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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
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20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

I'm sure those principles will come in useful when applying for new jobs after being fired. I'm sure his family will enjoy going without because his principles were more important than them.

See, you missed the point. It isn't about people applauding you, it's about sticking to your principles when people are deploring you.

Oh well, Brittish patriot resists decline, have they imprisoned him for a hate crime yet?
19 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

He stood up for his principles and didn't back down. That used to be worth something, but these days it's all "Oh ok boss, gee wiz I'm real sorry"
19 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

This is a Englishman I can respect. Good to know there are still principled, pro-family Christian men out there who don't bow to homosexual activism.


Passengers spent 20 minutes stranded on a bus after its driver refused to board because of a gay rights message on the side.
The unnamed driver would not get on the X78 from Rotherham to Sheffield because it bore a billboard for gay lobby group Stonewall, reading: 'Some people are gay. Get over it!'
Passengers sat and waited while the driver argued loudly with colleagues and customers.
Among those on the bus was Rebecca Neill, 25, from Herringthorpe, South Yorkshire, who had boarded the 5.25pm service at Rotherham and had just taken her seat when the commotion began.
'Once the driver had let us on the bus, he was meant to be swapping with another driver, but when his replacement wouldn’t get on they just left us there while they had an argument outside,' she said.

Brits, you need more countrymen like these. It is your only chance.
18 Nov 2012
News / Polish things marketing turnoffs? [12]

Does the concept "Polish and good" exist in Poland or elsewhere in Europe or the world?

16 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

If I had to choose a democracy, I prefer direct democracy over what is in many countries representative democracy government

Check up the Theory of Carlism, which is god alternative to both nihilistic democracy and secular dictatorships:
15 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I may be starting to respect Ukrainians.


Ukrainian priest beats up men who tried to repeat ***** Riot"performance" in his church

Kiev, November 12- Four Ukrainian men tried to repeat the ***** Riot "performance" in a Ukrainian church in the early hours of November 9.


What a badass. I'd totally listen to his sermons.

I hope priests in the west follow this kind of noble example and WIN.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

kondzior: the infinite barrage of stupidity coming from the proles

An age old thing. Nothing new.

Non-sequitur. Proles will proles and have always proled. There's even a traditional word for their status, Shudra. The correct response to the stupidity of the masses is to just fracking ignore them. They'll simply never come around. Focus on that which is great, and the rest will fall into place automatically.

kondzior: everything being sh!t
You mean not being to your own taste.

No. Everything is Bieber today because it is just that. Or do you seriously think the meandering digital racket you listen to is actually music?
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

Except you do, because everything is Justin Bieber nowadays. You still don't want to get it, do you. The leading cause of everything being sh!t is the inability to point out sh!t for what it is, without being smothered by the sheer mediocrity of the majority (try to act all "elitist" on forums, or in real life, and enjoy the infinite barrage of stupidity coming from the proles, all armed with their sacrosanct "opinions"). The way people like you rationalize the whole thing is to pretend to have "free" choice when all the available options always lead to varying degrees of sh!t. When "choice" leads to the same crap every time, you have no choice.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

That question is impossible and illogical - no humans are 'lesser' or 'higher'.

Indeed. Hence, why democracy = idiocracy. Each and every time. Enjoy your Justin Bieber, its what the majority decided for you.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

To describe humans as "trained animals" is missing the point. As for culture, major countries a increasingly a melting pot of cultus and even before then, society is not nor has ever been homogeneous.

One missing the point is you. Melting pot or not, now mass-media mediated enculturatio is done by few individuals, that are least capable of running the world.

The problem with enculturation is that without thinking there can be no discrimination between culture packages that make sense and are actually beneficial and ones that just got stuck in the loop, especially when the context changes as quickly as it does today. It does not matter if one package comes from "democratic" governmnet, and the other from organised "hooligans".

Hopefully internet, even overflowing with fecal matter, will prove to be a bit of an equalizer in this regard.
It might already, see Poland's drop in sales of homeopathic "medicine".

To put it short, democracy is a system in which the lesser rules over the higher. How do you rationalize that contradiction?
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

Another problem with democracy is that it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the human condition.

Democracy is based on the idea that humans are thinking animals. The idea is that if you present the electorate with a problem, they will think about the problem and vote accordingly. But we now know that this is a simplistic and naive model.

Under certain circumstances, humans can think. But generally, we try to avoid it. We have developed elaborate systems called "culture" that allow us to determine the answer to most political problems, without the need to think.

Imagine if you will that gay marriage had been put on the ballot in the 1870s. Would the electorate think through all of the possible effects that legalizing gay marriage would have on society? Would the electorate think through all of the possible effects that banning gay marriage would have on society? No, of course not. There wouldn't be any need to think, the electorate would already know how it feels about this issue, thanks to culture.

Not every political issue is covered by culture, some of them are too novel. But most issues are covered by culture. Culture allows us to determine what we approve of, what we disapprove of, what we like and what we hate, all without the need for tiresome and painful thinking.

