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"Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 Dec 2007 /  #61
Such a test is expensive, isn't it....

They even aestablished a nice city there and called it Berlin :)

Tja...since Poles don't regard the inhabitants much (Danzig) why not claim it and throw the citizens out?

But be warned, Berlin is "poor but sexy"...but still poor...
Polson  5 | 1767  
22 Dec 2007 /  #62
Such a test is expensive, isn't it....

Yeah pretty expensive...actually, it can be very expensive, depending on the tests...

z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Dec 2007 /  #63
Such a test is expensive, isn't it....

Try with this one. It's only about $100.
But beware! It may conclude you are a Tutsi or Hutu :)

Polson  5 | 1767  
22 Dec 2007 /  #64
Genographic Project, yep, know this one ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 Dec 2007 /  #65
But beware! It may conclude you are a Tutsi or Hutu :)

You mean I would need a new ava? With a machete this time??? :)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Dec 2007 /  #66
Forget machetes. These came with more advanced civilization ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Dec 2007 /  #67
Map of central Europe 919-1125

Central Europe
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 Dec 2007 /  #68
Hmmm....could be interested...on such a DNA test!

Map of central Europe 919-1125

Yeah...from the moment they came to Europe the history is clear but I would like to know what happened before that.
But there is no clear teaching on that, or is there?

I mean we Germanics stem all from the same corner in Scandinavia....but the Slavs?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Dec 2007 /  #69
I mean we Germanics stem all from the same corner in Scandinavia....but the Slavs?

Things are not as clear cut as you would might wish. The most often accepted take is that we all (Germanic and Slac and others) do come from the same area around western Ukraine. We were not different from the outset. We changed and drifted apart.

Look for info about Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE). There is a lot of information so I am not giving you any particular links. I know you can do your own googling.

Pay special attention to linguistics of PIE. It reveals a lot and shows common roots. Very fascinating topic.
Polson  5 | 1767  
22 Dec 2007 /  #70
could be interested...on such a DNA test

The problem about Genographic Project tests is that they trace our far, far ancestors, several ten thousand years. Our closer ancestors may not be taken into account...

Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE)

linguistics of PIE. It reveals a lot and shows common roots. Very fascinating topic

I agree :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 Dec 2007 /  #71
Things are not as clear cut as you would might wish. The most often accepted take is that we all (Germanic and Slac and others) do come from the same area around western Ukraine. We were not different from the outset. We changed and drifted apart.

If you go even further back are we all Africans.

But the teachings here are still that the Germanics originated in Southern Scandinavia...I will leave it at that.

For example (in german TV): weltderwunder.rtl2.de/archiv/2001/10/wdw/Mensch/Mythos/Germanen/KriegsbeilundHandel/index.html

"...Die Urheimat der Germanen liegt im norddeutschen und südskandinavischen Raum. Von dort breiteten sie sich ab ungefähr 1100 v. Chr. nach Süden und Südosten aus. Drei große Gruppen lassen sich in der Folge unterscheiden: die in Skandinavien verbliebenen Nordgermanen, die östlich der Elbe siedelnden Ostgermanen und die Westgermanen in den Gebieten um Rhein, Weser, Elbe und Nordsee. Sie umfassten zahlreiche Einzelstämme, wie zum Beispiel: Cherusker, Sweben, Angeln, Sachsen, Markomannen, Goten oder Friesen...."



"...The Proto-Indo-Europeans are a hypothetical group of people whose existence from around 4000 BCE is inferred from their language, Proto-Indo-European. The genetic phenotypes associated with the group are unknown."

Do you mean that? Lot's of "hypothetical" I think....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 Dec 2007 /  #72
Some recent DNA studies say that proto-Slavs orginated 10 thousand years ago in Southern Europe, in more modern times Slavs lived either in central/eastern Ukraine or in western Ukraine/eastern Poland and next were moving to the west, south and east.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Dec 2007 /  #73
Do you mean that? Lot's of "hypothetical" I think....

Of course there is a lot hypothetical material. The issue though, I thought, were the prehisotric times. It;s easy to say now that Germans come from (roughly) what is now occupied by Germanic peoples.

Linguistics is one aspect only, but while the Genetics of PIE is largely unknown (understandably, if we mean a hypothetical group of people) the commonalities of some genetic traits is strikingly similar, and unusually high, at times as high as 80%.

Linguistics in itslef is only a part of the story. In this regards semantics comes to play. Who do we regard a representative of a given nation? A person who has been its part for generations? How many generations? A person who was born in an area? One who accepted and took as his own a culture, language and customs?

This is signifficant, especially when you consider that there has been a lot of mixing in the last few millenia due to migrations, and often the invader imposed the language upon those invaded (see England, Prussia, Nort and South America).
osiol  55 | 3921  
22 Dec 2007 /  #74
I get the impression that many British people who claim not to be European are simply ignoring the huge variety amongst different European cultures that makes us all unique, as well as the many things that we have in common. I'm English, British, European, human (read donkey for that last one if it makes you happy), mammal, vertebrate, animal, living organism, etc. all at the same time.
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Dec 2007 /  #75
DNA,anthropologic measurements,linguistics,all point to the same distinctions.Slavs are not Germans.
Michal  - | 1865  
22 Dec 2007 /  #76
Slavs are not Germans.

No, they are clearly not and are, on the whole, the Germans are much cleaner too!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
23 Dec 2007 /  #77
But beware! It may conclude you are a Tutsi or Hutu :)

Very unlikely as these distinctions were artificialy created by the Belgiun colonists.....so unfortunatly this just uncovers an underlyng streak of racism in many europeans highlighted by ;

Forget machetes. These came with more advanced civilization ;)

Yes,sold on the cheap by western "civilisation",as were the ex warsaw pact AK 47s also used.

BTW, not saying you yourself are a "rascist" or anything....

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