RobertTushinski 1 | 7 18 Oct 2011 / #1On the immigration papers it says that my polish Grandfather came from Rudki Russia in 1904. His surname was Gonsecki. His wifes surname was Zakzewski.Is it possible to find where exactly they came from? Are people with these names still living in the area? From the google maps it is near L'viv (Lwow in Polish) Any help will be appreciated. Sorry I don't know Polish (shame on me).Is it possible to find out It the church records Pre 1900 from the former Lwow (L'viv) area currently in the Ukraine were kept by a polish church? The town in 1904 was called Rutki.Thanks
PolishResearch - | 4 22 Oct 2011 / #2Hi Robert,My father was from near Lwow and came to the UK in the war. He never spoke about those years and unfortunately died at the young age of 58 in 1978. I have been researching my family history for a number of years and eventually tracked down the church records from his village.It is quite complicated - at the end of the war as you know the area around Lwow which used to be in Poland was incorporated into Russia / Ukraine. Most of the Polish families were moved out - "relocated". Whole villages were moved en masse on "transports" to the western side of Poland to land that used to be in Germany - but was made part of the new Poland. In effect the whole of Poland shifted to the left (and became smaller I think). Ukrainians were then moved in to the old Polish villages.I always thought the church records would have been destroyed by the Russians / Ukrainians during this process. However the village church ministers jealously guarded these records and took them with them to their “new” villages. So for instance the village where my father was from was relocated to three separate villages on the Western side of the new Poland. But the same church minister administered to the three new villages – i.e. the communities stayed together. I understand this was quite a common arrangement.Anyway after some considerable research and help from a friend in Poland we tracked down the location of the new relocated villages. We made contact with the minister and gained access to the parish birth, marriages and death registers. This way I was able to build Dads family tree (from knowing nothing) all the way back to the early 1800’s. I have visited twice to examine these registers (still jealously guarded!).A few years back I visited the village near Lwow and found the farm where he was born – we were made very welcome and invited in for a meal by the Ukrainians that now live there (who were the same family who were “given” this house at the end of the war after the Poles were relocated.) I also found people in the village who still remember my Dads family (the original Ukrainian villagers were allowed to stay.)In the new villages which used to be German the Polish families likewise selected their houses – the early arrivals getting the best properties! In all there were three “transports” from Dads village. These may have been trains with cattle trucks. We also found out that was certainly the case when he was deported to Siberia early in the war.We also found long lost relatives in the new relocated villages and found out the fate of my father’s parents (my Polish grandparents - he never knew what happened to them) – they died in the mid-1950s.I have learnt a lot about what happened in the lands around Lwow during and after the war – it is only in more recent years that much of this portion of history has started to be discussed and documented more fully.So the records you are looking for may well now be in Poland. My friend could probably find out some information for you – he is a professional guide and does this sort of work. I could put you in touch with him if you like – send me an email.I hope may be of some help to you.Regards, Stefan.
OP RobertTushinski 1 | 7 22 Oct 2011 / #3Stefan,That would be nice, Since I don"t know polish. Can he communicate in English?Would love to get Information on my roots in poland.Bob Tushinski
PolishResearch - | 4 23 Oct 2011 / #4Yes - he speaks English.I have taught myself Polish over the last 5 years so can get by quite well when I travel there now.I can tell you that if you can't speak the language it would be a bit difficult doing something like this. My friends family was also from near Lwow with the same sort of family history so he had a smattering of Ukrainian as well. We could never have travelled there without him in my opinion. Many of the village names changed when it became Ukrainian - also that language has a different alaphabet. When you finally get to see the registers they are written in Latin and Polish!He's in Poland - I'll send him an email and ask if its OK to pass his details on to you. This may take a few days.Reagrds, Stefan.
Polonius3 980 | 12276 10 Dec 2011 / #6GĄSECKI: root-word gęś (goose); probably topo tag from Gąsewo (Goosevu'ille) or similar.,ZAKRZEWSKI: za (beyond) and krzew (brush, bush, shrub); probably topo tag from Zakrzewo (Overbush).
marek50 14 Jun 2013 / #7Merged: Looking for my brother in law Jacek Zakrzewski (Australia)I am looking for my brother in law Jacek Zakrzewski who lives in Australia since 1988 .Before that he lived in Warsaw-Poland, his profession mathematician-programmer, age about 60 years. Pleae send any mesage about him for
King Sobieski 2 | 714 20 Jun 2013 / #8there were 3 results in the white akrzewski&location=Nationally&givenName=J& =Zakrzewski&location=Nationally&givenName=J& =Zakrzewski&location=Nationally&givenName=J&tab=residentialgood luck.