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Trying to find info on Pod Kopcem in Krakow - dom dziecka children house (orphanage)

mochadot18  18 | 242  
29 Mar 2012 /  #1
I was born in Poland and adopted at the age of 4. I have since grown up in the USA. I am now a college student at 18 and I want to start learning about my past. I was born in Krakow and was adopted from the Pod kopcem Dom Dziecka. I'm having trouble finding info on it online and was wondering if anyone could help tell me about it. I plan on call sometime and trying to get more records I eventually would like to locate my birth mother.

Thank You
phtoa  9 | 236  
29 Mar 2012 /  #2
You'll probably have a hard time finding to much information on the web about these kind of things.

Best would be to take a travel to Krakow combine a holiday with some family search and see what you can figure out.

Due to your age and everything im sure they'll still have all the journals, so in case your trying to locate your birth mother I believe you have a pretty good shot at it.

Best of luck!
pip  10 | 1658  
29 Mar 2012 /  #3

the address is Pod Kopcem but the name of the place is Jan Brzechwa.

there is not a lot in English- but maybe that is a start.
Peter Cracow  
10 Apr 2012 /  #4
In assumption the term: "a secrecy of adoption" concerns strangers, not adopted child. You should get information about your past and biological parents if you are over 18. There are some reasons to give you such information like hereditary diseases or so, but the policy in such cases is not determined by low. Usually clerks decide about it. You should contact with Dom Dziecka. You have proper information in the link from pip. Information about the name of your biological parents, or number of the case in the Family Court would be very helpful too. Court is important because it can decide about revealing of adoption information either what makes it your last chance.

You can find Dom Dziecka, Pod Kopcem 10a str. in google street view.
It is intriguing story for me. I wonder how much small child can remember. What about language? 2 yo child pronounces, uses terms, cases and all this Polish specialites correctly. What happens later? How quickly it fades?

What else? I work at a distance of 10 min of walking from Pod Kopcem str. and live at a distance of 20 min. what used to make us (relatively) close neighbours.

For 4 years.
pip  10 | 1658  
10 Apr 2012 /  #5
Also, I think you should tread lightly- you may not get the reunion you are hoping for.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3863  
10 Apr 2012 /  #6
yes I agree with Pip, tread carefully, your birth mother could have had very specific reasons for not raising you herself.
She might not be 100 per cent delighted to see you. No offence.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
19 Jul 2012 /  #7
Peter: Well just to answer some of that from my experience I can still speak some english just a few phrases but my adopted parents didn't speak any polish so when they adopted me I was immediately put into English classes to learn the language and never spoke polish again. As for how much I can remember I remember certain things about the orphanage such as the schedule of the day going to church small things. The thing that I do remember the most is my mother she would visit me everyday and when she could would bring me a lollipop. I can remember what she looks like and can picture it when ever I want. And about treading lightly I will but it is something that just bothers me all the time even if she doesn't want to know me I just need to see her. I have grown up in a great home with great parents who have given me everything. I got lucky but she used to visit me everyday when I was at the orphanage so that makes me think that she might want to see me and see what I have become. I just have to at least try otherwise I will regret it forever.

I have herd about the laws does anyone know how hard it is to get information from the orphanage or the courts? My parents told me a long time ago that it is actually against the law to look for birth parents in Poland is that true?

Thank you

Merged: Finding Biological Polish Birth Mom

I was adopted from Poland at the age of 4 anyways I know i want to try to find my birth mom. I was just wondering if anyone had ever done that, how hard was it and what was your experience?

Thank you
PolishExpatinUS  - | 3  
20 Jul 2012 /  #8
How long ago were you adopted?Do you have any info of your past?(in Poland that is)
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
20 Jul 2012 /  #9
I was adopted in 1998 when I was 4. I do have all my adoption papers, I know my birth moms name and the orphanage that I lived in.
muegre  - | 6  
26 Jul 2012 /  #10
Do you have a copy of your polish birth-certificate?
If not you should aply for one at the vital-record ofice of your birth-place.
Often you find parental birth-dates on polish birth-certificates!
With your mother's name and her birth-date you should write to the "Urząd meldunkowy" at your birthplace, asking for her courent address. Normaly they find something!

