Read a little about the death camps, you may learn something.
I probably would. Such tends to happen when I read things.
The subject does not particularly interest me, however.
If you bothered learning a little about history you would look less foolish: the loans were supposed to have been paid back over a 50-year period starting in 1945. With mutually accepted deferment, the final payment of $83.3 million (£42.5 million) due on 31 December 2006, it was made on 29 December 2006, i.e. ahead of schedule.
Right, so as I said... they managed to pay them back not quite three years ago. I did not say that they were behind schedule, or less than two whole days ahead of schedule.
The rest are all "what if's" again! :)
I don't see it as a 'what if' that Poland trashed the Red Army. :)
Noped...nothing was carved in stone.
Foolish polish diplomacy is much to blame for Polands fate.
We can say this with the benefit of hindsight (or, in the case of WWII, we can't say this at all, not even with hindsight).
As a side note, my father agrees with you. If someone mentions WWII (for his neighbors in the States are Germans), he launches into a tirade on how Poland should have joined Hitler and trashed the Soviets again and whatnot (oh, wait... on second thought, I'm not sure that he mentions this around the neighbors so much...). So that much for children voting as their parents... but, wait! My views of the States politics while studying there more or less equated his. Whoops.
You only whine if Poland is on the receiving end. Your country wasn't always a blessing to it's neighbours either...get a grip man!
I never said it was. However, we are here discussing WWII.
Also, why would I whine about my country
not being on the receiving end? That doesn't even make sense! :)
Poland was a small bully (who greatly overestimated itself) who got trashed by a bigger bully...nothing what not had happened to most countries now and then in the past too.
I maintain that it was trashed not by a bigger bully but by multiple smaller bullies. Hah!
Your "terrible neighbor" was also often enough weak and only the battlefield for foreign armies in it's history.
At which time it was still not much beneficial to Poland, so...
Ever heard of the thirty years war in Germany?
We lost percentual more people than Poland during WWII.
And weren't Poles with Napoleons army invading Russia ???
Indeed (officer who's name and rank I have no rememberence of because he was French) even ordered his sentinels to borrow the uniforms of sleeping Polish soldiers "to keep the Cossaks at a safe distance". :)
That's Europe...get over it!
I am not complaining. Merely noting disagreement with your points.
Ask the Czechs: Poland invaded them when they failed at diplomacy.
They started it.