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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Jan 2018 /  #871
We are able to vote in all polish elections

Yes, because the Poles want your Neo-Con vote and Pol-Am donations. It's an out of date concept though, and ought to be scrapped. If you don't live here, Polish affairs are none of your business, the same as I can only criticise the Tories back in the UK, but quite rightly don't have a stake until I return there.

Well take our chance with trump and the us.

Sikorski was right - the Yanks don't give a stuff about you - just as they didn't in Two World Wars, until, true to TheOthers theories, it was in their economic interests to come in and mop up.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Jan 2018 /  #872
Well it isnt scrapped so too bad and as long as the constitution or more specifically that section of it is changed, which is highly unlikely, i along with tens of millions of others have the priveledge of exercising out constitutional right to vote as citizens. Amd besides i have a home in poland, pay corporate and real estate taxes to the pl government just as you do, and am a citizen which allows me to vote for pis in the next election.

Besides thats not the topic of this thread. Were discussing how britain broke their mutual defense treaty amd didnt provide poland with any meaningful help, refused the military loan poland asked for, failed to send a single battalion.. guess usa and britain have that in common. Fortunately trump is a hawk and isnt scared to send anti tank weapons, armor, money, etc to ukraine to fight russia which is far more than the brits did for poland im ww2.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Jan 2018 /  #873
Besides thats not the topic of this thread.

In a crude way it is. By voting PIS, when PolAms have no right to interfere in OUR affairs, they are perpetuating the myth that America gives a flying **** about Poland. You may have a home here. I have a home in Nottingham and UK investments, meagre as they are against your stated wealth. (Only kidding you). That does not mean I can vote there because I don't contribute by working there and pay UK taxes as "Pay As You Earn". Neither do you here, and neither do the huge majority of those PolAms.

The Polish government is simply using you as tools to abuse those of us who actually contribute.
I hope that clears it up for you Dirk:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Jan 2018 /  #874
Well if ur a citizen you can vote simple as that. Sorry to hear u cant vote in uk, that's no reason to.not want polish citizens to exercise their democratic and constitutional right. Saying you wish to take away peoples voting rights.... how commie of you.. if you dont like poland and its laws you van always move back to uk.

And no your bitterness at polisb people exercising their enshrined right to vote regardless where they are polams polish ukranians polish indians as long as theyre polish citizens has nothing to do with the lack of help for poland in ww2.


Till you are, you by the law and constitution dont have the same rights amd priviledges such as voting. If you dont like pis get your citizenship and vote for po...
KFC junkie  
25 Jan 2018 /  #875
The UK had to keep an eye on Edward during the war.

Actually, he was exiled to the Bahamas where he wouldn't embarrass anyone. Both Edward and his younger brother Prince George the Duke of Kent were suspected of conducting secret negotiations with the Nazis through their German relatives. Rudolph Hess parachuting into Scotland to negotiate and his apparent murder as he was about to be released from Spandau prison has done nothing to end the speculation.

The Queen does not have a brother.

No, but the Queen certainly has a closet.
jon357  72 | 23482  
26 Jan 2018 /  #876
The UK had to keep an eye on Edward during the war.

He was sent to Bermuda (not the Bahamas as mentioned above). There's a rumour the Germans wanted to kidnap him, however everything else is conjecture - he certainly wasn't a nazi, just a very weak individual (as most right-wingers are) which was why they never let him be crowned King.

but the Queen certainly has a closet.

Containing brightly coloured dresses and feathery hats - and no skeletons at all.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
26 Jan 2018 /  #877
@KFC junkie
It was more than mere embarrassment. Although he managed to embarrass Britain even decades later- see the footage of uncle Edward teaching the young queen to perform a Nazi salute.

The visit to Germany in '37 was disapproved by Britain and financed by Hitler. When France was invaded by Germany, he went to Lisbon and stayed at a banker's who was said to be pro-Nazi. He returned to Britain only after being threatened with court martial. He was sent to Bahamas to make sure he was far from the war theatre and Nazis.