Good luck!

OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
26 Jul 2012 /  #11
you should write to the "Urząd meldunkowy"

What is that?? and yes I do have my original birth certificate
Meathead  5 | 467  
27 Jul 2012 /  #12
What is that??

use your translator, mine says office of population
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
15 Apr 2013 /  #13
Merged: Finding Biological parent in Poland.

I was born in Poland and adopted at the age of 4. I was adopted by u.s citizens and have since grown up in the U.S.A. I am now a college student and am 18. I want to start learning about my past. I was born in Krakow and was adopted from the Pod kopcem Dom Dziecka. I'm having trouble finding info on it online and was wondering if anyone could help tell me about it. I really want to be able to locate my mother, but really have no idea on how to start the process. Do I need to hire a detective? If you have an info or have gone through the process yourself please give me some info and guidence.

Thank You
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Apr 2013 /  #14
Dom Dziecka im. Jana Brzechwy

Al. Pod Kopcem 10 a
30-544 Kraków-Podgórze

tel/fax: 12/656-14-33
mapka dojazdowa

e-mail: dd_brzechwa@op.pl

from their website.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
15 Apr 2013 /  #15
Are you allowed to search for your birth parents? I was told it was against the law. Also do most places keep files from 14 years ago and are they allowed to release the information? I'll have to find all my papers again, but I don't speak polish do you know if most people in Poland speak English?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Apr 2013 /  #16
Are you allowed to search for your birth parents?

things are made difficult that's for sure.

however, i've given you an email address. write a short letter..... ask someone to translate it..... send the mail and you may get a helpful reply.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
19 Apr 2013 /  #17
Alright so I emailed them and just got a response. This is the email.


We can give you only number of your adoption case in court: edit . It chaned place to: Kraków ul. Mogilska 17

Best regards.

Any Idea of what to do next, should I try finding the court and calling them up?

Thank you
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
19 Apr 2013 /  #18
Any Idea of what to do next, should I try finding the court and calling them up?

I think it would be best to find a local lawyer who understands such things.

I edited your mail because the info is not for everyone.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
20 Apr 2013 /  #19
Any idea of who? Also have any idea of how much one costs?

Sorry I don't even have any idea of how to try to find one, plus the fact that I don't speak polish can't help.

And I totally understand.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
20 Apr 2013 /  #20
Sorry I don't even have any idea of how to try to find one, plus the fact that I don't speak polish can't help.

then you need to find a friend who can make a few phone calls for you.

but.... the court will not discuss anything without proof of who you are.

if you know your mother's name you might find her through social media. this might be the easier route.

keep in mind that your mother may not want contact.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
22 Apr 2013 /  #21
Merged: Trying to find a lawyer in Krakow Poland

Hello, I am trying to find a lawyer in Krakow Poland. I am trying to find my birth mother as I was adopted when I was 4. I got some of my court info from my orphanage but that is all they said they could give me. I was told I need to now find a lawyer to help me do the rest. Only problem is I currently live in the states so I don't know how to find one. I also dont speak Polish other than a few basics. If anyone knows of anyone that could help me please let me know.

Thank you.

Merged: Finding a Private Investigator in Poland

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows of any private investigators in Poland. I found icsworld.com, but the only thing is that it is going to cost me $1,500. I am looking to find my birth mom in Poland the guy even told me that I have all the information needed. I really want to know if their is a cheaper option as I am a pool college student in the U.S. Or does anyone know how I could go about trying to locate someone in a different country?? Would that be too hard??

Thank you, all info will be helpful. :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 May 2013 /  #22
I am looking to find my birth mom in Poland

So you have her name etc. and just want to find her contact details ?
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
29 May 2013 /  #23
Yes. I was adopted but have a good amount of info on her.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 May 2013 /  #24
then you should be able to find her yourself.

your problem is if she changed her name by marriage.

check all social media websites.... including nasza klasa (nk.pl)

look for her on friends lists too.

a strange and unusual name will bring quick results here: moikrewni.pl/mapa/

the more info you give us the easier it will be for us to help.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
29 May 2013 /  #25
Here is the info I have on her, I have tried looking on Facebook but didn't find anything that looked helpful.