Enculturation is the process whereby an individual human gains culture through interaction with other humans that already have it. Through this process, behaviors and values are shaped. It is continuous, ongoing and virtually unavoidable.

In the past, enculturation would have been performed by many individuals, including parents, peers, shamans, headmen, elders, poets, singers, storytellers, priests and the like. In today's society, an ever growing percentage of the enculturation process is handled by the mass media. As control of the major media outlets has been consolidated, so has control of the enculturation process. It is now possible for a few individuals and/or small groups to significantly influence the enculturation process of an entire country.

And they've done so. In 1996, two years after notable lesbian Ellen DeGeneres got her TV show, only 27% of Americans supported gay marriage. As favorable media coverage of homosexuals increased throughout the following decade, so did support for homosexuality. By 2007, the height of the pro-homo media blitz, 46% of Americans supported gay marriage. Today, 56% of American women support gay marriage. In a few decades the mass media was able to largely reverse anti-homosexual attitudes that had been in place for centuries. It's not so long ago that sodomy was entirely illegal in many states.

This is possible because humans don't actually think about this issue. For centuries, most of our ancestors were enculturated in a manner that led them to condemn homosexuality. There were a variety of reasons for this, but it wasn't necessary for most humans to think about those reasons, they just needed to receive the piece of culture that said "homosexuality is bad". But one day the masters of culture determined that it was desirable to reverse this policy and promote acceptance of homosexuality. Directed enculturation through the mass media is so effective that they were able to train Americans to accept homosexuality within a few decades.

Of course, homosexuality is just one example. An unimportant issue, but one where the enculturation was done in a rather obvious manner. Directed enculturation through the mass media is something that happens often and on a wide variety of issues.

Given the above, it isn't quite right to conceptualize man as a thinking animal. It is better to think of man as trainable animal that can think when it has to. Sort of like a slightly more thoughtful dog, without the innate moral compass that dogs have.

Letting a trained animal vote is fundamentally problematic, since you never really know if the animal is voting or if the trainer is voting through the animal. So much for one man one vote!
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

In what way is a popularity contest a basis for government? Who is eligible to take part?

The politicians who lie through their teeth and make empty promises to get voted into office? They're humans, they want power, they're desperate, they fear to lose the popularity contest and get shoved aside by their own party members, finally, they deem themselves the most capable of solving their country's problems, and utterly disagree with their opponents plan of actions.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

In ancient Greece a man's ability to vote was based on his ability to fight in war. Athens was a popular democracy because the low classes manned the triremes, hence earning their position as a voter.

It makes no sense to cull the vote randomly based on race or gender. The vote should be given to those who earn their position in society through merit. Any deviation based on half cocked principles of pseudoscience can be summarily dismissed. It's likely that a majority of the vote in the USA would belong to white men, but I will not abide decadent whites voting over competent blacks. The system has to be multiracial not because there are many races, but because individuals within races can be better than those inside other races.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

But it is 'democrtatic' law! Where the votes of uneducated idiots and fanatical political radicals count the same as the votes of decent people.
Political parties always squabble amongst each other and try to win the next vote rather than working together and trying to do the best for the country.

These two facts alone guarantee that a democracy never works as intended and there's so much that can go wrong. Monarchy is, by far, the better solution.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

Though its hard to say what this has to do with the thread - a questions as to whether or not a fascist hooligan gang should be banned

Hooligans or not, even if I don't always agree with them, they have courage to figt for they convictions.
Foxholes don't contain atheists because atheists are cowards who will run away from anything. Duty is just another arbitrary value system, right?

The reason that atheist nations don't last long enough to be recorded in the history books is that they don't last long enough for people to even remember them.

Remember, once we no longer consider ourselves to be part of an extended family as children of God, every man is a stranger to every other man and it's every man for himself. That's a recipe for dereliction of duty in all the institutions. Once again, "Islam" advances bravely and men who formerly called themselves Christians run off like cowards. It is obvious who has their sh*t together here. Metrosexual consumer units cannot be trusted with any responsibility over anything. They are cowards who will run when push comes to shove.

If the American army could not fight these people with overwhelmingly superior technology from a distance, you can bet your ass there isn't a single one of them to whom it would be worth it to fight hand-to-hand against any of these people.

These hooligans, right or wrong, have the courage of their convictions. Consumer units have nothing because they are nothing. They are cowards and they will run like the dogs they are. If they cannot kill without risk by bombs and drones, there is nothing here worth fighting over to them. This alone shows you what a bunch of moral reprobates they all are. Run away like a scared little chicken Western man, so you can sit alone in front of a computer and jack off to your only remaining industry púrnography while telling yourself how superior your civilization is. You may even believe it if you say it often enough.
14 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

The Church is responsible for more blood, more destruction and the death of more culture than any "barbarion" horde

Without the Church the would be no civilisation as we know it. No science, no culture, nothing.
12 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

That tyranny is also going to fall. How can I be so sure of it? Democracy, during piecefull times will rise to the tops people that are quiet, not willing to rock the boat. During the times of turmoil, it will put on top madmen and demagogues. Either way, it always favors shortsigtness. It is irrelevant what will happen after your term. Democracy will always choose appartent profit, and temporary advantage, even at the expense of future tragedy.