You may just wonder what would have happened if it had been the king when the war broke out. The world might be a very different place today.
jon357  72 | 23482  
26 Jan 2018 /  #878
if it had been the king when the war broke out

It was never a possibility. One reason they never let him be crowned and got him out of the country within a year of George V dying. His father's most famous quotes (after "Bugger Bognor") are "After I am dead, the boy will ruin himself in twelve months" and shortly before he died: " 'I pray to God that my eldest son will never marry and that nothing will come between Bertie and Lilibet and the throne".
kaprys  3 | 2076  
26 Jan 2018 /  #879
Never say never.
He was known for his controversial views on Jews, Africans and the disabled - rings a bell?
Atch  22 | 4299  
26 Jan 2018 /  #880
what would have happened if it had been the king when the war broke out.

The British monarch doesn't have any political power and didn't back then either. Edward was seen a a loose canon and would have been kept well in line by Whitehall.

controversial views on Jews, Africans and the disabled -

Kaprys, I don't need to tell you that those views were very common at the time amongst all social classes. One can't judge people of almost a hundred years ago -and remember that Edward was born in the reign of Queen Victoria - by the standards of today. On the other hand he had a genuine interest in social reform and the plight of the working man. And he refused to wear military decorations which he was awarded but felt he hadn't earned. He was enlisted during World War One but although he was in the combat zones, as heir to the throne, he wasn't allowed to fight.

Finally, there was support for facism in all walks of society before WWII when it was seen as a bulwark against the threat of Communism. Nobody knew what Hitler was going to ultimately do. It was like an extreme form of conservatism.

For God's sake, look at this forum today, after all we should have learned from the last hundred years, and you still see literate, reasonably well educated people, better educated indeed and more intelligent that Edward VIII, singing the praises of the gradual curtailment of civil liberties in Poland by the present government, celebrating it as something wonderful and talking about a 'strong' Poland...........we've had posters here saying that MEPs should be charged with treason, no less, for exercising their right to vote according to their own conscience and political persuasion.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jan 2018 /  #881
Well he was no henry 8th but thats okay...

Atleast we dont have guillotines in our squares. Actually pis is playing it pretty fair for the most part. With the support they have locally they could easily ratchet up purging the eurocrats and traitors. They gotta get away from eu more and focus more on v4 first though. And yes voting to take away pls right to vote at eu when ur a representative and citizen of the country is inexcusable treason. Theres opposition, then theres treason. This harms all of poland every single pole
kaprys  3 | 2076  
26 Jan 2018 /  #882
The policy of appeasement would have been enough to change the course of the war. And it would have been quite likely with Edward as the king and Attlee as the PM.

And I'm writing about Edward VIII because I don't like it how hypocritical a certain poster is. He loves writing about Polish antisemitism but ignores any claim that the British may not be perfect. Honestly speaking, I'm quite surprised with your attitude, too. Controversial views on Jews, Africans etc of people from over a hundred years ago were ok because they were British? What about Germans of that time? Or Poles?

As for the views of people who contribute to this forum, there are in fact a lot of Poles who support right wing parties but hello ... I don't think Nigel Farage's supporters would choose a Polish forum. And whether you like it or not, there are more and more radical sentiments all over the world.

I don't share your views. There are things about the government that I don't like. Yeah, charge me with treason even though I live here and contribute to the budget unlike you.
KFC junkie  
26 Jan 2018 /  #883
He was sent to Bermuda (not the Bahamas as mentioned above)

Edward, then Duke of Windsor became the Royal governor of the Bahamas July 1940 where he made comments about "men of Central European Jewish descent, who had secured jobs as a pretext for obtaining a deferment of draft":

Video here:
Audio of his address 1 December 1940 here:
His former dwelling there is now for sale:
It would appear that someone needs a brighter torch when reading books in dark places. The question, therefore, must be asked: How is someone who is so ignorant of his own country's history capable of commenting on another another nation's past? Ignorance is bliss. There is also the issue of the delusions of a certain group in society frequently acknowledged to have a mental illness, and related obessive behavior.

Containing brightly coloured dresses and feathery hats - and no skeletons at all.

