Did you actually read that website..? THAT for a SOURCE? OMG ROFL !
She is part of the culture I absolutely HATED about the Pacific NW. And baited mercilessly when I had the youth and inclination to. Mean but true.
I'm sure it is a source of butthert for her, being raised in Springtucky..heh! Though I'm sure her parents were thinking of safe and clean, which it hasn't had since the late 80s. She raises herself soo far above the wretched refuse of patchouli wearing, shroom smokin, "just say N2O" crowd of deadheads by virture of not doing drugs and bathing. But she also doesn't mention the simple local born boys who are simple sensible farmers and NOT inbred, working class or others who also raised to her lofty status by way of higher education. Or why her parents moved there.Or why she is so new age frou frou herself.
She's mostly homeschooled so her parents could keep her secular view of the world and the country that sheltered them.
This quote tells she is American who says she is not because she romatizes her ancestry:
One thing that I have not mentioned yet, but believe to be of utmost importance is that although I've spent my life so far in the United States of America, I am most definitely, absolutely, not an American. Both my parents originally came here from the European country of Lithuania. They came to the USA before I was born, so it wasn't really my own choice to live here and not elsewhere.
Hmm..she is over 18-why hasn't she tried to change her citizenship if her parents love Lithuania so much, they must still be holding citizenship there. She has had four years to apply for the change. though it would kick her off school benefits.
and THIS one is most telling:
I'm double majoring in Art History and Medieval Studies. At first I wanted to major just in History, but I was disappointed to learn that history majors are required to attend too many classes outside my personal realm of interest. I naively thought that I could get a degree in history by learning only European ancient and medieval history, and I didn't even think that a larger part of my education would have to include Asian, American, African histories, which are subjects that don't interest me in the slightest
L-O-L all that nasty "other" history that conflicts with her imposed view of the world ..Bwahahahahhaa! And wastes her time making her well rounded for her degree.
Thanks David...I haven't had a laugh like this in ages.
When I dressed up for Ren faire? I didn't actually believe I was who I portrayed >_<
The sooner she moves to Lithuania the better.. though I notice that she plans to further her education in Oslo and not in wonderful Lithuania..LMFAO
Ugly Eugene Oregon:

or 'Beautiful" Vilnius?:
So having some red roofs makes for that much better?
And Eugene started as trading post and a lumber town on two rivers. Yet had universities early on. It is restricted in growth by nat'l parks, terrain. Hasn't had a major 'war urban renewal' to pick and choose which buildings get rebuilt, while ridding the signs of yuky industrial districts.
I mean true; I romaticize about Hussars..but I admit I surely would shudder if my man today came home burly, saber wound across the face, unbathed , unshaved for months and said "cmere baby-I missed ya" . Then couldn't perform well because he was losing breath from the injury of crushed ribs when his horse fell on him on. LOL
And I do understand that you don't fit in well when raised "Old World". I felt closest to my Czech grandparents and my Portuguese one. And maybe I would have felt more "expat " if I had been homogenous in my ancestry. I was private schooled mostly. I disliked my peers.
But I know absolutely if I moved to Czech Republic or Portugal-even I still spoke fluent? I am spoiled by infrastructure. I would feel like I was blasted back to stone age. I would have a lot of adjustment to live in EU. It is why the thought I MIGHT move there in 5-6 years has me prepping my psyche now.
Things like; used to a lot of space and a lot of stuff. I am whiney when I live in less than 1500sq ft. 2 bathrooms a must. And I love the luxury of fridge and freezer... heheh! she has some big changes ahead of her!
I know I'm teasing a lot ... but really ...using that website as source? for anything?
She doesn't even cite where she snagged that map, if it is even historically acurate. She is 22, coddled and homeschooled and just barely into a Uni and already complaining about 'their' unfair expectations for degree.
And you know what? IMO? I bet she is going to school on a grant like half of oregon does. Or worse a student loan that if she goes ot Europe, she wont repay.
Why don't you just outright say what theory you are trying to confirm david? So far with the direction of your threads, the vibe I have now is that you want to confirm that all of Silesia is ethnically German in majority and belonged once to Germany (among others) and...?
I am pretty sure there are threads here already that can give you all the information you could ever need with good bibliography reference even.