Subject |
Stąpor: Questions about my family
Polcinske Pulchinski - just one branch of my family I am researching
Ignacy Wrona, Tarnow, Blizne; Galicy
NAGONOWSKY: Please help to find my host family in Poland
The surname Biegarczyk
searching for ancestors Wenerowicz
Kuczynski family: Looking for Coat of Arms
Struski/Malek - Can Anyone help me find out my ethnicity?
Gorzelnik and/or Podgorczyk family tree
× Labia: IS THIS A COMMON GIRLS NAME...in Poland..?
1877, 1921 and 1949 - information on an old family prayer book
Polish Last Name..Putrykow?
I need help finding addresses in Warsaw.
Consavage, Kunczewitz, Kuncewicz family. Please help me with my ancestry...
Genealogy Klikowa, Tarnow, Poland - Pictures and Phone book
Re: Marska family connections
Von Straski, Polish surname?
John Zielinski. Late 1800's Poland/Pittsburgh.
Fl Lt Tarkowski - Polish Airforce
Mielcarek, Rybacki, Masiakowski, Saskowski, Lawniczak, Vukzsta/Vuksta
Information on the Pikul or Trzaskos family
Dawidowski, Kuper - Locating Ancestors
Looking for Redwanz, Redwanc, Radwanc, or Radwaniec surname
Village named Woloszczyzna
Village near Lancut
15 - Thanks!...
Genealogywct135 - 4 Jul 2010 / wct135 - 6 Jul 2010
Majoch :)
Searching for Szewczyk from Sanok
DeAmong, DeCroix - Finding a countess
Wilke Family
Anyone here from the UK? Looking for a Pristow
Can't find on Ellis, not naturalized, never applied for SS, how can I trace him?
Travel and migration in late 19th - early 20th centuries
× Why did Jews convert?
Chelmno Area Families
RZARCZYNSKI finding polish friends post 2nd world war
Laburchewski & Schidlowski
Wnek/Ostojska Polish surnames
Lesowiaks - who are they?
Sykala family from Pruchnik
Searching for Cousin in Warsaw Poland name:Małgorata Kralczynska
Wojtowa Poland
BIENIEK OR GASKA / Lagowska, Koper, Prusak
Rzeszów in 1864
Marek Dudek, I'm looking 4 person please help.
Old Polish town names sounding like Task
Marciniak, Gelitzky, Wohlgemut, Bekier / Dziuba, Janczak SURNAMES.
Searching for Koczela from Temeszow
Looking for Chrabaszewski Relatives in Poland
No idea of grandparents history before they left Horyniec, Poland
Looking for my Polish family (Wieruszow area)
Finding my Famliy, Kaliszewski
Szydelko, Pater - Lost Relatives
Looking for Woleski or Wolenski
Last name Poludnianyk
My father Jozef Nawrot, he played football for the Polish national side - any relatives in Krakow?
looking for a friend Elizabeth Schwinarscka
Hanna Najbar - Urgent help for contacting someone in Wroclaw...