Subject |
Tywoshewska, Kashawz Trying to find out where my grandmother is really from
6 - Thanks!...
Genealogyshimono1 - 23 Aug 2011 / shimono1 - 14 Sep 2011
Franciszek Jan Budzinski
Poterucha family
Searching for Dzaman/Dzama decendants
Looking for a lost friend (Katarzyna Serwin)?
Anna Surma - The search for biological families and siblings in Poland
Museum of Apiculture in Warsaw
TROJANOWSKI - coat of arms
Looking for REM family
Tschiediel, Jalowieski, Jansz-Stengert, Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz
Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? 2 3
Zych surname in Ropica
"Kozioł" - Getting accurate Spelling of Towns In Poland Pre-War
Colonel Ignatius S. Szymanski (1806-1874)
GREGORY STECKIEWICZ: Tracing a Polish citizen living in Warsaw 40 years ago.
George or Albert Niespodziany and Frances Schummer from Rzedowo
Ksenofont Malewana
Surname anaysis Sabiegai Sabigai Sabagai
× Mark Kutek - origin and name building/construction
Looking for information on ancestors - Nickolaj Skribenko, Parkulo, Kalapaj.
Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The surname HESS
What is the real Polish name for: Fineman, Feinman, Pireoshkier, Piroskier, Pirozkier?
Searching for birthfamily Nawrocka Long Island, New York
Looking for Surname of Orkwiszewski?
My Parents Mr & Mrs E. Matysiak
Having a Great Uncle that was an Eaglet of Lwów
Does anyone know of the Mical family from Laka, Galicia?
SEARCHING FOR A RUSSIAN FATHER.....where to begin....
Long lost relatives? Błazejewicz, Wiecha.
The War Cross Of Poland
Looking for information: Gałęza, Dybka, Wojkrow, Zyma.
Where did Rafalik come from?
Gniazdowski, Brzostek, Surzan - I would like to find my family tree and so forth
Jozef Florczyk, Looking for Genealogy help in Goworowo
Family Name: Mietek
Anyone hear of Lajskach, Poland? Its some where near Pabianice or Lodz.
Need help locating FRACKOWSKI family...
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - my Lithuanian ancestry?
Jolanta born in Wusz. Help me find my true love from 23 years ago - PLEASE!
Wyrombecki: someone can help with a difficult Polish name?
Michal Orlik, born 28/09/1925 Bazaar, poland, surely I have relatives somewhere?
(aleksnder wysocki) looking for place of birth
Bruchnal and Drohobycz
Konstanty family search
Schnell / Robinson - Finding Polish Ancestry/Relatives
Lost Relatives of Marian Gniadek
Ratzizar or Ratzezar - my grandparents were in fact born in Grudna Poland?
malcolm in the middle grandparents
Lots of Johnsons in Poland...
My Polish stepfather was a prisoner of war in Italy (trying to obtain more information?)
Looking for old kindergarten friends of 1993-1994 and Marcin's castle (Zabrze)
Kesikowski: Surname origin, Polish Kingdom-Podlasie region 1600-1700
Jozef Witek - help me with a telephone No, for a relative in Poland?
Baran, Wygrzyn(Wengrzyn)
Drzyzga name: family information in Poland
I am looking for my family. Hart or Hort