Subject |
Polish surname Youshefskie
Pomeranian Records from 1700 Poland
Trying to trace members of Wiatr family
Niekrasowo, Polesie Voivodeship, Second Polish Republic?
Adamek family research
Surname: Basaraba, Koscian - is it Polish or Tatar?
Joining Free Polish Army in Scotland after Dunkirk from Africa
How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? 2 3 4 5
to Find family history, Jaworski / Yaworski
I'm Richard Malec, coming to Poland in November, looking for relatives?
Does anyone have any information about the surname Marciniszyn?
How can I find out where someone is buried in Poland?
Baderska, Mikstat, Klosowski. Are there Polish online resources I don't know about?
Merwa and Paluch - Looking for relatives
Is Witkowski A Common Polish Surname?
Polish grandfather military record - "simple solider or commander?"
Socha: Bialobrzegi, Galicia
Looking for family in Jedrzejowka, Narol
Searching for Helen Lygas / Rucinski & Szymanski
Pietras from Opole, Poland. Help with information on Great Grandfather.
I need to find a boy! He was from Germany, or Poland.
What exactly is a Polish-American?
Lubicz Family
Floetenstein, Prussia - need to verify Polish name.
Looking for "Ludwika Jablonska Solska" and "Jozef Solski"
Chadaczow - Searching for town or village that might have had name changed
Unknown Origins Dzikowicz
Family History - Deborski family - Brodnica and Rypin Area
Perz and Jakobowski genealogy
Looking for Graiper family
Find my Polish roots (Poland-Belgium)
Chojnice record - Poland research
How to find contact info of a priest in Zagórze?
Great Grandfathers naturalization papers, Volnick (Wolnik)
Polish family history societies in Poland?
Antoni R. Uszynowski
Gonsecki / Zakrzewski - Polish Ancestry
Born in Poland in 1990. Do I have the Polish Nationality?
i am doing a halik family tree
Von Taranowski search
Pilipczuk, Mankowski(a), Demusiak, Molczan...HELP PLEASE
Was George Peppard Polish??
Trying to find info on Pod Kopcem in Krakow - dom dziecka children house (orphanage)
Anything about the Mikolajczyks
Need help with Latin abbreviations on Galicia baptismal record
The Polish Coats of Arms & Nobility system
trying to find records of Wyrembek and Topa
KUCZAJ family
Record office enquiry (grandfather born in Brzozow, Poland)
25th / 26th Pomeranian Battalion (Infantry) Scotland WWII
Changing my name to a Polish one 2
Searching for Terence William Meadows
Looking for Info on "Antonina Petryna" and "Kasimir Szymanski"
Who are the Poles? Balts, Germanics, or Sarmo-Sycthians?
Glownia family origin in poland?
Village VISOVA? (Wysowa) and Sadoles in Poland
Were my husband's ancestors possibly Jewish converts to Catholicism?
Help finding Lesser Poland village, Kasinka Mala, in Limanowa county / Wągrowiec