Subject |
Searching for Kaszubowski family history.
Great Uncles' military records (and medals?) He died in 1939/40.
Maluchnik family (Margaret, Stanley, Anthony )
Information required on Czaikowski family/Danzig?
In search of information regarding surname URYGA
Does anyone know any history about a Polish royal eagle ring?
Possible variants of Polish surname Switzijnck
How to find Polish friends without knowing their names?
Borysewicz (Borysiewicz?) family in Derewna, Osadnik?
Looking for information regarding WW2 Polish Paratrooper Lt Stanislaw Slesicki from Ciechanow
Family of Michelowna
How would my surname Sharon be spelt in Polish?
Korab - Polish coat of arms?
Domkoski or Dabkowski - In search of my Grandfather's history
Polish version of my name -Sławomir?
Konrad Josef Urbański - please help to find information on my father....
If your ancestors were in the "Wehrmacht"... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Some Macedonian, Croatian, Serbian Second Names look Polish! 2
Trying to find information on Polish Family (Czeslaw and Gwara Mocko)
Birth Place Assistance - Nowakowski
Żeglicki genealogy
Search for a persons in Australia
Information on family of Agatha Bogus
Seeking information on Anton LANGER
Salonija Veronika Schulejka/Szulejko 1889 - 1975 from Wilno
Questions regarding my Polish father's call up into the Soviet Army in 1941
Kreklau and Kotlenga - Looking for relatives
Berent, Jaroszewski - Looking for relatives in Mostowo in Mlawa County
Jasiak, Jozwiak from Byczyn/Bychyn/Byczyna
Searching for descendants of Paulina Dobruszkiewicz and Jan Brzezicki
Are Western Ukrainians mixed with Poles?
Turkiewicz Ancestors from Poland / Parobek
What does the "von" in Polish (Kazubin) surnames mean/stand for?
Aleksiewicz Surname - Looking for my ancestors
The Name "Kasis"
Monte Cassino + Russian labour camp
Nawrot surname source (Jewish converts to Catholicisim?)
Is Litwin a Jewish surname?
Kukarskij Nicholas - moved from Poland to Ekaterinburg at the beginning of the 20th century. Help to find out!
Sobaniak family
Walczak / Strzeszynski / Swiec family members
Drzązgowa, Wybierków; Przybył Łukasz (* Przybeło), pens Wybierkowa "ex Wrończyński - Translation with meaning
Searching Polish relatives of the Berezowki family, Tarnopol
Poles born under Russian control - are we Russian?
Czappa / Klein - Kashubian name / Putzig, Puck Poland?
Searching for relatives of Stanislaus Wilczynski dead or alive
My family name is Wopschall, Wobshall, Wagschal (and a few other similar spellings)
Kajzer, Sztefko, Balcerzak, Ldziarstek, Kowalczyk: Kozy, Warszawa (Warsaw) relatives
Edward Mikolajec, Help with locating Polish Family
Duchnowski family in Grajewo, Poland
I'm trying to track down where my great grandfather came from. Albert Czarnowsky any ideas??
Mikulski and Makarewicz surnames
Koch, Kostbar, Kormann surnames from Paproc - Can someone tell me where this is Poprotz, Poland?
Tony Racilla - born in Slobdka Poland around 1871, married to Julia Zawadska, lived in Johnston City IL.
Coats of arms of Polish cities 2
51 - Świdnica ...
Genealogypawian - 8 Sep 2012 / Looker - 20 Dec 2014
Katarzyna / Anna / Ewa Niwelińska - can you help me?
Name "Mieczyslaw" / "Mietek" - Help on background!
Does anyone, especially descendants, have information about Antonina Suplicka Kubach/Jakubowska?
Slominski coat of arms
Pultenewicz - tracing ancestors with limited information