Name: Kaczmarczyk
Date of Birth: November 24, 1955
Place of Birth: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
Family Name: Nowaczyk
Place of Residence at time of Birth: Krakow

a strange and unusual name will bring quick results here

Seems like a pretty common name lol
30 May 2013 /  #26
Nasza Klasa? May be NASA!

Use specialized detective office. With given data they should find your mother.
Be caution with these people. They are not lambs. You are.
You can google i.e. poszukiwania osób zaginionych detektyw kraków.
In Cracow I found:

They claim:
·poszukiwanie osób zaginionych oraz ukrywających się,
·ustalanie miejsca zamieszkania, pracy, kontaktów osobistych,

searching missing persons, the actual addresses and places

searching missing persons, the actual addresses and places

searching missing persons, the actual addresses and places

So on.

In £ódź (not Cracow) I found: (3xW).inter-securus.o12.pl/
They claim: Besides missing persons we also attend with searching and agenting in establishing broken or lost family contacts, fixing the actual addresses and places of burial places. We are also handling the family roots researches of multi-generation families and houses

I can't give you any decent advice. Just remember thay everyone can make a nice webpage and many cen get detective papers from police.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
2 Jun 2013 /  #27
That's exactly what I CANT have happen. LOL I mean I have no money so I cant afford to have any of my money stolen.

Anyone ever used anyone??

Merged: Can I look someone up using there Polish Identification Number???

How can I find someone using there Polish Identity Number??

If anyone knows please let me know :)

Thank you

Anyone know if I can???
2 Jun 2013 /  #28
money stolen

It doesn't look so bad. You could overpay or the service could be done not decent enough.
From the other side you will never have 100% guarantee.

Anyone ever used anyone

Heh! When you were living in Poland...

How can I find someone using there Polish Identity Number

(3xw).msw.gov.pl/portal/pl/650/8650/Udostepnianie_danych_jednos tkowych_ze_zbiorow_meldunkowych__ze_zbioru_PESELz_ewi.html
Translate yourself.
OP mochadot18  18 | 242  
2 Jun 2013 /  #29
Heh! When you were living in Poland...

Well a some of the ones i've looked at do a lot of other services such as representing divorces and other things, so though someone might have used them for some other service.

(3xw).msw.gov.pl/portal/pl/650/8650/Udostepnianie_danych_je dnos tkowych_ze_zbiorow_meldunkowych__ze_zbioru_PESELz_ewi.html
Translate yourself.

When I type this in it says the page is 404 Page not found. I also only see how too apply for one, and the rules of what your ID card would say. Is their a place where I can type in the number I have and get the information back???

Thank you for the link though :)

It doesn't look so bad. You could overpay or the service could be done not decent enough.
From the other side you will never have 100% guarantee.

Yes I know lol, its just i'm in college so I only work in the summer and well I don't make a lot at max 4,000$ so 1,500 is a lot of money for me to be spending.
3 Jun 2013 /  #30

It was a peculiar mistake in the word jednostkowych
(3xw).msw.gov.pl/portal/pl/650/8650/Udostepnianie_danych_jednostk owych_ze_zbiorow_meldunkowych__ze_zbioru_PESELz_ewi.html
Above text should work with address bar in a browser.
In my Google I can get right result after input below text to the the searching window.
Udostepnianie_danych_jednostkowych_ze_zbiorow_meldunkowych__ze_zb ioru_PESEL

You can research also Ministry of Internal Affairs domain: msw.gov.pl They have a part in English.

type in the number I have and get the information back

All I know about UE law in the matter of personal data secrecy says NO.
Fortunately I am not a lawyer.

(3xw).msw.gov.pl/portal/pl/650/8650/Udostepnianie_danych_jednostk owych_ze_zbiorow_meldunkowych__ze_zbioru_PESELz_ewi.html
Above text should work with address bar in a browser.

This forum script produces mistakes! I didn't input jednostk owych.
OK, use options I described in the followed points.

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