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Moving to Poland from Iceland (salary of 6500 pln a month) - can I build a house? [25]
Of course it is crazy. If you couldn't limit your expenses to save at least half of this amount in 15 years living in the country with over 2 x higher salaries
Give the guy a break.
Even if they had saved some money, due to Iceland catastrophic crash, capital control are in place.
You cannot convert the ISK and take it out of the country. .One result is everyone in Iceland invests in property as there is no way and nothing else to invest in so prices have gone ballistic (in ISK, which is non convertible).
However, rising house prices make the inflation figures rise.
As all loans in Iceland index based, the debt rises with inflation.As the property rises in value, you have to pay the bank more.This makes life in Iceland very tough and it will not get better, probably for decades because removing the Capital Controls is very difficult. Nobody will invest in a country that you can't remove your money and is so utterly corrupt. the cost of food etc is also very high due to monopolies by the ruling families and their cronies.
Moving to Poland and earning twice the national average is a much better prospect than Iceland as things will get better not worse.
I will get 6500 pln in my pocket every month.
Can we not easily live with that amount ?
After tax? you should do quite nicely.
I would forget about building a house, although you can get a loan and use the land as collateral - you won't need any more deposit. I'm not sure that being a foreigner will affect your ability to get a loan, if you work and a a Polish resident you will have to have a years work record. I find it unlikely EU/EEA passport holders can be discriminated against (although Iceland got away with it...) as it would be illegal in EU law.
Building a house will take quite a long time as I think its necessary to leave the house to settle into the ground over winter before finishing it. This year (before the end) there are government help for buying building materials. Loan length is/will be restricted to 25 years.
Poland will next year introduce a FIT (Feed In Tariff) for solar power. Around 1 PLN per KWhr, I heard, but this may change.