The royal family has enough skeletons in the closet. No serious person would deny it.
Atch  22 | 4299  
26 Jan 2018 /  #884
Controversial views on Jews, Africans etc of people from over a hundred years ago were ok because they were British?

I'm not sure where you got that idea. Nothing to do with them being British. Those sentiments abounded in many parts of the developed world at that time. Never said they were ok either. Just that that's how it was in those times.

I think you mean Chamberlain btw not Atlee.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jan 2018 /  #885
Yeah, charge me with treason

like I said, opposition is one thing - voting to suspend your whole country's right to vote in the eu to which it is allied economically and militarily via NATO (and unfortunately increasingly politically) is another. It harms every constituent of the MEP. Well, all I can hope is they won't win in the next election cycles.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jan 2018 /  #886
voting to suspend your whole country's right to vote in the eu to which it is allied economically and militarily via NATO ... is another

Yes, it's not that big a deal, much less 'traitorous' than being a fan of Putin, a proven enemy of the western values Poland has historically aspired to.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
27 Jan 2018 /  #887
Yes, it's not that big a deal,

Poland has enough external enemies to give internal enemies free rein. they are traitors and soviet scum they do harm to Poland's national interest. There wouldn't be any EU commissars (red) attacking Poland if not for them.

As for Putin, do you think that weakening Poland doesn't play into Putin hands? Do you think he just sits on his hands while all that goes on.

WSI and gen. Dukaczewski and his 'friend' surely are not resting too. Those are dangerous people and powerful.

Also Germany, Russia and some others are not very happy with protect of US- Poland close cooperation. In this light it need to be ask what the hell Republican congressmen's are playing at, passing this stupid bill about property in Poland being Jewish.

US establishment and that goes for Republicans too aim to get rid of Trump and to hell with his quite cleave policy of supporting eastern Europe and possibly three seas project. That includes selling to Poland gas that USA didn't know what to with. Making money out of thin air.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jan 2018 /  #888
Poland has enough external enemies

Many people in Poland people cannot tell the difference between enemies and friends who disagree (they infest the political class and cause much unnecessary problems). The EU wants to be on Poland's side but PiS is all about unnecessary belligerence in the name of .... (more votes from low information voters?)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jan 2018 /  #889
The EU wants to be on Poland's side

Then it wouldn't tell us who to take into our country (namely muslims and Africans as they decided 1mln ukranians don't count as migrants/refugees even though they too are fleeing a poor country at war)... or else...

They would also allow the democratically elected party to fulfill its campaign promises and not get involved in how we run colleges, media, banks, etc. located within our country. The EU just doesn't like the fact that the NGOs, western media, and other organizations which they previously used to manipulate politics in Hungary, Poland, etc. are becoming monitored for subversive activities and raided.

a proven enemy of the western values Poland has historically aspired to.@ mafketis

Times have changed. While Poland has always been more focused towards the west, it is clearly rejecting the far left EU dictates that aim to transform Poland into another mindless multicultural consumerist landmass ran by liberals and western corps seeking to slowly do away with every European country's independence and sovereignty. We will not allow Poland to become a country like France or Germany or Sweden where thousands of women are sexully assaulted, where terror attacks happen all the time, and where states of emergency have been going on for years due to all the violence caused by migrants. While Russia is a military threat, the EU has become a political enemy, or at least a thorn in Poland's side, as it seeks to undermine Polish sovereignty via propaganda, subversion, NGOs, far left dictates, etc and not tanks, spies, etc. like Russia. If unelected eurocrats like Guy vansform or whatever that disgusting looking trolls name and all the others weren't telling Poland who to take into their sovereign borders and telling us how to run our court systems or what campaign promises a winning party can or can't enact then there wouldn't be the issues. The problem is that certain elements of the EU HATE the idea of sovereign nations plotting their own courses - especially if it doesn't align with the far left liberal ideology of the German dominated EU.

