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Archives - 2010-2019
Archive Profile of: "Steveramsfan"
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22 Nov 2009
Last Post
18 Dec 2015
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Poland, Germany, UK, Lodz, Paderborn, Derby
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I am learning and understand writen Polish
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Latest Threads
Why have they built another huge shopping centre in Lodz?
- Law
Latest Posts
Lodz, new international school for kids?
- Study
Where do you live, in Poland or abroad?
- Polonia
British living in Poland - tax treaty with the UK?
- Law
What are the things which cause culture shock in Poland?
- Life
Studying in University of Lodz as an Indian student? What's the city like - is it safe here?
- Study
Why English do not like Polish?
- UK, Ireland
How to buy an apartment in Poland - can I pay in full cash?
- Real Estate
EU citizen - Register in Poland - Amount of a bank account
- Law
Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?
- News
Which cities in Poland are nice to visit
- Travel
How to make a guy (Polish or other) happy?
- Love
City management - differences between Poland and UK
- UK, Ireland
Bank Account in Poland without residency or banks in the UK who will allow to have a PLN account
- Law
Right Hand Drive cars in Poland 'indefinitely' but not registered - doable?
- Law
Poland to (temporarily) restore internal Schengen borders
- News
Moving to Poland - How do I get the Polish Identity Card
- Law
Registering in Poland for a NIP tax number?
- Law
Is it hard to get a work permit in Poland?
- Work
Apartment Rental Agencies in Łódź
- Real Estate
Younger Polish girl 24 dating old man
- Love
Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily?
- Language
How the Poland property market became a HUGE bubble
- Real Estate
PIZZA & KETCHUP served only in Poland?
- Food
Opening a bank account and buying a car in Poland (account in Euros, car tax, insurance)
- Law
Hejka / Nara - a trendy youth greeting in Poland?
- Language
Living in Poland with Polish girlfriend: is it possible?
- Love
Why do frustrated men ask silly questions about Polish women or girls?
- Love
The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list.
- Study
Driving to Poland from England - any tips?
- Travel
Female health in Britain - Polish view
- UK, Ireland
- Life
Just by gauging the interest in this forum says all about property in PL
- Real Estate
How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish?
- Love
How was Poland compensated after World War 2
- History
Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks).
- Work
Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools
- News
Travelling from NI to Poland
- Travel
- Travel
What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants?
- News
Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.
- UK, Ireland
Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?
- USA, Canada
Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country?
- Life
Surname: Krowiorz from Trembatschau (Trebaczow) / Sikora (Schikora?)
- Genealogy
Poland - Third World Country??
- News
Polish hatred towards Jews...
- History
English boyfriend coming to visit me in Poland
- Love
Journal found from Fallingbostel
- Genealogy
Why carp for Polish Christmas?
- Food
What British unit liberated Poland in 1945??
- History
What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day.
- Love
All Polish women can't be nutters can they?
- Love
Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys
- Love
Poland's fidelity to support wars and its limits.
- News
WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?
- History
"Poland's Concentration Camp" ??
- History
What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?
- News
Foreigners can now buy houses in Poland
- Real Estate
How many Polish men are Violent how much is domestic abuse reported.
- Love
Do expats living in Poland speak Polish?
- Life
I'm getting married to a Polish guy and need advice before visit his family; gifts, topics, customs
- Love