Somewhere along the way the white man made a false step. Let himself to take one shortcut. Then another. And yet another. Church is our only hope. After the fall of civilisation it will convert the barbarions. As it did once before.
12 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]

It is patriotic, to fight against the tyranny of democracy.
We are living under the worst possible tyranny. Dictators of late would die, sooner or latter. The present one will die along with us. The mob. Crowd, rabble, riffraff. It wants to decide what is good and what is wrong. What's moral and what's immoral. What can be allowed, and what cannot.. The rabble... It is devil's work to tell people that they are able to decide about rights. The mob is everything that is wrong in us. The faith, to exist, it must force us to climb up. It must be like a snaffle and spurs. It has to force us to take effort, to make sacrifices, so human can perfect himself. Child left to its own devices will never start learning, child cannot be left to decide its own fate. Even if it is crying, because it did not get something, it have to have tutor who knows that the thing the child wants will harm it.

How the world would look like, if children were left to its own devices? And just that has happens, thanks to this devil's religion called "democracy". In the face of God, we are mere children. He knows what is our destiny, what we need. We do not know that, and we are unable to comprehend.

So, after tyrannies of old, the tyranny of the crowd has come. If the power comes not from God, if it comes from the nation, so the power goes to the ones that flatter the rabble. And even so, only for several years, so theirs concerns reach no further then their noses. Just to increase applause for themselves, even if in hundred years the world is going to die.

If the caprice of the rabble makes the law, who is willing to to force it to behave against itself, against animal instincts of the human. Commandments, instead being followed are now voted for. People are no longer searching for happiness, they are just wallowing in pleasures. Instead of being concerned with their souls, they seek to make their lives easier.
11 Nov 2012
Language / "podziewałeś". can you explain this for me please? [4]

gdzie jest Polska = right
podziewales wszystkie czas = gibberish

where have you been all this time = literally "Gdzie sie podziewales przez caly ten czas?", a little of an overstatement, saying simply "Gdzie sie podziewales?" would suffice. "Gdzie byles przez caly ten czas" would be also correct.
11 Nov 2012
Language / "podziewałeś". can you explain this for me please? [4]

" gdzie się podziewałeś" you use when you haven't seen/haven't heard about your friend for years; or alternatively, when you want to show irritation, like when he was supposed just to fetch the screwdriver, but have gone for hours.
6 Nov 2012
Life / Abrupt Poles explained ! [51]

"Spoznilem sie, poniewaz zaspalem" "Am late, because have overslept"
Like in "I have already seen this movie", you say "Widzialem juz ten film" not "Ja widzialem juz ten film". Puting "ja" at the very start of the sentence, you sound somewhat egomaniac, stressing that it was "I" that "have seen" or "overslept", while it is obivious, from the rest of the sentence, that you are talking about youlesv, no need to stress it so much, as if you have been the most important person on the planet :-)

In fact, it is not VERY rude, but after years of being corrected in schools, I feel weird when starting sentence with "I". Even in English.
6 Nov 2012
Life / Abrupt Poles explained ! [51]

Like in Polish it is normal to start a sentence with "Listen!" - in English one would sound like a rude ******..

In Polish it is rude to start the sentence with "I" ("Ja"). Or al least they used to taeach us that at school:

Pupil: "Ja sie spoznilem bo zaspalem" (I am late because I have overslept)
Teacher: "Nigdy, przenigdy nie zaczynaj zdania od "ja", to bardzo niegrzeczne. (Never, ever start the sentence with "I", it is very rude)
1 Nov 2012
News / Polish teenager pregnant after rape - A recent result to an older story [34]

If we give them the right, where does it stop?

Where to stop? What about "First, do not harm"?
Law cannot force a doctor to commit murder. Even the pagans saw evil in that(see the original Hippocratic oath and its prohibition of abortion).

The duty of a physician is to heal the sick and restore the health of the ailing. It is a profession fit for a man of faith. No wonder so many saints were physicians(Saint Luke, Saint Cosmas, Saint Damian, Saint Pantaleon, etc).

The decline in professional ethics is due to the decadence of western civilization itself, not due to anything wrong with the profession.
1 Nov 2012
News / Polish teenager pregnant after rape - A recent result to an older story [34]

Fallow all EUrope fashions: free abortion, zoophilia and pedophile marriages and then import 3 millions of Muslims to rape and pillage at will... err... I mean fill the gaps in workforce. What can possibly go wrong with this? Poland already has demographic problem thanks to Gaulaiter Tusk genius idea to make us into second Ireland and push all young people into emigration. All we need is more Librul medecine.
31 Oct 2012
News / Kudos to RCC for turning Poland into a laughingstock... again. [38]

It seems I am not alone in my distaste for this American hodiday after all:

Halloween is an American custom, regardless of ancient origin. True Poles should be ashamed at celebrating it.
It's another one of their faux consumer holidays. Empty skulls for the win.