MGKonstanty 1 | 1 17 Apr 2011 / #1Hi,This is my first time doing this so I hope everything is ok. I am researching my husband's father's family in Poland. His name was Jan Konstanty. For years we received letters from his brother who stayed in Poland. Now he has passed he have no contact. For my children, I would like to have a family tree and some understanding of the wonderful culture they came from. This individual joined the Polish Resistance Army and ended up living in England. My husband, Jan's son, met me when traveling over Kentucky back in the hitchhiking days of the 70's. Would anyone be able to help me with this connection? Thanks
Polonius3 980 | 12276 17 Apr 2011 / #2KONSTANTY: this is the Polish equivalent of the fist name whose English version is Constantine.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683 17 Apr 2011 / #3Jan KonstantyKonstanty is not the last name, Jan Konstanty sounds like the first and middle name not the surname
Patrycja19 62 | 2683 17 Apr 2011 / #5it sounds changed to me.. :)when I googled it, two things came up significantJames konstanty -baseball player.. and a lawyer.does it come up in poland as this surname?
Polonius3 980 | 12276 18 Apr 2011 / #6Konstanty may or may not be your family name, but it IS a bona fide surname used today by some 800 people in Poland. The ancestral nest seems to be the Nowy Sącz area -- Polish highlander/hillbilly country.
Alex from BRD 30 Apr 2011 / #7Hello,my name is Alex and I saw your letter here in the net while also searching further informations to my family. I can attest that "Konstanty" is an surname because my grandfather's surname is Konstanty. In the second world war he fled from the russian troops (then Johannisburg in East Prussia, today Powiat Piski in Poland) to West Germany. Maybe there are some matches inbetween our families but I don't want to sign in in every forum. So it would be nice to cantact me via mail for response,Alex