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Morrissey walks off stage in Warsaw

jon357  72 | 23529  
24 Nov 2014 /  #1
I'n no fan of the guy and wouldn't pay good money to see him, but can he be blamed for this?

It has emerged that British rocker Morrissey stormed off stage just 25 minutes into his show at Poland's Klub Stodola on Wednesday night.
According to event organiser Live Nation, the incident happened because one member of the audience hurled 'extremely offensive and chauvinistic' abuse at the artist.
Although it has not been confirmed, it has been claimed the remarks stem from Morrissey's recent cancer diagnosis.

I heard the concertgoers were offered a chance to see him in Krakow, advertised in both English and Polish, but were only offered a refund in the Polish text,...
candycandy  2 | 13  
24 Nov 2014 /  #2
i'm a fan of the guy and would have been crying if the concert had to be cancelled due to and idiot's shout. and also, the tickets are EXPENSIVE. in spain they were 60€ per person. i don't know how much they are in Poland.
OP jon357  72 | 23529  
24 Nov 2014 /  #3
n spain they were 60€ per person. i don't know how much they are in Poland.

Expensive too - even dearer than the best seats at the National Opera!

They should have just thrown the heckler out and Morrissey should have been a bit more professional.
24 Nov 2014 /  #4
but can he be blamed for this?

I would have expected him to behave like the professional he's supposed to be and carried on.
Ok, so whatever was said to him was extremely personal and totally unacceptable in the light of his cancer diagnosis, and there's no excuse for a fan to behave in this way, but to storm off and disappoint all the fans that did spend their hard earned cash on going to see him?

There are idiots in all walks of life and unfortunately there will always be hecklers at these type of events. Security would no doubt have removed him and that would have been the end of it.

But instead all those people, some of whom no doubt paid for flights, hotels, time off work etc etc, got to see a 25 minute performance.

Ok, so they have the chance to see him for free in Kraków, but not everyone who paid to see him in Warsaw will necessarily be able to attend.

Diva like behaviour in my book and he's had a habit of walking off stage many times before...........
OP jon357  72 | 23529  
24 Nov 2014 /  #5
I would have expected him to behave like the professional he's supposed to be and carried on.

I think so too.

But instead all those people, some of whom no doubt paid for flights, hotels, time off work etc etc, got to see a 25 minute performance

Exactly - given the average wages in PL, some people would have made sacrifices to get a ticket.

there will always be hecklers at these type of events. Security would no doubt have removed him

It's partly what the security are for.
24 Nov 2014 /  #6
given the average wages in PL, some people would have made sacrifices to get a ticket.

Yep, I'm sure many people would have had to save hard for the price of the tickets and it's the fans that got him where he is in the first place. But let's just let them all down for the sake of one idiot.........

Totally unprofessional behaviour.
People in all sorts of professions are sometimes subject to abuse from members of the public, nurses working in casualty departments for example, and of course this is totally unacceptable too, but I doubt very much if they would just leave and walk out for the remainder of their shift. And in comparison with what Morrissey earns, they're on peanuts.

He obviously hasn't got the British mentality of ' Keep calm and carry on' ;)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 Nov 2014 /  #7
I'n no fan of the guy and wouldn't pay good money to see him, but can he be blamed for this?

Assuming the abuse was from a non native English speaker but in English, if I were Morrissey I'd have gone all Little Britain on him and pretended I didn't understand what he was saying and shown him up like that. (See Little Britain -- Fatfighters and the Indian lady at meetings)

I definitely wouldn't have walked off and punished all the majority of good people who paid to see my show.

I'm not sure why the security people didn't eject the numpty. Surely said numpty was not in a large group, so what's the problem? A path can be cleared to eject a numpty, no problem, even if he does kick off as he's ejected. He was probably intoxicated anyway so would have been quite easy to subdue and the worst would probably have just been that silly raucous roar-like scream they do when they're taken down. I'd certainly think that's far preferable to cancelling it.

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