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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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9 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

Wave a chair leg in front of British firearms officers and the chances are you'll end up shot too.......
Or just casually walk onto the wrong tube train while looking suspiciously swarthy,bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ,all to the head.....
9 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

A sample of usual bashing of some Polish driver, driving a truck on Polish plates, they could not resist to leave it as they would do it if it was on English plates.

If it had been on British plates the driver would have been f**ked over with far more than a 30 pound fine.....
If you think its OK to just stop in the breakdown/emergency lane of a highway just because you fancy a potato for dinner then that just reflects on how god awfull and dangerous Polish roads are.
8 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Crying Polish truck driver on British roads is Internet hit [269]

Nah,seriously,I saw this on the BBC the other night,the poor guy just lost it.
Yes,he did make a fool of himself and yes it was quite funny in an uncomfortable *should I really laugh at the "special person" * sort of way but I honestly just think he'd had a hard week,got flustered,saw the cameras and just had a melt down.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

in Poland, only in Poland people have some balls and do not sit quietly

No,hundreds of you savages gang up and pick on one person quite openly and publicly because most of you could not give a sh!t about anyone who isnt in your family or making money for you, how very fekking brave of you all.....spirit of 68 alive and well....FFS.....pathetic excuses,again....

i think this chain of British insults and slanders towards Poland and polish people went too far...

Dont be silly, its not a *british Insult*, its an insult by a British person......difference being you are being just as much of a bigoted pilock as this person is if you start labeling everyone in a country....

So,in short, *britain* isnt calling gregory and moania hypersensative paranoiacs,but a British person is.....
30 May 2012
Life / Which services is Poland still waiting for? [218]

So if I opened a laundrette in Wroclaw with a side office filling in people tax forms Id be on a winner,service with a smile being the icing on the cake,getting a sense that you are not by simply walking into someone's place of work doing the equivelant to masturbating at their aunties funeral......
29 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

Slavic nazis using the Celtic Cross as a white power badge,says it all really about these wan kers.
Watched the Doc last night,Ukraine is far worse but,sorry, Poland, you dont get off that easily and the amount of head in sand,oh,but look at XYZ other country types who posted on here goes a long way in explaining the problem.

Not so much the tiny minority of rascist idiots,as said,every country has those,no,the problem in Poland is obviously the fact the vast majority of non rascist Poles go into Polska right or wrong,ubber patriot mode and prefer ignoring a problem to facing it.
25 May 2012
News / Should Poles care who becomes French President or is it irrelevant? [45]

I assume you don't know France and don't speak French, so no need to talk further.....

This is why France and Poland should get on well.
Also why so many people find it very difficult to love france.
FYI, Je parle enough francias pour les Lulz, Azincourt et Crecy et Waterloo being les case en pointe ;)
24 May 2012
News / Polish children boosting standards among English pupils, study suggests [16]

polish children in the uk would not be studying gcse polish

Erm,but they are Pam.....English kids take English GCSEs.....Polish kids are taking GCSE Polish, the auditors look at results and numbers taking forgien languages,these are up,points go up.

As is obvious,in England English GCSE is not a forgien language,Polish is.
What,you dont believe people under presure to deliver pointless target goals dont play to strengths available? :)

Just want to make clear, the polish kids have done really well adjusting, what me and barney are saying takes nothing from that,its just a fact of life in modern target driven education.

And,sorry pam, there are hardly any schools that teach Spanish in the UK..... French and German were the standards in my day (early 90s) and one school in my area also taught russian,but,Spanish,nope.

These days mandarin is catching up,but by and large schools are adapting fast and squeezing in Polish to up the grades if there are enough Polish kids. Im sure there are parts of norfolk that suddenly teach Portugese GCSE too ;)
23 May 2012
News / Polish children boosting standards among English pupils, study suggests [16]

i think it is good to see Poles integrating well into British society

But,also,the headline is misleading as its pretty much an open secret that a lot of this is done on a target driven standards system that adds point for number of pupils studying a forgien language at GCSE level......is a GSCE in Polish for a clever Polish child really a huge achievment? yes,its good,but its not even upto the standard that Polish would be taught or expected in Poland.

So,school with influx of Polish students suddenly does better in Modern languages is not exactly a sign from heaven of Polish kids demi god like ability to somehow enfuse English kids with extra IQ points :)
23 May 2012
UK, Ireland / Sooo many Polski Sklep in the UK, LOL [64]

Sorry,Hudsonhicks,where do you live again,the 1950s?
let me paint a picture, a large northeren town,still recovering from the ravages of the 80s Tory regime had an area of town that was more or less a no go area any time of day,after dark you just took your life in your own hands. This area was a well known Red Light district,so notorious that the BBC made a documentry about it.

