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Irish girl to move to Poland. Is it dangerous (beauty therapist)

rebeccazietal  1 | -  
2 Jan 2009 /  #1
how dangerous for an irsh girl to move to poland with her polish boyfriend?? and is there much work for beauty therapist
2 Jan 2009 /  #3
and is there much work for beauty therapist

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Jan 2009 /  #4
and is there much work for beauty therapist

Hmm... If you don't know Polish then It may be difficult...

btw change your gender, you are a male now...
agusta2  - | 1  
5 Jan 2009 /  #5
you could work as a teacher...
btw where are you going?
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
5 Jan 2009 /  #6
"Is it dangerous?" What are you scared of?
WooPee  1 | 124  
5 Jan 2009 /  #7
I've been living in Ireland as well as in Poland so know few differences. If you wanna talk, just mail me some email, msn or something.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jan 2009 /  #8
and is there much work for beauty therapist

Polish girls do not need beauty therapy in general.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
7 Jan 2009 /  #9
"Is it dangerous?" What are you scared of?

Scarey hairy marys?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jan 2009 /  #11
Hello rebeccazietal,
And welcome to the Polish forum.
Where in Poland are you thinking of going?.

and is there much work for beauty therapist

I honestly don't know, I would suggest getting a TEFL (teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate before you come over, so you have the option of teaching English.

As for How dangerous for an Irish girl? You should relax, they only eat Irish on months that begin with the letter "A".

Best of luck,
From an irish guy living in Poland.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2009 /  #12
how dangerous for an irsh girl to move to poland

Its not dangerous at all unless you consider beggars life threatening
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jan 2009 /  #13
One came up to me in KFC in Poznań Głowny and told me that she was hungry and wanted money. I told her with the straightest face possible that I was hungry too...with a mouthful of chicken in my mouth :)
Siegfried  1 | 100  
9 Jan 2009 /  #14
dont start fights in pubs - you irish people are famous for it! We will keep an eye on you ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Jan 2009 /  #15
When the English drink they want to fight.
When the Irish drink we want to sing!.

(I'd be surprised if i don't get bashed for that, ha ha ha)
Siegfried  1 | 100  
9 Jan 2009 /  #16
have you ever seen poles in small town pub? party without a fight is not a party!
and next day (sunday) everyone goes to church together ;)

similiar thing here in London / Acton - saturday night, drunk poles starting fights, vomiting on pavements, next day polish church full :D
Joker  2 | 2425  
9 Jan 2009 /  #17
similiar thing here in London / Acton - saturday night, drunk poles starting fights, vomiting on pavements, next day polish church full :D

Is that why you guys have bad crooked, missing teeth?
And all this time I though it was lack of pasta do zębów:)
Siegfried  1 | 100  
9 Jan 2009 /  #18
well, I have one crooked tooth, and yes, that's the reason ;]
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jan 2009 /  #19
When the English drink they want to fight.
When the Irish drink we want to sing!.

Are you as bad as the Scots in terms of singing about how much you miss your homeland, even while in a pub in the middle of the homeland? :D

I made a terrible mistake once. I was working as a 'promotions supervisor' (read : supervise people handing out flyers) and thought it would be funny to take some of the leaflets and pretend to be Irish. Next thing, two hideously ugly women grabbed me and told me how much they love Ireland and how they love Irish accents and Irish men.

I've never impersonated an Irishman again :/
Siegfried  1 | 100  
9 Jan 2009 /  #20
Are you as bad as the Scots in terms of singing about how much you miss your homeland, even while in a pub in the middle of the homeland? :D

LOL, brilliant one
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
9 Jan 2009 /  #21
singing about how much you miss your homeland, even while in a pub in the middle of the homeland

how true heheheheheheh
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Jan 2009 /  #22
Are you as bad as the Scots in terms of singing about how much you miss your homeland, even while in a pub in the middle of the homeland? :D

I would say worse, much much worse
ha ha ha
It's funny because it is true :)
When this Irish beauty therapist comes over here she will be doing the same :)

Next thing, two hideously ugly women grabbed me and told me how much they love Ireland and how they love Irish accents and Irish men.

That only happens to impersonators, unfortunately ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jan 2009 /  #23
Oh come on, we sing about being in Scotland before someone else, even when we're already there!
sapphire  22 | 1241  
9 Jan 2009 /  #24
I think if you open a tanning salon you should do well.
jesse23  - | 21  
9 Jan 2009 /  #25
i'm an English native and i have moved here with my polish bf 6 months ago and i have had no problems people here are friendly and nice and i was surprised that a lot of polish knew a little English if i ever needed help of course i'm not saying there are no faults as we all have different experiences but just not 2 worry about moving here enjoy it. i'm teaching English here for the first time ever and i actually enjoy it.

Peace and take care
time means  5 | 1309  
9 Jan 2009 /  #26
teaching English here for the first time ever and i actually enjoy it.

did you do TEFL and have no previous experience?
jesse23  - | 21  
9 Jan 2009 /  #27
nope i didn't do the TEFL and no experience but i work with a school and also private but it is mainly just conversation and with the school i have books to follow obviously if i had experience with the TEFL i would earn more money but iam doing fine as i am and the people i teach are happy with me : )

time means  5 | 1309  
9 Jan 2009 /  #28
i teach are happy with me : )

excellent, and in wroclaw as well, i know it quite well.
jesse23  - | 21  
9 Jan 2009 /  #29
I love this city people are friendly here and always something new to explore

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