Here is a link to the video you mentioned:
It's an excellent and important short film about Polish struggles and ultimate victory. It should be required viewing in classrooms on both sides of the Atlantic.
The following quote from the film has resonance in prior centuries and again today:
"...we are the first to alert the world about the holocaust though politics appear to be more important...and nobody listens to exchange for all that we do we are betrayed...the free world distances itself from us, leaving us behind."
Betrayal of Poland not only occurred during WWII and in the immediate aftermath but there is precedence with Imperial Russia's century long control over Polish lands while the West did nothing.
Today Poland has led the resistance to Mad Cow Merkel's illegal importation of millions of third-world economic migrants and the socially destabilizing and terrorist threats they bring with them.
As seen occurring with previous generations, politics once again is more important to an unaccountable non-Polish/anti-Polish elite and once again they are not listening to Poland.
The victories of our Polish heroes in the past demonstrate that fighting alien leftist tyranny is still an imperative.
The closing quote to the film says it all:
"Because we do not beg for freedom, we fight for it." - Gen. Witold Urbanowicz