And no, voting to cancel your own countries' voting right at an institution like the UN, NATO, or in this case EU - you are a traitor to your country and every single constituent and business which would be negatively impacted by such a decision. Just because people don't agree with Trump or Putin or Xi or Macron they wouldn't vote to suspend US, Russian or Chinese or Macron voting rights at say the Security Council or even France's vote at the EU that is purposely and knowingly affecting your country negatively. I can only hope that the Polish voters remember this incident and do not reelect these individuals and continue to resist EU's leftist dictates and total disrespect and disregard for nations' independence and sovereignty.
G (undercover)  
27 Jan 2018 /  #890
Others will claim that Poland wasn't actually put in any better position

Actually the only English/French involvement that made some difference was their pressure, which delayed mobilization of Polish forces in late August 39. Now ***** say how they "helped". Amazing.
Atch  22 | 4299  
27 Jan 2018 /  #891
voting to cancel your own countries' voting right

That's not what they voted for. That vote hasn't happened yet and if it does, Poland won't be allowed to participate.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jan 2018 /  #892
It hasnt but pis and conservatives are not worried anyway. Eu lost this war before it even started. As long as pis obran etc remains as popular as it is for the foreseeable future eu can stuff it. And yes obran has said numerous times publicly he would not vote to sanction poland... you easily google or youtube these statements

Forget it well block it all

Besides a vote may never even happen. Timmermans said pl would.keep receiving eu funds after a recent state dinner and later reshuffle and hes eus big man on campus. No conditions no fines no other bs from timmermans only that ultra creepy german dude who insits poland take refugees (forget saving bialowieza putting people in our country is more important)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
27 Jan 2018 /  #893
The EU wants to be on Poland's side

Oh come on. Talking about low information voters.
pawian  226 | 27364  
20 Oct 2019 /  #894
who really was the first to help poland?

Hmm, the first helpers that come to my mind are Romanians. They welcomed thousands of Polish refugees, both military and civilians, who escaped German occupation. Later a lot of the military, especially pilots, were transfered to the West where they joined the allied forces and fought hard against Germans. Romanian authorities closed an eye to those illegal journeys, though they were pressed by Germans allies to keep Poles in strict detention. And Romanian population also helped Poles.

So, let`s pay our respect to humane Romanians who acted like real friends of Poland.


Up to 120,000 Polish troops withdrew through the Romanian Bridgehead area to neutral Romania and Hungary. The majority of those troops joined the newly formed Polish Armed Forces in the West in France and the United Kingdom in 1939 and 1940.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
20 Oct 2019 /  #895
Who were the first to help Poland?
Besides Polish people, it was Reagan, Thatcher, Gorbachov and a Polish pope!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Oct 2019 /  #896
Anyone helped? That is presumption or a purely formulated topic. Nobody helped Poland during or after WWII.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
21 Oct 2019 /  #897
Hmm, the first helpers that come to my mind are Romanians.

What is astounding, since Romania was a german ally....

pawian  226 | 27364  
21 Oct 2019 /  #898
What is astounding, since Romania was a german ally....

Yes, and another such helper was Hungary - also a German ally. The peoples of these two countries helped Poles out of their own choice, without orders from their governments and without expecting anything in return.

So, let me supplement my previous statement: Respect to Romanians and Hungarians. All other countries and peoples who happened to help Poland/ Poles had their own interest in it.

Nobody helped Poland during or after WWII.

Stop discrediting yourself. Before writing such stupidities, can you get acquainted with the opinions discussed in the thread and historical sources available on the net?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
21 Oct 2019 /  #899
I wonder where you draw the line....

Hungarians and Romanians were also fighting alongside the Germans...they died together in huge battles like Stalingrad.

Which "people" do you mean exactly? And how did "they" help Poland?
pawian  226 | 27364  
21 Oct 2019 /  #900
they died together in huge battles like Stalingrad.

Brat, I thought my post was logical and appropriate enough: this thread deals with helping Poles/Poland in the first stages of WW2. It is not about Stalingrad which took place in 1942/3. Should I really explain such basic things? :):)

Which "people" do you mean exactly?

People who welcomed refugee Poles already in September 1939, took care of them and helped them move to the West in the following weeks.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?Archived