Now,Im not going to say that in April 04 it was still sin city and by May 04 it was a paradise,but,it was still a fairly run down area,full of Smack heads and ravaged street walkers,within a year this had changed,now it is a vibrant area,with half a dozen shops,a couple of restaurents and even a Polish take away. Homes have been improved,the locals now have hard working young couples and singles living alongside them not petty gangsters,drunks and prostitutes,seriously, I dont know what your corner of Britain is like but no Pole has lived in *ghetto conditions* around here since the days of the 1920s Mining camps ......
21 May 2012
UK, Ireland / Sooo many Polski Sklep in the UK, LOL [64]

Most *Polski Skleps* around here should be called *Kurdski/Russki via Litvia Skleps* as thats who generally owns them,they wouldnt call them Polski if they didnt think there was a market for it.

Why complain, AFAIK they are filling up empty shops and paying rates to the local councils,certainly a better option than another empty shop or ,god forbid, another bloody *nailbar*.....
19 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

Don't European doctors travel around, with the best ones going to the best locations?

Yes,but Joe the long term unemployed plumber from North East England will get the treatment he needs from Sir lancelot Spratt at King Arthurs Royal Hospital Old London towne if he develops Cancer.

Joe the long term unemployed plumber from Oregon is not getting treatment from Doc Silverstienberg in St Elswhere Boston Mass. is he?
19 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

For the same reason it varies across Europe.

Yes,but Europe is seperate countries,the US, *one people/nation undivisable*,or is that just more fake patriotic BS?
Thats why I kept it to the US, not muddying the waters with issues of actually doing things for the benefit of mankind,but,it would be nice to think nations did things for the benefit of their own little share of mankind.

To sort it out though you would need to rip that obscene system you have in place apart, a system where most of the money is made by people with no skills beyond shifting money around is not healthcare.

No wonder in the US Doctors come out either top or second only to Lawyers in lists of most hated profesionals,I dont think there is anywhere else in the world where Doctors would even come in the top 50 of hated profesionals and if they did they would be of the Quack type or plastic surgeons......

So,simply, the Super Rich traditionaly lived in New England (the old families) therefore the Hospitals there set up to make money charged the most, charging so much they were able to offer silly wages to Doctors and all of a sudden the incentive in US medicine is to make as much money as possible, the ones who had the most invested in them were able to specialise,with all the money floating around from Rich patrons no need to pay the bills doing boring stuff. So ,the most money is invested in one place,its all about keeping the money so of course there is still a high percentage of the *best* facilities in new England.....interestingly those Hospitals were often bastions of good old Yankee Anti Sematism hence the other top Hospitals tend to be called Mount Zion.....
19 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

Yes,but you fail to see the obvious.
Why does anyone in the US have to flock to Boston for treatment? Why is the same level of treatment,ie,knowledge and expertise, not available across the entire US.

If one person/unit can do something others can do it too,so why not?
After all,as I said,most of the building blocks of modern medicine and chemistry were shared widly for the benefit of the many,why now are people happy in the US to boast that the best advantages are only to be had in one or two places and only for the super rich?

Bit barbaric isnt it? Basically it shows that its all about money,nothing about healthcare.
19 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

People *flock* to where the treatment is.
In a fair world there would be no such thing as the disgusting use of copyrights and patents in the medical/pharmacutical world,most of the major breakthroughs were made by MDs and Chemists working altruisticaly and then releasing the findings,these days every little nudge forwards seems to be controlled by money,not how much research costs but how much profit can be milked for shareholders,frikkin disgusting.

So,for unregulated,no questions asked transplant procedures people *flock* to commie China,not because its *the best* but simply thats where the treatment is,same as when people *flock* to the US for some experimental procedure.
18 May 2012
History / Are you proud of Polish colours? [27]

Interesting stuff Pawian.
Have a look at this Postcard from the 1850s... Polish Lancer of course, the Czapka,the Pennon..the red and white..!!...
Nope, Her Brittanic Majness Queen Vicky's 17th Lancers at the time of the Crimean War against Ivan :)

  • 17th_lancers_pc31..jpg
18 May 2012
Life / Poles always ask how much money you earn. Why do they do this? [30]

Downright rude,my income is non of your concern and your income is non of mine. But,as Modalfini hints for many people there are three questions you ask of someone new, Whats your name,where do you come from and what do you do for a living. Its just a subtle way of being judgmental .
18 May 2012
Life / The Killing--tv show where Agnieszka Holland and Polish mafia is involved [10]

Danish version is subtitled, it is the best thing on British TV by a long shot.

Non, Engrenages...Spiral is the best thing on British TV , French Police procedural show set in the rougher parts of Paris,great cast,great scripts ,brilliant stuff, I can swear really well in French now :)

Is anyone watching The Bridge?
I loved Wallander but Ive missed these other Scandi dramas, TBH, not seen the Killing,just been told by friends about the dodgy 2nd season premis.

