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Have you moved from Australia to Poland? please share your opinion...

11 Feb 2015 /  #31
Read at the top its discounted fee one you mentioned is full fee but if you ask they discount it.

No, it is not a 5% discount 'if you ask'. It is a 5% discount available to those who pay the entire year's fees in full at least a week before the start of the first semester. The full fees are 32,300 + 24,300 + 24,300, which equals more than 80,000.
pigsy  7 | 304  
11 Feb 2015 /  #32
No, it is not a 5% discount 'if you ask'

It is a 5% discount available to those who pay the entire year's fees in full at least a week before the start of the first semester

It is still a discount.
11 Feb 2015 /  #33
what is your opinion about Polish Ukrainian situation?

What Polish-Ukrainian situation? Polish-Ukrainian relations are very good.

It is still a discount.

It's a discount only available to those who have 76,850zl available in immediately available funds before the school year (which would count out those who base their choice of cafe/restaurant on the availability of free refills) and does not change the fact that the full fees are are 32,300 + 24,300 + 24,300, which equals more than 80,000.

And even with that said, 76,850zl per year per kid is a fairly significant chunk of cash for somebody to consider when deciding whether to move to Poland.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
11 Feb 2015 /  #34
what is your opinion about Polish Ukrainian situation? What are the views within the Polish comunity?

What does it have to do with the main topic?
11 Feb 2015 /  #35
I'd imagine she could be concerned about moving to a region which might be about to become a war zone (not that it is going to become one).
Roger5  1 | 1432  
11 Feb 2015 /  #36
What are the views within the Polish comunity?

The more irresponsible sectors of the Polish media, i.e. all of it, have at one time or another in the past year raised the spectre of Russian aggression against Poland. Poland is, however, part of NATO, and as such, an attack on one member is an attack on all members. Putin may be a lot of things, including a gangster, but he is not a fool.

Sorry. Posted in wrong place.
ew27  1 | 18  
12 Feb 2015 /  #37
Yes Harry, thats what I was thinking about. Its the only think thats putting me off with moving to Poland. I live in Australia and we dont get things like the Ukrainian situation thats happening near this country. Would just like to hear your opinion about this situation, weather it has any effect on people in Poland or the future.

So is the Government doing anything about this to put Peace in the region? or is it just the media thats putting it out of proportion.
Marsupial  - | 871  
12 Feb 2015 /  #38
Definately the language is the key.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
12 Feb 2015 /  #39
Yes Harry, thats what I was thinking about. Its the only think thats putting me off with moving to Poland. I live in Australia and we dont get things like the Ukrainian situation thats happening near this country. Would just like to hear your opinion about this situation, weather it has any effect on people in Poland or the future.

Hi ew, in my opinion, there is no threat in this conflict spilling anywhere beyond the borders of the Donbass region (eastern Ukraine). We have had similar conflicts in Europe in the past 25 years and they remained local conflicts. For example in Moldova, when pro-Russia separatists fought for independence of "Transnistria" from Moldova. Since the conflict, it has been relatively quiet in that region and the neighbouring countries were not affected. I would assume that the conflict in Donbass ends very similar.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Feb 2015 /  #40
So is the Government doing anything about this to put Peace in the region?

I agree with JollyRomek. Chances of Russian-Ukrainian conflict to seriously affect Poland are rather small. You can see that this is a general perception, because people and capital are not fleeing Poland. If they were thinking that there is a big risk, then PLN would be going down to EUR, because everybody would try to sell what they have in Poland.

Polish government cannot do much about this conflict, because Poland is too small. But French and Germans are trying to make a peace. For example yesterday night:

MIPK  - | 69  
12 Feb 2015 /  #41
Hi Ew, my 2 cents worth if it helps. I moved from Perth, WA to Rzeszow 4.5 years ago, thought it would just be for 6 months to a year but ended up staying. Firstly with the Ukrainian thing no one here seems that concerned about it reaching here though the local news has been questioning whether the conflict will change/affect investment in the area but I don't think it will ever escalate to really affecting anything. Currently in Rzeszow there's quite a lot of building going on especially apartments and further on the outskirts of town grouped dwellings, though many are staying empty for quite some time. There's also a number of other apartment projects from what I see that are almost ready to start in the next year or so. What I see a lack of more than the building side of things is the interior fit out side of things & decent trades people, cabinetmakers seem to be in demand but then wages are pretty much so low that anyone of any skill leaves town and goes elsewhere. And I guess that's the plus and minus of living in the east in that the costs of things are generally a bit lower but wages are pretty low too. You do miss the beach though but Solina lake & the one near Tarnobrzeg are not too far away if you do have a craving to see water and there is the little quarry out the outside of town that has a 'beach'/bit of sand. Hardest thing to get used to in my opinion is the slight differences in culture but if you have a Polish background then these would be not so hard for you. I dont regret moving at all, I like the quieter life here, the relatively safeness of the place (you see really young kids here walking themselves to school & back etc. can't remember last time I saw that in Oz!) and if I can keep my work going I don't see myself returning to Australia anytime soon, except for the odd holiday :) If you have any other questions about the area let me know.
ew27  1 | 18  
13 Feb 2015 /  #42
Thank You Mipk, I do appriciate your oppinion. Glad to hear that you are enjoying Rzeszow.
7 May 2015 /  #43
I have lived in Australia all my life but my work is expanding into Poland, hopefully one day soon i will be able to go there and see its beauty!

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