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What's your favorite Polish beer?

polaca  1 | 76  
7 Sep 2006 /  #31
Lech green or red :)

yes i know but when ive read bolo"s post my first thought was "he must be from poland!" :)

Anyway, i was realy surprised when i noticed how much english men drink :)
I can say that they are similar to polish :) but in fact polish beer is stronger :)
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Sep 2006 /  #32
They drink a lot in America too. The most popular is "Miller" and "Pabst". But now they have"Miller-lite" so you don't get too fat.
polaca  1 | 76  
7 Sep 2006 /  #33
I dont like miller (maybe is not the same as in america) but english stella is a good one :)
7 Sep 2006 /  #34
all these "millers" and "buds" are yuck -- water + carbon gas + sugar (as they add sugar to everything they can in the us).
7 Sep 2006 /  #35
American beers give me a headache the day after so I steer clear - oh yes Stella is very good!
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Sep 2006 /  #36
(as they add sugar to everything they can in the us).

You're right. Everything has sugar. Even stuff that doesn't taste sweet has hidden sugar in it. I was surprised they add sugar to cole-slaw and BBQ's because you can't even taste it.
7 Sep 2006 /  #37
I prefer gin anyway....nice and refreshing and great with tonic......and none of that slimline rubbish - full fat for me thanks!

I did notice that a g n t in Poland was about the same price as in the UK
FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 Sep 2006 /  #38
American beers give me a headache the day after so I steer clear

Yes, but how many different American beers have you tried? Maybe just the mass produced garbage. Need to try things like:
Impaled Ale
Long Trail Hibernator
Double Bastard Ale
Brooklyn Beer

I agree that some of Polands beer tastes better than our Budweisers, Coors and Millers, but we have hundreds more to choose from. Every state has one or a few micro brews.

...and of course the PL Vodka is absolutely the best...to get back to the topic. My homemade will be ready in a week. I can't wait because it's been over 5 mos :)
Decorator  4 | 291  
7 Sep 2006 /  #39
Belgium beers are also very good..They have 2 i like very much. Duvel and Leffe...mmm
FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 Sep 2006 /  #40
I've recently been drinking Zywiec porter. I'm starting to like these. Strong too :) I like lech Mocne. I was drinking a lot of these when I was visiting the Czarna Gora....Good stuff.
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Sep 2006 /  #41
when in Poland who needs Stella

I bet she makes good pierogi!
OP aawil  1 | 20  
15 Sep 2006 /  #43
I've recently been drinking Zywiec porter. I'm starting to like these. Strong too

Yeah I really like that zywiec porter. I never could find it in warsaw last year though.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Sep 2006 /  #44
Really? It's easily acquired in New Jersey. Why would it be so hard to find in Poland? have you ever tried Black Boss Porter? Exceptional porter. Also may be hard to find. Brewed in Witnica...wherever that is. I couldn't even locate it on a PL map. Highly recommended. 9.4%

Oh you're in Jersey? I can tell you exactly where to get it then. Let me know if you want info.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
15 Sep 2006 /  #45
Zywiec as 1st choice but I'd take Tyskie, too.
The ones I'm not crazy about are Okocim or polish Haineken or Lech; the last one makes me puke!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Sep 2006 /  #46
I really though that Zwiec was the best until I tried Bosman. Have you tried this? It may only be available in the north.
bolo  2 | 304  
15 Sep 2006 /  #47
I think some results could be somewhat confusing --- you guys say one beer is good, another is better. But the question is - when do you "assess" the taste of the beer? You should know 3rd beer in a row may not taste as well as the first in the day (or vice versa:).
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Sep 2006 /  #48
I usually drink only 1 type at a time. Not to confuse my taste buds.
bolo  2 | 304  
15 Sep 2006 /  #49
For me the first beer on a particular day doesn't usually taste good - after 3rd or 4th (I mean - in the Polish bottles - 0.5 l, not 0.33 l or 0.25l ) - it's delicious...:).
Kowalski  7 | 621  
15 Sep 2006 /  #50
I've tried Bosman. It's ok. I can get it where I live but still would stick to cold Zywiec.
I'm truely enjoying the first one on a really hot day like today - can take half glass at one time easy on day like we had today (it was 25 C - which is kind of hot for this time of a year)
polskadan  1 | 16  
15 Sep 2006 /  #51
Warka Strong

All of these....mmMmMmmMMm sooo good
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
16 Sep 2006 /  #52
or Lech; the last one makes me puke!

I find that offensive!! :) :)

Frankly speaking, I always considered Tyskie as a indigent version of Lech. :)
Kowalski  7 | 621  
16 Sep 2006 /  #53
I used to work at Lech brewery shortly some time ago...Warka drama[
8 Oct 2006 /  #54

I haven't seen it in stores in Poland during my last visit last year, but I remember drinking it in high school almost 10 years ago. (good times!)

it's like 8% alcohol and has a really unusual flavor.

last week I had Hevelius in the Polish restaurant in San Francisco!!!
13 Oct 2006 /  #55
I like Lezajsk. But the problem is I don't know which brand is even Polish anymore since many were bought by foreign beer companies.
gosica  1 | 33  
14 Oct 2006 /  #56
cheers to all Warka Strong/ Lech Mocne lovers :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Oct 2006 /  #57
na zdrowie! :)
14 Oct 2006 /  #58
I didn't know girls like strong beer (girls don't usually like beers, no?)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Oct 2006 /  #59
My gf drinks beer. She also likes Warka strong. most women in Pl add juice "sok".
14 Oct 2006 /  #60
They add juice as they think it then won't be as strong as without juice...:)

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