I know what you mean Pip about spotting places you know in shows,unfortunatly with my town its either footage of Police V Miners battles in '84 or episodes of Open All Hours :)

Downside is you spend half the time going, *thats not a bank/court house/Police station,its a XYZ * or * You cant get there going down that street ,its a dead end,oh,not in this version of reality * :)
9 May 2012
Life / You've been in Poland a while if .... [49]

... you realise that Elbows are not just the bendy bit of your arms but the most potent weapon and the main use is getting on or off Trams, Oh, and that that sweet little old Nun who barely comes up to your chest has the sharpest Elbows of all....
8 May 2012
Life / You've been in Poland a while if .... [49]

- take old, folded carrier bags with you every time you venture out to a supermarket.

Wow, was my Grandad Polish then? I did not know that :) Maybe Bonny Prince Charliski had it away with a great great great great gran of mine during the '45 :)

Sorry, after 8 years of being familiar with Polish I still chuckle at Byc .... so schoolboyish,but,hey ho.
Milk? I gave up on that as soon as I cross into Germany from Holland or as soon as I get on the ferry to calais TBH.

The shocking thing is when first in the Wild East is getting through that first breakfast.

A nice bowl of *CornFlakes*, "Ok, wheres the milk and why is there a big bowl of vile pink looking yoghurt,ewww,no, theyre putting it on their cereal....argh, never mind, I know Mleko ?Mlekom,sod it, I can mime milking a cow if it comes to it, i'll ask a waitress for some milk for the cereal."

"Lovely,here she is,OK, WTF is the milk warm love?"
Stupidly you send the piping hot milk back and eat a few rolls and some tastless rubbery cheese then decide to have a nice cup of coffee, " Milk ,two sugers" or " Moo Moo,erm, dwa sucre,azucar,suger,sweetex...oh,yes,on the table ,jenk koo you "

Coffee comes back, black,two sugers,some bag of baby powder,chalk dust, ricin which you geuss is what passes for milk .....well, I learned my first 36 hours behind the Iron Curtain that its SOP to get a black coffee with some splodge of yellowish powdery slime on the top and have it be called a nice cup of coffee. What makes me laugh is the whole " Poles are the best coffee makers in the world ever,thing in Pan tadeasz :)
30 Apr 2012
News / Poles are able to forgive their enemies - how noble. [68]

the desert war was very civilised

I have the diary entry for a young British Pilot in the desert airforce,he'd had german friends before the war but he still writes quite casually about bouncing a convoy of german soldiers in trucks and blowing up 3 before anyone had a chance to get out,by the third pass nobody was moving from a convoy of a dozen trucks. He and one other 20 something lad had just killed hundreds of 20 something german lads.

I agree with sascha, nothing clean about any part of WW2.
28 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

I wonder if he knows that Archie Bunker was based on a British TV charactor called Alf Garnet....played by an East End Jew called Warren Mitchal;)

Would that make him fell better or worse I wonder eh ? ;)
"Till Death Us Do Part centred on the East End Garnett family, led by patriarch Alf Garnett (Warren Mitchell), a reactionary white working-class man who holds racist and anti-socialist views. His gentle and long-suffering wife Else was played by Dandy Nichols, and his daughter Rita by Una Stubbs. Rita's bright but layabout husband Mike Rawlins (Antony Booth) is a socialist. The character Alf Garnett became a well known character in British culture, and Mitchell played him on stage and television up until 1998, when Speight died."

PS, Anthony Booth, was Tony Blairs father in law........
28 Apr 2012
Love / Advice on how to make this Polish girl see me as more than a friend [23]

Do I need to do anything different to if she was English???

First off,after greeting her with a click of your heels and a quick bow of the head,take her right hand in yours,place it on your left shoulder and rub noses for exactly 7 and 1/2 seconds,no more or you are considered married no less and you are considered gay.

After the initial greeting no Polish girl can resist you telling her how big her bum is,they love it,if you really like this girl comment about her child bearing hips and massive thighs to,they just cant get enough. Now,I know its odd but remember,its a different culture,its not our place to judge old boy.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
28 Apr 2012
News / Ustroń: Another giant religious statue in Poland [26]

I much prefer the statues with open arms, welcoming and ever ready to embrace,

Thats what I meant, genuinly would like it without the crown. A crown of thorns was enough for Him,why give hime gold?
( I suspect I know the answer but my moans about Rome style worship dont belong here :) )
I might not buy the RCC as an institution but Ive a real soft spot for its nicer imagery from childhood times in Spain and Italy .
24 Apr 2012
Life / Polish history as a school subject in western Europe [24]

make sure that the Polish kids know how to dial 999 to report hate speech.

Its 101 for non emergency reporting you plum. Dont you know anything about England? Shamefull,call yourself an Englishman? Tsk......