (and cctv'd) street in the middle of the capital in broad daylight.
Sure. Two eyewitnesses. If you want to talk to them, come to Słupsk and I'll arrange a meeting. Though, I'm afraid, the simplicity and honesty of those people (not to mentiontheir rather average income) would be too much for such an "intellectual" as you to bear.
As I thought, a bare-faced lie. Though anyone who would travel all the way from Slupsk to watch that dreadful spectacle outside the Presidential Palace and then tell ridiculous stories about urban intellectuals
extinguishing cigarettes on the necks of praying older ladies
is automatically suspect. Unless they just happened to be passing by.
(while police didn't see it fit to react.)
Probably because it never happened.
What did you expect anyway? That people praying under the cross were carrying
camcorders with them?
Yes. There were plenty of cameras there and a more or less permanent film crew. Oddly enough the only offensive behaviour there that I saw with my own eyes were the god-botherers screaming insults at bemused tourists and passers-by.
And if it had happened and people did nothing, what does that say about your fellow Poles who were present?
Interesting how you've twisted a thread on the sales figures of Poland's biggest mainstream quality newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza to rants about an obscure and politically extreme tabloid, aimed squarely at the elderly, that you are an apologist for.
Mind you, the overwhelming majority of people in Poland don't bother reading any newspaper at all. Not on the whole a good sign, but at least they aren't all beating a path to the news kiosks to buy some conservative rag.